Member since December 15, 2023 with 0 connections, 24 posts, and 0 communities. See all posts and communities by Amanvir Kaur (@WellnessCoach_AmanvirKaur).
Member since December 15, 2023 with 0 connections, 24 posts, and 0 communities. See all posts and communities by Amanvir Kaur (@WellnessCoach_AmanvirKaur).
hello everyone, is it possible to live with in laws and also feel happy or enjoy own life happily.
It all depends on mutual understanding. If both of you want to stay happy talk about it with love. Give 20 minutes to inlaws uninterrupted in a day. No mobile no distractions..just them. Laugh and plan happy times ahead. No bitching or complains n all. Tried and tested with the most difficult ones..this works. Keep hubby in loop..
What is the biggest reason people don’t start their own dream business? Reply in one word. Let’s see what holds people back
Seeking validity from others
What is one thing you are doing for your health this year as a non-negotiable? This #WorldHealthDay let's prioritise one simple healthy habit into our routine, and watch it compound towards our health over time. Some include: - Getting some sunlight everyday - Cooking more meals at home - Drinking three litres of water - A small walk everyday - Sleeping for 7-8 hours daily - Taking an hour for activities that make you happy Share yours in the comments below.
Regulating the circadian cycle
I recently came out as LGBTQ+ to my family, and I'm facing rejection and discrimination. How can I find acceptance and support within my community? @Amanvir
‼️Correction # It must be read like as under. DO NOT try to seek 100% acceptance.
I'm a single woman in my 40s, and I'm worried about never finding love. How can I embrace my singlehood and find fulfillment on my own terms? @Amanvir
Hey dear.. Let yourself loose. Do not force yourself into enjoying being alone or a chance of falling in love again. Just go with the flow. Leave any anxiety and keep no expectations. Unexpected best Congress when we are least prepared at such times.trust me on that ❤️💯 Indulge in Love intensive meditations and healings. Lots to explore and experience there. You will get all your answers. To start with... Dress up, show up. Talk and trust.
"I really enjoy sketching painting pencil art. Perhaps you would also like it."
The sketch speaks a million words... ❤️ Much luv
Mastering the emotions is all time a better idea than being their slaves. Ask me about these techniques - What How When Where. Share the techniques that benefited you. Share the ones which you tired but could not be of help. Let's talk about which technique balances what kind of emotions at its best. Let's talk about the CREATING happiness which grows into Joy.
To be aware of your emotions, practice awareness of breath and body responses. Just be yourself and watch how you react in different situations. Journaling your happy and sad feelings during the day is your first step. Then we with on the pattern. Balancing and finally detox for a loving smile. 😊 Stay tuned for my LIVE and get connected for personal solutions. @Breaking barriers
Is there any advantage to marrying a divorced woman? @Relationshipcoachchitkala
Divorced women are the more sorted ones -emotionally, mentally and socially. The only advantage you ll have is clarity of understanding n boundaries. Whats expected n what can be given is clearer if not absolutely clear. Just remember if she could thrive one divorce she's stronger than she projects. She knows her values n emotions which can never be compromised. If the divorced women decides to remarry, she's on a mission to create heaven on earth for herself n her spouse. Most of the divorced people, these days do not think of getting remarried for the fear of next broken relationship.
I am Priya. I've got kind of a huge life decision. I've been with my partner for a few years now, and the topic of getting married has started coming up more seriously. On one hand, I absolutely love them and can see building a life together long-term. But on the other hand, the idea of marriageRes Me Wonder if I might be giving up too much of my independence and freedom. Any tips on how to decide anything for sure? @Amanvir
That's infact a very important decision of your life dear. Understand that marriage is not just about you or your partner..there are families involved. Multiple families. Super expectations of all. Many must be waiting for this marriage to happen so that they get a part of their expectations fulfilled. Sweets.. Take time to decide. You have to be prepared to loose and compromise enough of your present lifestyle n emotions. If you think you are ready for the metamorphosis, go ahead...it's a lovely new world. Like they always say.. The beginning of a new life. Tips : never think to compromise on your values and anything that gives you happiness and growth. You must be able to contribute something better to the family to add more true bonded smiles ; so that your presence is always looked forward to. Lots need to be considered dear, lots of factors are individually unique. The lifestyle, the emotions, family culture,finance, travel,emotions etc. Book One on one talk for clarity.
