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by Aparna Acharekar on Aug 11, 2023

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commented 248 days ago


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Workoutscommented 249 days ago


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commented 249 days ago


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*من بين أنماط التواصل،التواصل السلبي وده يعني:- -صوتك منخفض ومتردد . -بتبصي في الأرض وانتي بتتكلمي . -مش بتقدري تعبري عن مشاعرك وافكارك. -مش بتقدري تطلبي حاجه من حد . -مش بتعرفي تقولي لأ لحد او ترفضي لحد طلب . *خليكي فاكره ان التواصل السلبي بيخللي اللي قدامك :- -مش فاهمينك . -مش عارفين يتعاملو معاكي . -وفي بعضهم هيستغلوكي وييجو علي مشاعرك واحتياجاتك . يا تري بتستخدمي أي نمط للتواصل مع اللي حواليكي؟!
في مجموعة من الخطوات عشان نوصل لنمط التواصل الصحي بعد ما نعرف ليه بنتواصل بشكل سلبي، تابعيني في ال Live بتاعي (كل يوم من السبت للخميس -صباحاً من ٩.٣٠ ل٢.٠٠ ،وليلاً من ١١.٠٠ل١.٠٠ )هتكلم عن أنماط التواصل وهنتدرب عملياً علي مهارات التواصل الصحي.
طيب نتغلب ازاي على المشكلة دي 🥹
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🌟"Character Counts"🌟 🌈Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.... Famous quote by. .John Wooden What does this mean..... Success often begins with our talents and abilities. These are the skills that get us noticed, earn us promotions, and help us achieve our goals. However, reaching the top is just one part of the journey. Staying there is another story entirely.It’s easy to focus on developing our capabilities, constantly striving to be the best at what we do. We often overlook the fact that it’s not just ability that matters in the long run. Character—the way we treat others, how we handle challenges, and the values we live by—is what truly defines us. Imagine someone with incredible talent but poor character. Their success may be short-lived because, eventually, people see through the facade. On the other hand, someone who leads with integrity, treats others with respect, and stands by their principles, even in tough times, earns lasting respect and trust. That’s the kind of success that endures. So, while it’s important to hone your skills and continue growing professionally, never forget to nurture your character. It’s the foundation that will support your achievements, keep you grounded, and help you navigate the inevitable ups and downs of life. #SuccessJourney #CharacterOverTalent #LeadershipWithIntegrity #LongTermSuccess #ValuesDriven #StayGrounded #LeadByExample #PersonalGrowth #InnerStrength #MindsetAndCharacter
Trending iconTop discussion please let me know if you are hiring for any kind of fresher's role.We will surely discuss it further.
We are hiring people for work from home opportunity in wellness industry with handsome earnings training will pe provided online contact 7020545193
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Öz Şefkat Alıştırması Arkadaşıma Karşı Nasıl Davranırım ? Gözleriniz kapatın ve bir an için şunları düşünün : Kendinizi çok iyi hissettiğiniz bir anda yakın bir arkadaşınızın bir zorluk/ aksilik yaşadığını, kendini başarısız/ yetersiz hissettiğini düşünün. Arkadaşınıza nasıl yaklaşırsınız ? Neler söylersiniz ? Nasıl bir ses tonu kullanırsınız ? Duruşunuz nasıl olur? Yazın lütfen cânım kadınlar. Sonra aynı durumda sizin olduğunuzu düşünün. Kendinize karşı nasıldınız? Bunları da yazın lütfen . Herhangi bir fark var mı ? Varsa nelerdi, bunları da yazın rica ediyorum. İşte öz şefkat özü itibariyle kendimize, arkadaşımıza davrandığımız gibi davranmayı temel alır. Nezaket, farkındalık ve destek temelli ilerler. #terapi #uygulama #özşefkat
Bir illüstrasyon vardı; birisi karşısındakinin derdini dinledikçe dertleniyor, dert anlatan rahatlıyordu. Eğer bu şekilde derdini anlatan kişi toksik ise ben maalesef o kişiden kaçıyorum😞 gerçekten bu zor dünyada, kendi mental sağlığımı zar zor ayakta tutuyorken başkasının negatif enerjisi bana hiç iyi gelmiyor😞 Ama bazı arkadaşlar var ki; derdini anlatır, yorumunu yapar, arada kahkahasını atar, dert dinler, günün sonunda dertlerimizle nasıl başa çıkabileceğimizi bulup o masadan kalkarız, işte bence asıl gerçek dost odur💜 (benim için @sevdadiker 🥹🩷) ben artık maalesef bu konuda seçici davranıyorum🥹
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Hi! Are you a quiet an introvert who didn’t go to the right schools and didn’t meet the right people?? 👍🏿You know what, you are simply out of luck, while you know you are a great performer, yes? 🙂 👍🏿This isn’t just true of personalities but of functions too – the mechanical engineer who refines his web UX design every moment he gets or the marketing maverick who spends her free time building code. 👍🏿So often, we take on the rigidity of our formal titles that we forget we’re not just “Steve the engineer” or “Gina the marketer” but we are the unique combination of personality, performance, and skills as gained through our education, experience and various other exposure points. 👍🏿We can’t see what we don’t measure, and we don’t measure beyond expected paper value. 👍🏿Ultimately, visibility is a data problem. What do you think? 👍🏿Let's talk one on one to get your visibility going, especially if you are that quite introvert and a super performer. 🙌🏿 For more, pls see Let's talk.. Your Visibility Coach Preetha
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*WE ARE HIRING* Hi I'm soudamini Mohanty from Odisha providing ,Online work through social media 📱📲 Experienced /fresher Students/House wife (Part time or full time) Limited seats Income :- Minimum 7k to 30k( depends upon work) No Recruitment Charges No Training Fee..... Kindly Drop..... Your name- Qualification- City- Age- Contact number...... ( for more information)
Anagha Dhupe B-com Age-53 9810787163 Delhi(ncr)
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*WE ARE HIRING* Hi I'm soudamini Mohanty from Odisha providing ,Online work through social media 📱📲 Experienced /fresher Students/House wife (Part time or full time) Limited seats Income :- Minimum 7k to 30k( depends upon work) No Recruitment Charges No Training Fee..... Kindly Drop..... Your name- Qualification- City- Age- Contact number...... ( for more information)

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