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by Jyothi on Oct 5, 2022

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Hey there, I'm Preetha Balakrishnan, PCC-ICF, and I'm all about helping women step into the spotlight effortlessly. As a Women's Metamorphosis Coach, I've dedicated myself to ensuring women's visibility and empowering them to reach their full potential. I've had the honor of sharing my insights as a TEDx Speaker and being recognized as a SuperSpeaker Top 250 awardee. My journey has also led me to become an Amazon #1 Best Selling Author for my book, "21 Days - Self-Reliance Challenge," where I delve into strategies for fostering self-reliance and empowerment. Through my coaching practice, I combine motivational speaking with personalized coaching techniques to guide women through a transformative journey. My goal is to help them break through barriers, embrace their inner confidence, and thrive in both their personal and professional lives. Whether I'm on stage inspiring audiences or working one-on-one with clients, my mission remains the same: to empower women to embrace their authenticity, amplify their voices, and shine brightly in every aspect of their lives. So, are you ready to step into your spotlight? Let's embark on this journey together!

🏁 Coaching
Holistic Coaching
Life Coaching
Leadership and Performance

Hi! Are you a quiet an introvert who didn’t go to the right schools and didn’t meet the right people?? 👍🏿You know what, you are simply out of luck, while you know you are a great performer, yes? 🙂 👍🏿This isn’t just true of personalities but of functions too – the mechanical engineer who refines his web UX design every moment he gets or the marketing maverick who spends her free time building code. 👍🏿So often, we take on the rigidity of our formal titles that we forget we’re not just “Steve the engineer” or “Gina the marketer” but we are the unique combination of personality, performance, and skills as gained through our education, experience and various other exposure points. 👍🏿We can’t see what we don’t measure, and we don’t measure beyond expected paper value. 👍🏿Ultimately, visibility is a data problem. What do you think? 👍🏿Let's talk one on one to get your visibility going, especially if you are that quite introvert and a super performer. 🙌🏿 For more, pls see Let's talk.. Your Visibility Coach Preetha

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commented 79 days ago


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What are you waiting for... Take the first step today!!!! #changestartswithyou #makinggoalshappen #goalsetting #Start
Yes I also work on my dream. My dream is to explore different countries. I like to travel different countries. for that I work hard .........
This is so true. Now that I can see my one dream of buying my own little nest (however small it may be), I can feel how hard I actually have worked for it. And I am also reminded of the fact with regard to how I need to keep working to realise my other dreams.
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ok so this is my first post here, I m happy to be a part of this community where I can connect with women excelling in different fields. I hope I can be helpful in some way and get lots of motivation from you guys. love to all
Welcome to YOUR own space girl💕. If you have a scope of adding more love, happiness , success and satisfaction in life.. nothing better than COTO. I have lived it.. So can vouch for this anytime Ali the time. 😊
Welcome here🤗
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we women #proud #personality
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I want to quit my job and start something of my own, how to have that confidence?
Answer yourself why you want to quit the job. Then make a roadmap of at least 6 months to 1 year. In this focus on; - savings to live life without any earnings at least for 1 year as a contingency fund - identify your self improvement areas and work on it, if required take professional help - Be greatful for current job which is providing you resources to work on first 2 points - Identify your passion, is another business is your passion? Check that - Check the possibility of doing parallel work - Reflect on your current time management skill -most important take care of your physical body which is a vehicle for anything you do. thank you and lots of wishes for your dreams.
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business benefits if you start it
You can become your own boss, give chance to people around and earn money
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Kitap Önerisi: Outliers Kitap Okumayı Seven Coto Kadınları, Bugün size “Outliers” yani “Çizginin Dışındakiler” kitabından bahsetmek istiyorum. Kitap başarılı insanların başarılarının sırlarından bahsediyor. Sadece sayısal zekanın yeterli olmadığını, insan ilişkilerinin yani kişilerarası zeka tipinin de başarıya ulaşmada ne kadar önemli olduğunu bu kitapta göreceksiniz. Başarının kurallarını, ailenin önemini, doğduğumuz dönemin başarı üzerindeki etkisini ve sizi şaşırtacak birçok bilgiyi bu kitapta bulabilirsiniz. Keyifli okumalar. #kitapönerisi #outliers #çizginindışındakiler #bilgi #farkındalık #psikoloji #psikolog
Okudum ben eveet çok guzeldi
kaydettim😍ismi çok güzel🥰
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2024 is the year of taking ACTION on your dreams🌟 Apply for the job. Post the content. Write the book. Sign up for the course. Even if you feel like you aren't qualified or won't succeed. All you have to do is START. You'll make mistakes, learn, improve and grow along the way. Your dreams are worth chasing.🧚 #takeaction #startwhereyouare #midweekmotivation #coachlife content courtesy : Karina Glennon
100% true. Thank you very much for sharing.
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Do not give up!!! You should never give up because you have the power to make your dreams come true. By believing in your dreams and taking action to achieve them, you are doing the best you can to set yourself up for success and reach the place you want to be. #dontgiveup #dontgiveuponyourself #growthmindset #believe
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Do not give up!!! You should never give up because you have the power to make your dreams come true. By believing in your dreams and taking action to achieve them, you are doing the best you can to set yourself up for success and reach the place you want to be. #dontgiveup #dontgiveuponyourself #growthmindset #believe
But sometimes it's very hard to start again😭😭

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