I recently went through a messy divorce, and I'm hesitant to start dating again. How can I rebuild my confidence and trust in love? @Amanvir
I'll add.. Love is always trustworthy. Love attracts love..stay with baby steps of loving a flower..fragrance,nature, pets, babies, people's smile and finally your love for your own eyes and smile will do the magic
WellnessCoach_AmanvirKaur asked 323 days ago
Mastering the emotions is all time a better idea than being their slaves. Ask me about these techniques - What How When Where. Share the techniques that benefited you. Share the ones which you tired but could not be of help. Let's talk about which technique balances what kind of emotions at its best. Let's talk about the CREATING happiness which grows into Joy.
To be aware of your emotions, practice awareness of breath and body responses. Just be yourself and watch how you react in different situations. Journaling your happy and sad feelings during the day is your first step. Then we with on the pattern. Balancing and finally detox for a loving smile. 😊 Stay tuned for my LIVE and get connected for personal solutions. @Breaking barriers
WellnessCoach_AmanvirKaur asked 336 days ago
I had been dealing with narcissistic spouse since 20 years. This was decoded by a psychiatrist a few years back. Because of children and been unable to explain my situation to anyone or was not possible to move away from him. Now the effect of the abuse is seen on my children. They are partially aware and partially in denial mode to understand the same. Hope should I deal with the situation?
u should leave him probably
WellnessCoach_AmanvirKaur asked 341 days ago
How do you plan on becoming the best version of yourself?
You dont need external validation for being what you are and what your want to be,dear. Just take the first step. Make an action plan what and who needs to be eliminated from life to go on the direction you want to go. Second add resources n people who will support you. That's the first step.. Meditate. Fuel your confidence and trust the process. Once done..connect back 🙃😇💕🤟
WellnessCoach_AmanvirKaur asked 313 days ago
What role does spirituality play in the relationships we encounter in this lifetime? What should we do accept whatever is happening to us?
Hi Amie, Spirituality plays a great role in shaping, guiding and building the true path in our life so that we are able to deal with our current situations by releasing the past karmas, balancing our past accounts and then to choose the path through inner wisdom which is in align with our soul map, and then ultimately to walk on the return journey towards our true Home (reuniting with our Higher Self and the creator). In order to understand our relationship we need to know and work on ourselves, from releasing, learning, healing and then finally evolving and empowering our Soul. All this can happen when we choose to live spiritually and do spiritual studies and healing along with the worldly task which is taken by our physical body. Hope this clarifies your question! Love & Light Shagun K Singh Spiritual Life Coach
WellnessCoach_AmanvirKaur asked 381 days ago
Hey beautiful...did you smile with yourself today? Luked in the mirror and fell in luv with yourself? Let's share our hearts out.... lemme start brewing the convo...join in meri jaan
I could not sleep last night coz of a big mess in #relationships. Was broken to core. When I saw myself in the mirror... No baby this is not what my face is for..it deserves a lovely smile. I forced a #smile... Felt good.. Took deep breaths..felt better.. Smiled easily this time and was relaxed n #balanced. This #brain is infact stupid. U can fool it easily with your gestures esp face, tone of voice n music you hear... It can't distinguish and starts releasing the #happy hormones.
