sexual problems discussion
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Join for any sexual problems help you need here provide all sexual problems help
I am 21 and I want suggestions about when is it good for my mind and body to engage in sex for me not to regret later?
hi don't warri i suggest you whatsup kro muje
I don't feel like having sex from few months now. Earlier I thought it's a timely thing but now since it's has been 6 months now I'm a bit worried. My partner is very angry with me and he's thinking I'm cheating him. I'm not able to make him understand. What is the reason, Is it normal? @Sexologist_DrKalps
Causes of low Libido can be psychological like stress, depression or relationship issues, some medical conditions like diabetes, hypothyroidism, chronic illness or if you are under certain medications like anti- depressant. Even if you are taking oc pills/ birth control pills for long-term, it can also reduce your desire. First find your reason. If it due to medical reasons, get it treated by doctor. If are not enjoying different from of sex , it becomes bore with time. So do explore different positions, other forms of intimacy like curdling, oral sex, clitoral stimulation etc. Start working on yourself. Change dressing, haircut. Spend special time with each other daily - maybe just a coffee meet. Go on walks, shopping. Take holidays and enjoy with new exploration in sex life. If still no improvement, then Consult a Sexologist for treatment.
Lately I have been feeling some pain while doing sex. It isn't new to me but suddenly I'm feeling pain. I'm very much concerned about my health. What should I do? @Sexologist_DrKalps
Hey! Hope you are doing well. Pain during sex is common and be cause due to various factors: lack of foreplay, lack of lubrication, vaginal dryness, vaginismus, some infection, UTI, injury, etc. make sure you are using a lot of lube and focusing on foreplay to prevent the pain. If the pain continues, see a doctor immediately as there can be an unusual discharge or irritation.
date night was a dud again. Scrolling through social media seeing everyone's "perfect" relationships makes me feel like such a failure. I know I should enjoy intimacy, but honestly, the thought of it makes me anxious. Anyone else struggle with this? @Sexologist_DrKalps
It’s totally normal to feel that way! I completely understand where you are coming from. Social media has a knack for portraying very “perfect” images of people which is unfortunate even though reality is so different. I can also understand intimacy causing anxiety. It’s totally normal. Try not to do anything that you aren’t ready for. As a therapist, I encourage you to try to get in touch with your emotions and re evaluate your values: think about what it is you truly seek from any relationship and journal it. Therapy can certainly help in this aspect 🩵
Ugh, my sex life has been a total desert lately. Friend mentioned a "sexologist" but it sounds so clinical? Are they like a lady gynecologist for sex problems? Starting to think I need to swallow my pride and make an appointment... @docmfrank
No need to swallow your pride dear. We are also doctors.😊 Sexologist will make you comfortable to talk about your sexual problems and help to solve them, they are not going to trouble you. Some of them are female also. If you want to, you can consult me online. We provide non judgemental, safe space to talk about your issues freely. So just don't hesitate to seek help. We are there to make your sex life full of greenary again.
Cramps are the worst this month, and don't even get me started on the dryness! Dating has been a disaster, and intimacy feels more like a chore than anything. I keep seeing these ads about female sexologists, but is that even a real thing? Maybe I should check it out. Feeling this lost and frustrated can't be normal, right? @Sexologist_DrKalps
Hey! Hope you are doing well 🩵 I can completely understand what you are going through. Changes in hormones and lifestyle are common in daily life and can bring about a lot of changes in intimacy and sex life. Don’t worry though! As a therapist, my suggestion would be to not put so much pressure on it. Try to eat right, sleep on time and drink lots of water. Take on some time during the day for yourself to explore your pleasure areas too! Helps a lot trust me 🌼 However, if the situation persists, do see a sexologist/ gynaecologist at the earliest and make sure you follow their guidance. Take care 🩵
my Husband is not available to satisfy me.. I am searching option
Take a selfie then !😍 Selfie/self love/masturbation practices can help you dear. Clitoral stimulation is best thing to achieve orgasm. You have to search by your own hands how and which pattern of stimulation is more satisfactory for you. You can also take help of sex toys as per your needs. Choose from vibrators, dildos or other toys as you want. Also reading erotic novel can help you in achieving satisfaction. readind, mastirbation and sex toys all can work together to make it possible. Only thing is you have to use different permutations and combinations each time. You can also try for play boys or friends with benefits on your own risks.
