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by Kreeti on May 12, 2023

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The Special Mom is an effort to empower the special need parental & caregiving journey. Often as parents, we sometimes are baffled and confused seeing our child/children. We ask questions and none of the answers convince us, after all we gave birth to our beautiful dream and its our supreme priority to nurture it. The Special Mom invites all parents, who sometimes or the other have questions about their child's development, general behavior and an itch to find the answer of "what now?" Feel free to join the community and share. Faith and peace. The Special Mom

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Hey everyone, with Mother's Day just around the corner, let's brainstorm some creative ideas for a special lunch celebration to honor the incredible mothers in our lives! Whether it's a DIY picnic in the park with homemade sandwiches and refreshing lemonade, a cozy brunch at home with a menu featuring her favorite dishes, or even a virtual cooking session where we all prepare a recipe together while sharing stories about our moms, let's make it unforgettable. Share your ideas and let's make Mother's Day extra special this year!🥰🥰

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answered 55 days ago

I am thinking of going on a movie date with my mom. will also do some shopping and eat something good with her.

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Divorceanswered 55 days ago

Please give her something that makes her feel relaxed like a spa session

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answered 53 days ago

You can give her a homemade card, make her dinner, do all the household chores, tell her you love her, and give her a hug.

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answered 53 days ago

Let's brainstorm ideas for a special Mother's Day lunch! DIY picnic in the park, cozy brunch at home, or virtual cooking session - let's make it unforgettable!

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Is it common for sisters to visit their brothers' houses for Raksha Bandhan? Do sisters go to their brothers' houses to celebrate, or do brothers come to their sisters? I want to make sure we’re following the right tradition and making the most of this special day.
Hi, Both Sister and Brother can go to each other's house and can tie Rakhi. It is just to see who is comfortable traveling. you can celebrate this festival by going to each other's house. For more information like this You can join my live sessions and get clarity for all your questions. Shriiya Shukla Tarot Expert at CoTo
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عيد جوازي كان امبارح وعملت تجهيزات ولبست وحضرت اكل وكنت مبسوطه اوي لانه اول سنه وجوزي جه قالي انا مش فايقلك ودخل نام وصحي تاني يوم لقاني بعىيط قالي انا مش عاوز. تفىاهه وقىرف
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Why rakhi not tied at night?? Why should it be tied only in a specific time during the day??
Yes, you can tie a Rakhi anytime during the day or night. However, certain hours during the day are considered more auspicious and certain hours when tying a rakhi is considered inauspicious. Make sure you do not tie rakhis during the Bhadra hours.
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There is uncertainty as to when Rakhi actually is or should actually be celebrated this year. Is it on 11th or 12th of August?? Which out of the two dates is correct for it??
Hi , this not correct dates Raksha Bandhan comes 19th of August.
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Which color Rakhi is good? Is there a special significance to the color of the Rakhi we tie? Which color do you think is best or has a special meaning?
hii, Rakhis of all colors are good, the person tying them should have faith and love for his brother. It is believed that red color, yellow color, green color and pink color rakhis are good. Black color and dark blue color should be avoided. You can come to my live session and get answer questions related to your life. Shriiya Shukla Tarot Expert At CoTo
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Seeing the people around me, makes me feel pressurized to do something for my mom. I don't think I need to do something to make her feel that I love her as she already knows it. Is it necessary to do anything special for your mom on Mother's day?
the most meaningful gifts for Mother's Day are those that come from the heart and convey your genuine appreciation and affection for your mom.
The "little things" like a heartfelt letter or quality time together can be just as meaningful, if not more so, than extravagant gifts.
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What message would you like to give to your mother on this 'Mother's Day'?
She is indeed a beautiful mother.The supporting pillar of my life She was always awake with me while I had to do late night studies,my chef she cooks really awesome.I really love her and I am grateful for her each and every effort to raise me up. 🫶
To my wonderful mother❤️,Thank you for your love, your guidance, and your strength & all. Happy mother's day!💐❤️
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Hey. As Mother's day is coming up and our special ladies deserve something much more. Mothers have something in them which can't be said but only fekt. So I have to ask what is the one message you all would like to give our mothers not just for this day but for the entire life. ???? I'm gonna give her all the happiness in the world. What do you guys think ?
My dear mumma❤️Thank you for everything, Mom. Your love and sacrifices mean the world to me. I'm grateful every day for you.
She is indeed a beautiful mother.The supporting pillar of my life She was always awake with me while I had to do late night studies,my chef she cooks really awesome.I really love her and I am grateful for her each and every effort to raise me up
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Which day is the best to remove rakhi after celebrating it??
according too hindu mythology its removed on janmashtmi

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