WellnessCoach_AmanvirKaur posted 320 days ago
Anything or any episides of life that are revisiting you again and again are the Cosmic indications to get Wiser. Unlearn something and move ahead to the newness. #trauma #traumahealing #emotions #wellness #relationships #past #BreakingBarriers #Mindset #selfcare Keep embracing the lessons life is trying to teach you. Let go of old patterns and step into the transformative power of growth and healing. #wisdom #personaldevelopment #growthmindset #healingjourney
That's 100%true. Especially in females, they keep storing such episodes and keep on repeating those and it never allows them to live freely. If one can't laugh multiple times on same joke, she should not cry on past bad experiences. Atleast when it is creating a problem in their lives. She have to learn "let go" techniques. This is the right path to get healed. 🙂
WellnessCoach_AmanvirKaur posted 341 days ago
Check the patterns. Not only in those who hurt you also in yourself. If you are hurt the same way with different people, break your pattern darling. Get vulnerable and start trusting💕😘 Mark the difference in making boundaries and creating barriers.
Boundaries restrict others to access your zone. Barriers restrict you to move out of your own zone. Understand your barriers and break free for the happier You.
WellnessCoach_AmanvirKaur posted 316 days ago
How many of you relate to this.? Now also take the reverse look..do we also judge others according to our lens and overlook the truths? Let's talk on this dear... Misunderstandings.. #BreakingBarriers #relationships #confidence
swaraswami posted 325 days ago
Today is my day. Today is the day for every single autistic individual. Who have gone through struggles to get accepted for who they are. Who still continue to stand up and fight the stigma and mindset. We just want to be ourselves in this world. We just want one thing i.e.acceptance for who we are. Please accept us and let us be ourselves! Happy Autism Acceptance Day! #autismacceptanceday #autismawareness #redinstead #autismadvocacy
“Autism doesn’t have to define a person. Artists with autism are like anyone else: They define themselves through hard work and individuality." – Adrienne Bailon Happy autism day. Can you believe the skills of an autistic individual? I just an opportunity to be with the school of autism and was happy and inspired by their craft skills , National swimming victories , marathon , singing , dance and much more. It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a child with autism to raise the consciousness of the village." These personalities deserve more of respect and support than just acceptance. Salute to the parents and organisations who brighten up the world with the smiles of these specially Abled individuals💞✌🏼
fitwithchitraa posted 322 days ago
Many of my clients train and train so well and regularly but then go back to eating to non supportive and non nourishing the body ways of eating , I urge you all to exercise and eat to energise your bodies , sleep well rest and recovery is super important to let your muscles recover and get stronger, try to aware of stress and learn means and ways to manage it!!!! Its not a lot it all can be prioritised hence planned and worked out !!!! Here’s a recipe to help you stay on track 😊!!! #fitnessmotivation #healthyeatingideas
Wow..thats so nutritional, easy and luks yummy. Im definitely gonna try
aartimahajan posted 339 days ago
Don’t feel bad if someone mis-treats you.
This is so true n powerful messsge which we missed learning in our childhood. People try to get you to their standards always. So always associate with the ones who lift you up. Refrain from the ones who try to put you down to their levels.
vintage_mechanical_clock posted 342 days ago
ok so this is my first post here, I m happy to be a part of this community where I can connect with women excelling in different fields. I hope I can be helpful in some way and get lots of motivation from you guys. love to all
Welcome to YOUR own space girl💕. If you have a scope of adding more love, happiness , success and satisfaction in life.. nothing better than COTO. I have lived it.. So can vouch for this anytime Ali the time. 😊
SwastiGenztherapist posted 320 days ago
Therapy is important
Therapy is important.yess. Earlier we realize better it is. We all deserve happiness and freedom. Understand your barriers thru therapy assessments and break them to lead the life you truly dream of
Lifecoach_RashmiSaha posted 336 days ago
Celebrating Spring. Celebrating Blessings. Celebrating Life. Celebrating a small journey in a new role with everyone of you . #lifecoachrashmisaha #mentalhealth #selflove #couplecounseling #success
Wow that's so magnetic! Stay blessed.
