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by SoulTherapyWithHarleenBagga on Oct 4, 2022

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Take a journey with me to unlock your true potential. To find who you are, build yourself in your most pristine form. Take a deep dive with me to understand your behaviors and attitudes, learn to control your thoughts. Build self confidence, clarity and learn to communicate succinctly. Create the building blocks of self awareness, learning and development. Learn to listen to your instincts and find uninhibited growth. Learn to create goals and achieve the same unabashed. Learn to understand yourself in the context of your relationships, personal and professional. Find how to center yourself and deal with undue stress and anxiety. Contact me for behavioral therapy, counseling, wellness coaching or just mentoring to get where you want to be. For positive thoughts, inspiration, mindfulness, life's hacks and tips, subscribe Facebook/ Instagram/ YouTube @soultherapywithharleenbagga Format includes counseling, therapy, coaching, mentoring, couple /family counseling. Skill development for both personal and team. Executive & leadership coaching. Mid-level managers to senior management. Subscribe @ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SoulTherapywithHarleenBagga YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/SoulTherapywithHarleenBagga Instagram https://www.instagram.com/soultherapywithharleenbagga/ Website https://www.harleenbagga.com Author to "Why Relationships Fail? Tips to make connections that last." https://amzn.eu/d/4LRZHLh

🏁 Coaching
Life Coaching
Personality development

I seem to get irritated quite often these days. Someone tells me to do something i get irritated. Someone tells me something i get irritated. And I start shouting and I feel beating the shit out of them. I am aware of this pattern of mine and I want to change it. How can I?? Any suggestions?? @SoulTherapyWithHarleenBagga #mentalhealth #angerissues #trending #cotocommunity #khulkebolo

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answered 124 days ago

Try to understand the cause for it. maybe something is bothering you. Take Therapy

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Hello,You can help yourself when you acknowledge the problem if you feel it effects your life.You can take professional help to understand the things in better way.
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When you earn your own income. then you will feel independent. share your qualification in my WhatsApp number for work from home opportunity+919435110521
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Hati-hati kalau orang yang jarang marah terus tiba-tiba marah, biasanya ledakannya lebih besar.
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