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by elisaindo on Sep 17, 2023

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Kamu lagi cari kampus untuk kuliah di luar negeri? Persiapkan diri kamu dengan tips-tips di komunitas ini! 🎓

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Apa tantangan terberat berkuliah di luar negeri?

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answered 100 days ago

Salah satu tantangan terberat berkuliah di luar negeri adalah beradaptasi dengan budaya, bahasa, dan sistem pendidikan yang baru. Proses adaptasi ini bisa memakan waktu dan energi.

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answered 100 days ago

Menguasai bahasa setempat

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Hey @Quotes4U 😀😀😀Discover breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cultures, and unforgettable adventures - your dream destinations await, just a ticket away!
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Hi! This is created by you! Just let that guilt go! If they are your good friends and you explain why you did not keep in touch, they should understand. Infact it's a good way of assessing your friends! If you give too much attention to your guilt, it will create more of that, if not you look at communicating clearly yo them, keeping a positive frame of mind, it should get sorted. Go for it! Tc, Preetha Your coach

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