MindsetbyMeenal posted 330 days ago
Live in the Present 🎁🎁🎁 #liveinthenow #lifeisbeautiful #believeinyou
Absolutely.. I second that 💓💯 This can make our life so much tangle free. Free thoughts good decisions relaxed life
Leeshaa_TOM posted 324 days ago
Let it go. #ignored #lameshit #energy #WalkAwayFromToxicity
I swear..this is such a lovely reminder. We tend to get into explaining the importance of situations to the non worthy people who don't want to contribute positively. Thats why all the lame crap is spread around for us only to clear. Better to move away asa you realize their indigestion.😜😈
raadhashalini_delhi posted 326 days ago
. Calming breathing is a technique that we find gives 2 major benefits, especially when the mind is refusing to relax or be at peace. It is the most effective way to still the mind. It will help you focus on a positive and beneficial activity - breathing Do share your experience and for any queries you can connect us #breathwork #calmdown #Happiness #energy
Very soothing and relaxing
itstanyamalik posted 322 days ago
This was almost a decade ago, I was probably around 26-27 years old then. I had gained 20 odd kgs even though I did everything I believed to be right, counting calories, and working out every day to burn even more calories. BUT!! I was struggling with PCOS, Hypothyroid, High cholesterol, and IBS. It took me 5 years to un-learn and re-learn what healthy is! To change my relationship with food and exercise, to change my relationship with my body and myself... and honestly even change my relationship with those around me! Today, a month before I turn 38, I finally have a love relationship with food, where food is nutrition and exercise is for strength and longevity. If you’re ready to begin your journey of unlearning, reversing lifestyle diseases, and reversing aging with biohacking connect with me. #biohacker #agereversal #hybridathlete #guthealth #functionalnutrition #functionaltraining #engineeringhealth
@itstanyamalik that's such an inspiring story of your unlearning and shaping up better. Fighting pcos,hypothyroid, cholesterol is ABSOLUTELY TO DO WITH your diet and lifestyle. I resonate to this. I ll amplify your subtle mention to unlearn and redo the relationships... Not only diet,workouts etc but even with PEOPLE around.👌🏻💯 Emotions play an immense role in making our breaking your body system energies. Congrats for your come back of happier version. Keep inspiring. Much luv 💕💖😘
Breaking barriers for your Real LIFE JOY requires addressing the intricate connection between the mind, body, soul, and emotions. By aligning these aspects, individuals can find holistic solutions for a balanced lifestyle. Each of these energies influences the others, and when one is low-functioning, discomfort arises. Relationships can suffer when emotions are unresolved, leading to tension and disconnection. Bothering emotions, such as fear or anger, often stem from imbalances within the self. Physical discomfort, whether it be chronic pain or illness, can manifest from emotional or spiritual discord. To truly heal, it's essential to understand and address all aspects of oneself, achieving 100% healing. This involves introspection, therapy, mindfulness practices, and sometimes seeking support from others. By nurturing the mind, body, soul, and emotions in harmony, individuals can break barriers within themselves and foster healthier connections within their communities.more
The term "being Spiritual" is used so casually these days that the truth of spiritual vibes has been distorted to core. Mark your journey to SELF and The ONE with ease, clarity,passion and LOVE. Discover your Cosmic powers,manifest your energies and balance your physical and astral world for the magical and miraculous Living. Explore the meditations, core values, different modalities to understand and experience the ELIXIR OF SPIRITUALITY more
Organs, emotions, breaths and lifestyle are the fundamental pillars of physical fitness. All are interrelated, interdependent. The wobbling effect of one is reflected on other three. Breathing style has immediate effect on emotions. Different emotions have their seat in different organs. Organs health reflect in body functionality. Lifestyle affects the body clock, postures and flexibility of physical body. Lets understand, balance and energize all the 4 pillars of fitness with natural modalities. Yoga,pranayam,Acupressure powered with NLP techniques takes you to the absolute fitness inside out. Let's get going together 🤟 more
