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by Kavya_r on Jun 20, 2023

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Our overall mental health community is dedicated to creating a safe and inclusive space where individuals can come together to support, inspire, and uplift one another. We strive to foster a sense of belonging and understanding while promoting mental well-being, resilience, and personal growth.

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Grief Counselling

It feels like everyone expects me to be this perfect version of a woman, but that's just not me! How do I find my own identity, separate from all the pressures and expectations society throws at us? Is it possible to be myself and still be a strong, independent woman? Ifeel like who i really am?

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Cyber Lawsanswered 27 days ago

Hello Yes it is completely possible to be you and still have that confidence. Embrace inner you gracefully without any fear , your confidence will answer it all . All the best 🌸

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Feminism: breaking barriers, shattering stereotypes, and empowering women to redefine their place in a bold and inclusive world hdjns @Queen Bees 🐝 @Ramiya
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Eco-feminism: A powerful intersectional movement forging a symbiotic relationship between women's empowerment and environmental sustainability, recognizing that both genders and nature suffer under patriarchal domination. New
this touches two important aspects of today's time
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Feminism is encouraging women to divorce their husbands even if they’re ina a happy marriage. What’s the point of hurting good men? @RC_Mayanka
Feminism is about equal rights and opportunities to both men and women. If a women truly believe in feminism then this happy world is open to you. But women is getting misguided in the name of feminism. They are not hurting a good men by divorcing him, but she is hurting herself in longer run.
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I think Women and men should try to split things as fairly and equally as possible. Neither party should be attempting to deny the other their fair share, or to view the process as an opportunity to punish the other. So what should a women ask for in a divorce? @Relationshipcoachchitkala
Depending on what you need. if it is financial support get that, if something else then that. agreed everything should be equal, but after the divorce think what you would require the most.
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Why are white women more likely to initiate a divorce than any other ethnicity? @RC_Mayanka
It has nothing to do with ethnicity. Divorce is initiated based on individual's Suffering and tolerance level.
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So yesterday I was having conversation with a male friend who said if you guys want to be equal stop taking alimony. It makes sense to me why beg for me? @Nazneen
Really? Seriously? Why do girls have to leave paternal house after marriage? Why do girls have to change their surname? Even if legally she continues with her originsl name why is it considered normal to be addressed as Mrs. XYZ after marriage? Why is she given her husband s surname on even legal documents like PAN card in couch a case. Why do girls have to fight for their name identity to start with. Rest of the things come next. Why is expected and blamed directly on the girl on the first go to make or break a family? Why men are justified just being the earning members?why is sacrifice and adjustments a normal thing for just girls and BIG thing for guys? And kindly inform and educate your male friend equality isn't for physical things. Rise up and stop gaslighting the women. Equality is for the Respect for whatever they are doing. Equality is for mutual support. Equality is for mutual distribution of efforts in keeping the families together. Equality is for mutual Freedom
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When a woman has been married and now divorced, what should she be called now, Ms. or Miss? @RC_Mayanka
Ms. is used generally for unmarried women past 30 years of age.
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Both men and women have gone through emotional abuse yet both are treated differently. Men are supposed to be strong and women are supposed to be weak. What is your take on this difference?
The difference in treatment based on gender when it comes to emotional abuse is unfair. Both men and women experience emotional abuse, and neither should be expected to be strong or weak based on their gender. Everyone deserves support and understanding, regardless of gender.
I don't support this difference. I believe both genders have and feel emotions. we should not judge either of them. Everyone can feel bad and have bad days. It's ok to cry sometimes and let out our emotions
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How true is the stereotype that women secretly hate each other ? I don't agree with it. I mean we may not like some women but that doesn't mean that we hate all women. Do you agree with me ? What are your viewpoints ?
The stereotype that women secretly hate each other is not true. While it's possible for some individuals to not get along with certain women, it doesn't mean they hate all women. Everyone is different, and it's important not to generalize based on stereotypes. I agree with you, and I believe it's more about individual personalities and dynamics rather than a blanket statement about all women.
I completely agree! The notion that women secretly hate each other is baseless. Instead, women often support and empower one another, standing together in solidarity. While we may have disagreements or conflicts with a few individuals, it's unfair to generalize and assume universal animosity among women. It's important to recognize the bonds of sisterhood and mutual respect that prevail among us.

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