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by cotocrew on Oct 30, 2022

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@Meri Marzi’s Mona Singh and @Rashionality were tom boys growing up. What about you? Share it in the comments! 💜

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commented 63 days ago

btao kya kaam Krna hoga

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Personalized Diet for PCOScommented 107 days ago

Hello Are you looking for a work from home opportunity. if yes DM me

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As a mom of a daughter, my heart is constantly burdened with worry. The world should be a safe place for her, yet the harsh reality tells a different story. This post is for every mother who shares my fears, and for every soul who believes in creating a world where our daughters can live without fear. It’s time to stand together, speak up, and fight for their safety. 🌍✨ #thehappymommie #thehappysiblingz #GirlMom #EndTheViolence #ProtectOurGirls #MotherhoodWorries #JusticeForWomen #rgkar #rgkarmedicalcollege #rgkarhospital #justiceformoumita #stopviolenceagainstwomen
This is a really beautiful feeling. but the question is what are we going to do about it? I have realised and worked a few things out for all us women, mother's, daughters, grand mothers, aunts, teachers... all of us can do and make a huge change. Connect if you want to take the first step. Much love 🙏
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أنتم عارفين انى أم زيكم ؟ عندى طفلين 😍 ولدت الاثنين قيصرى وًرضعت الاثنين و بعد بنتى كرهت شكلى فى المرايه و قررت أغير شكلى بايدى و ده كان نتيجه ٦ سنين تمرين فى الچيم من ٤-٦ مرات فى الأسبوع
عاااش بجد ما شاء الله عليكي👏🏻❤️❤️
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تعالى اقولك تدمرى أولادك ازاى ؟ #relationships #relationshipadvice #psychotherapyworks #coaching #wellness #womenwellness
صح جدا يا دكتور 👏🏻💯
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عندك روتين في بيتك و لا لسة؟؟
عندك حق
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hi This is my first post or communication on Coto. I am Anuja A Nutrition Professor cum Researcher @ Symbiosis Skills and Professional University, Pune Me and my student are collecting information about Mothers knowledge regarding food labels and correlating it with their 8-12 year daughters' weight,body height and waist circumference changes. For this we need to some information from the mother and a very small piece of information from your daughters too. kindly check the links for you N your daughter. Requesting you to fill both the links individually by which I mean , trust your daughter and let her fill the form on her own. Below is my students message and consent for conducting the study. Hello, I am Vrutti Jain, studying in Symbiosis Skills and Professional University currently pursuing MSc in Nutritional Science and Dietetics. I'm currently working on my thesis, and it focuses on the "Mother's Knowledge for Packaged and Labelled Snacks and its association with Weight for Height and Waist measurements of 8-12 year old girls". I would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill out my questionnaire. Your input would be incredibly valuable to my research. Thank you so much for your support. Google form link for mothers https://forms.gle/QNCwwi7WFkes9nkY7 Google form link for daughters: https://forms.gle/FXyi21275478nRtq5
wonderful initiative, will sure take the survey
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When its a babies day out
Hi I am interested please share the details
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You will get there!! When you take one step at a time, no matter how small, you eventually make progress. Success works the same way. You don't have to do everything all at once. Instead, focus on taking small, manageable steps toward your goals. This deliberate approach not only prevents burnout but also ensures that each step we take is purposeful and meaningful. Taking life one step at a time is about making deliberate and informed choices that contribute to long-term success. #Onestepatatime #ProgressNotPerfection #KeepMovingForward #SlowAndSteady #JourneyToSuccess #SmallWins #PersonalGrowth #MotivationMonday #StayFocused #BelieveInYourself #PatienceIsKey #DailyProgress #LifeGoals #AchievementUnlocked
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Hey everyone, Imagine a mother pondering over the perfect gift for her daughter in 2023, wanting to encapsulate their shared journey in something truly special. What could be more heartfelt than a personalized time capsule, meticulously filled with tokens of their love, growth, and cherished moments? From handwritten letters expressing maternal wisdom to trinkets symbolizing milestones and inside jokes, each item is a testament to their unique bond. It's not just a gift; it's a journey through time, wrapped in love and nostalgia, awaiting the moment her daughter opens it to reveal the depth of their connection. So, what might the hottest gift from a mother to her daughter in 2023 truly be?
I think you answered the question yourself the hottest thing to gift is always the most personal thing you can give her. A handwritten note, her favourite meal or something from your memories will all be amazing
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I went back to work after having a baby, and I feel guilty about not being there for them all the time. How can I cope with mom guilt?
I understand how challenging it can be to balance work and motherhood, especially when feelings of guilt arise. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Many parents have faced similar struggles and found ways to cope. First, let go of the guilt. Your decision to work is a reflection of your dedication to providing for your family. Seek support from other moms who understand your situation and can offer guidance. Build a strong support network of friends, family, and coworkers who can provide practical assistance and emotional support. Take care of yourself, both mentally and physically, and cherish the quality time you have with your child. You're doing an incredible job, and it's okay to ask for help when you need it. Give yourself grace and know that you're doing what's best for your family.
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Patience ✨✨✨ #thecrown #patience #worthit #worththewait #mindsetcoaching
That's so true...patience builds you better to receive the gift ❤️💕💯

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