Relationship Expert Shah, a skilled Relationship Coach and Psychotherapist on coto, holds a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology from Christ University, Delhi NCR. She is certified in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and trained in Relationship Management and Intervention techniques from NIMHANS. With a strong foundation in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), trauma-informed care, and relationship management, she specializes in addressing challenges like communication breakdowns, emotional disconnect, attachment difficulties, and conflict resolution. Her in-depth experience includes working with clients facing anxiety, depression, grief, addiction recovery, and interpersonal trauma, combining evidence-based techniques with an empathetic, non-judgmental approach. She tailors treatment plans to each client’s unique needs, focusing on emotional regulation, self-awareness, and building healthier behavioral patterns. Her therapeutic strategies integrate psychoeducation, relaxation techniques, and motivational interviewing, empowering clients to rebuild trust, strengthen emotional connections, and achieve long-term relational growth. Drawing from her extensive training in relationship assessment, intervention strategies, and multicultural competence, she helps individuals and couples navigate complex life transitions, intimacy challenges, and unresolved emotional conflicts. Her expertise extends to working with diverse populations, including Indians and NRIs, ensuring culturally sensitive care. On coto, she provides solution-focused online therapy sessions that offer clarity, emotional healing, and tools for personal transformation. Whether you're overcoming trauma, rebuilding a partnership, or seeking emotional balance, she delivers the guidance and support needed to create a healthier, more fulfilling life.more
Relation Building Expert Arora, a certified Behavioral Therapist and Relationship Coach on coto, holds a Bachelor's in Psychology from the University of Melbourne and advanced studies in Global Mental Health at the University of Buckingham. With extensive experience in trauma-informed care, she specializes in guiding individuals and couples through challenges like communication breakdowns, emotional trauma, and behavioral concerns. She specializes in helping individuals and couples overcome challenges such as communication breakdowns, emotional disconnect, stress, trauma recovery, and relationship conflicts. Her practice focuses on creating healthier emotional patterns, fostering stronger bonds, and addressing behavioral concerns across all age groups. With a strong foundation in trauma-informed care and global mental health, she tailors her counseling techniques to suit each client’s unique needs. Her expertise spans emotional regulation, stress management, and evidence-based therapies like cognitive behavioral interventions and early developmental strategies. Her compassionate and solution-focused approach helps individuals dealing with anxiety, depression, parenting struggles, and decision-making dilemmas. She has worked extensively across diverse global settings, including India and Australia, providing telehealth mental health support to individuals and couples seeking to rebuild trust, enhance communication, and rediscover emotional connection. As a trusted expert on coto, she is committed to helping clients navigate personal and relationship challenges with clarity and confidence.more
I’m Sonal a Life Coach with 3 years of work experience.I’m dedicated to support my clientsmore
I am a mother and an educator in charter schools and ABC Youth Foundation. I host several podcast it's a huge passion of mine and I also produce I strongly feel that empathy is the glue of humanity and without it what do we have for understanding one another and being kind toward one another is what keeps Us human it's what makes it work and without it what can possibly get better you must hold on to that and remember and show it where it's needed so that people can know what it is and be able to show that same to others connecting and growing with others is within the foundations of empathy that's how the world gets better so we can understand we don't have to directly know one another we must be that change and it starts with us, we must be the change we want to see!more
this community is to share the things that we are passionate about and allow ourselves to understand and connect with others through storytelling, sharing our real stories with creativity!more
A space where you will get awareness and support about mental health and self care. I will be sharing certain tips and self help strategies to support you through for your difficult days. This is about making you feel worthy and help you realize that You Matter!more
I provide Opportunity international digital work business success this is the first step you 👈🤝🤙8101667213( rejistaion from free 👈 wonderful income and beautiful lifestyle financiel freedom anytime 🆗👉🥰 your interesting inbox 📥 me contact me 👈🤝🤙more
this community is for podcasters and people with podcast interest that love to come together to collab give advice creative ideas and sharing and discussing podcast experiences or just thoughts on podcast. do you have any podcast solutions concerns or even embarrassments we can talk about it here because this is creative podcasting mindsetsmore