why always women hurts in Sexual life.? why we feel pain #sexual #womenmidlifewellness #sexualharrasmentatworkplace
Hi. Hope you are doing well. It’s not necessary that women only get hurt in their sexual lives. People of any gender can get hurt. It’s important to choose your partner wisely, communicate your expectations and set ground rules before entering into any sexual partnership to prevent yourself from getting hurt 🩵
Can we just take a sec to talk about anxiety wrecking our sex lives? As a woman dealing with this, it's like trying to dance with a tornado. There's this constant pressure to be perfect, to perform flawlessly, but anxiety doesn't care about perfection. It's the ultimate mood killer, hijacking intimacy with a flood of worries and overthinking. I wish it was as easy as flipping a switch, but it's this chaotic mess in my head. I can't relax, I'm tense, and communicating this? It's like trying to speak a foreign language. I know I'm not alone in this. So to everyone else fighting this battle, high five! And to those supporting someone through it, you're superheroes. Let's keep talking about it, supporting each other, and kicking anxiety's butt. Our sex lives deserve better than being held hostage by worry.
Is it normal that i like to talk about my sexual experience and hear about the same from others?
want ask a personal question that in sexual or physical relationship is it OK to be non satisfied to in bed . but he love me a lot is it my excess earge or it's from his side lacking want to know is it a common issu or it's a rear thing
i dont think you can subdue this urge for long. it will come out somewhere or other. it is best to talk with your partner. else ur urges will take over your mind and make you do things.
Now a days relationships are disturbed so much due to Sexual problems. Myself Dr Kalpana Erande working as a Sexologist for Females and Infertility specialist. We at Dr Erande's Clinic in Mumbai and Pune help couples to resolve there sexual problems, to be happy and more Fertile. Doing sex is not a work, its one of our daily needs. It not only fulfill your desire, but also keep your hormones active so that you don't need to face fertility issues. So do enjoy sex regularly......for good fertility.Also Remember almost Half of population of world is having Vagina and Clitoris, but how many of them know about orgasm?I will try to introduce you all to this untouched part of your sexual self. Be part of this journey and become Rambha -Urvashi of your own life.more
We are the sex positive doctors and experts in a safe non judgmental zone – spilling the tea on female pleasure, sexual wellness, and all things hush-hush. Whether you're just curious or a pro wanting to school others, our community is the safe spot for learning, sharing, and embracing your Sassiest self with SASSIEST- India's first doctor backed sexual wellness & pleasure brand for Women & LGBTQIA+ www.sassiesthealthcare.inmore
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here all the Community Member can share if they have any problem related to their SEX life. we can solve together by sharing the Problem. more
यहाँ हम प्यार, परिवार और समाज से जुड़ी बातें करेंगे, समझेंगे। प्यार से जुड़े stereotypes तोड़ेगे और मिलकर एक सतरंगी आसमान देखेंगे:)यह कम्युनिटी lgbtqia समुदाय के लिए एक सेफ जगह है।more
Sometimes conversations get awkward if we talk about sex,but it wont happen here!💗 Lets talk openly and discuss all matters related to sex in a safe and comfortable environment, free from any awkwardness or judgment,in this community!🎀more
being out the real you, the guilt the fantasy, the obessession, the desire, the passion, the not rosy or romantic but stress free, nothing to hide nothing to shy. No string No filters.more
this community is to share the things that we are passionate about and allow ourselves to understand and connect with others through storytelling, sharing our real stories with creativity!more
A space where you will get awareness and support about mental health and self care. I will be sharing certain tips and self help strategies to support you through for your difficult days. This is about making you feel worthy and help you realize that You Matter!more
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this community is for podcasters and people with podcast interest that love to come together to collab give advice creative ideas and sharing and discussing podcast experiences or just thoughts on podcast. do you have any podcast solutions concerns or even embarrassments we can talk about it here because this is creative podcasting mindsetsmore