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by dancewithsakshi on Nov 10, 2022

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"The body says what words cannot"......."there are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them". let's start Dance for yourself 😃💃✨and make your body hit...fine.....and healthy.

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how to speak up without hesitation

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answered 186 days ago

only see what u r saying don't see the eyes of the watchers....

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Embrace diversity and love knows no boundaries – sexual orientation is a beautiful spectrum that deserves respect, understanding, and acceptance. @Arpitatechsupport
@Arpitatechteam it is in the interest of the world
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Embrace love in all its colors and empower acceptance - because nobody should be judged for their sexual orientation, rather celebrated for flourishing as their true authentic selves.jgjfjvjvj icici
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Embrace love in all its colors and empower acceptance - because nobody should be judged for their sexual orientation, rather celebrated for flourishing as their true authentic selves.ICICI’s
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ممكن شرح مبسط عن تاثير الوسوسة على الحياة الاجتماعية للشخص
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته يا جميلة❤️ قبل ما ارد على سؤالك لازم نفرق بين حاجتين بيلتبسوا على ناس كتير الوسوسة اللي احنا بنقولها بطريقة شعبية اللي بيكون مقصود بيها القلق الشديد والتوتر وتوقع الاسوأ والوساوس اللي الشخص بييجي في دماغه افكار مزعجة مش عارف يتخلص منها بتثير القلق والخوف وبيحاول يعمل حاجة عشان يتخلص منها وده بيكون وسواس قهري لكن في الحالتين القلق ده بيخليكي مش حاسة بالأمان في أي علاقة اجتماعية وبالتالي بيوتر علاقتك بالطرف التاني في العلاقة لأنك بتفترضي الأسوأ وتاخدي رد فعل على اساسه على الرغم من انه مش بالضرورة يكون صحيح تعالي نتكلم اكتر في اللايڤ كل يوم من الساعة ١-٥ دمتي جميلة❤️
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Shall I keep my ex added on my social medias or block him??
If you want nothing to do with any further and if it's definitely over between you two then you must absolutely block him and cut any route of communication between the two of you.
Block him babe!!
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I often find myself getting frustrated with people who have different opinions, lifestyles, or ways of doing things than I do. I’ve heard the saying ‘live and let live,’ and I’m curious about why this philosophy is considered beneficial. Can you explain how adopting a ‘live and let live’ mindset can positively impact my life and relationships? What are the broader benefits for society when individuals embrace this approach?
Hii Anonymous, Adopting a 'live and let live' mindset can have some amazing benefits! First, it helps you accept and respect people for who they are, even if they're different from you. It promotes understanding and empathy, which can lead to healthier relationships and less conflict. Plus, it allows you to focus on your own happiness instead of getting caught up in others' choices. On a broader scale, when society embraces this approach, it fosters diversity, inclusivity, and harmony. It's all about spreading love and positivity! 🌈💖
Hey there Its common to wonder this especially when you feel that people have different opinions The way that this philosophy makes wonders if applied is that it frees up so much if your mental space from keeping all of others' opinions and experiences. We're all figuring out our way through life and learning our lessons while doing it. It just takes some people a little more time than us. Also it's alright to not take responsibility for other people's decisions, it can actually make you feel liberated and free up so much more of your mental capacity
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Feeling uncomfortable and unwelcome at work ever since my colleagues found out I'm dating another woman. Subtle comments and awkward silences are starting to get to me. What are my rights as a queer woman in the Indian workplace?
Don't feel sad; there is no fault in you. Just accept your feelings and let society understand them. You have every right, so don't worry
So first of all you are a human. you must be respected irrespective of your sexual identity. A workplace should ensure that everyone is treated equally without any kind of discrimination. Your workplace might have some policies or laws for Queer community.
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I recently came out as LGBTQ+ to my family, and I'm facing rejection and discrimination. How can I find acceptance and support within my community? @Amanvir
‼️Correction # It must be read like as under. DO NOT try to seek 100% acceptance.
Lgbtq is acceted in the modern age with grace n respect. Keep your identity as your pride. There are always many who accept And many who object on anything you do,you are,you decide. Do try to seek 100% acceptance. No one has it whatever they be. Look around..walk with your head high. Ignore n forgive those who do not understand your worth and embrace the onez who are happy to see you smiling n succeeding. Break the barriers of seeking validity from others. Command your hsppinesz your way.
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Bagaimana seorang introvert bisa menemukan teman?
disapa duluan sama yang ramah :)
memaksakan diri untuk mengobrol dengan orang lain
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Apakah seorang introvert bisa punya banyak teman?
seorang introvert masih mampu membangun hubungan yang dekat dengan orang lain dan memiliki lingkaran pertemanan yang luas
Meskipun cenderung lebih suka waktu sendiri, seorang introvert bisa membangun hubungan yang dalam dan berarti dengan orang lain yang berbagi minat dan nilai yang sama. Jadi jawabannya: bisa.

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