by July.s09 on Mar 13, 2023

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I am 21 and I want suggestions about when is it good for my mind and body to engage in sex for me not to regret later?

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 33 days ago

Hi there! Hope you are doing well. Having sex is certainly a huge step and it’s very important to be completely ready mentally and emotionally to take this step. Some tips I can give you are: 1. Make sure you have communicated your needs and wants to the partner: what you are looking for from this partnership, where you want it to lead to, your desires, fantasies, likes and dislikes. 2. Make sure you are safe: if you are not planning a pregnancy, use protection which saves you from pregnancy as well as STIs. And by safety, I also mean it’s important to make sure that you don’t get stuck in dangerous situations. Say NO whenever required. 3. If you do not feel ready, don’t feel pressurised to engage into this. Do it, only when you are a 100% sure. Do not doubt your thoughts and emotions.

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answered 33 days ago


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answered 33 days ago

I have an issue

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answered 33 days ago


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answered 33 days ago

but it is a painful

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ok thanks so much
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