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by dancewithsakshi on Nov 10, 2022

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"The body says what words cannot"......."there are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them". let's start Dance for yourself 😃💃✨and make your body hit...fine.....and healthy.

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how to speak up without hesitation

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answered 92 days ago

only see what u r saying don't see the eyes of the watchers....

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Embrace love in all its colors and empower acceptance - because nobody should be judged for their sexual orientation, rather celebrated for flourishing as their true authentic selves.jgjfjvjvj icici
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Embrace love in all its colors and empower acceptance - because nobody should be judged for their sexual orientation, rather celebrated for flourishing as their true authentic selves.ICICI’s
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How do i embrace my cultural identity in a society that might not understand?
Hello there. I am Deepti Acharya, a counseling psychologist and relationship coach. Thanks a lot for reaching out. I understand your concern. I know how important cultural belongingness is for you. First and foremost, try to find ways to connect with your culture individually and finding a strong bond with it which is not highly influenced by societal expectations. This could include reading about and exploring your culture better. Secondly, it is vital to start setting boundaries and finding distinctions between your beliefs and social norms. Thirdly, try to find ways of interacting with and participating in communities that share your cultural beliefs. Having said that, I would like to understand where you are coming from better. To do that please tune into my upcoming live sessions on similar topics, where you can call me for more solutions. Hope this was helpful. Looking forward to connecting with you. All the best!
Hello Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. It's important for you to feel comfortable in your identity. Then find like minded community and friends like joining a club to share a hobby or meeting new people. There would be people who would understand, even if they don't, do not burden to fit in or trying to make people like you. Ignorance can't be helped. You find a space for you to express yourself. Hope that helps.
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Shall I keep my ex added on my social medias or block him??
If you want nothing to do with any further and if it's definitely over between you two then you must absolutely block him and cut any route of communication between the two of you.
Block him babe!!
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Nowadays i feel like i am an outsider amongst my friends as they do not include me in their grp conversations or activities . How can i deal with these feelings??
Hi there, hope you're doing well. feeling like an outsider among your friends can be incredibly painful and isolating. I am a clinical psychologist and I would love to help you with the situation. First of, having a cup of tea or coffee with your friends and having an open dialogue of expressing your feelings without blaming them can help. Remember to be honest but gentle. you can also find more common activities to do together to help reignite the friendship that once was. Please remember you're not alone and I can help guide you by navigating these feelings together.
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At work, I sometimes feel subtle prejudice based on my caste or gender. It's uncomfortable, but I'm scared to speak up for fear of losing my job. How can I handle workplace discrimination without jeopardizing my career? Maybe talking to a trusted senior colleague or HR representative can help navigate the situation. There might also be legal resources available to protect my rights.
speak to a senior. I'm sure there will be some solution. also, discrimination of caste and religion is against work rights and every company has their work related policies which includes the same.
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this just happened to me at work, and it left me feeling terrible. My boss was pressuring me to do something that I knew wasn't right, ethically speaking. It was a tough spot to be in. What do you do when you're faced with a situation that challenges your moral code?
Do communicate my dear. Assertive communication is the key here. Do join my live sessions to learn more about assertive communication
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Don't try to change the world. you have to focus on your dreams. Share qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521 for work from home opportunity.
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I often find myself getting frustrated with people who have different opinions, lifestyles, or ways of doing things than I do. I’ve heard the saying ‘live and let live,’ and I’m curious about why this philosophy is considered beneficial. Can you explain how adopting a ‘live and let live’ mindset can positively impact my life and relationships? What are the broader benefits for society when individuals embrace this approach?
Hii Anonymous, Adopting a 'live and let live' mindset can have some amazing benefits! First, it helps you accept and respect people for who they are, even if they're different from you. It promotes understanding and empathy, which can lead to healthier relationships and less conflict. Plus, it allows you to focus on your own happiness instead of getting caught up in others' choices. On a broader scale, when society embraces this approach, it fosters diversity, inclusivity, and harmony. It's all about spreading love and positivity! 🌈💖
Hey there Its common to wonder this especially when you feel that people have different opinions The way that this philosophy makes wonders if applied is that it frees up so much if your mental space from keeping all of others' opinions and experiences. We're all figuring out our way through life and learning our lessons while doing it. It just takes some people a little more time than us. Also it's alright to not take responsibility for other people's decisions, it can actually make you feel liberated and free up so much more of your mental capacity
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My new company has a cutthroat culture that often prioritizes profit over ethical practices. It makes me uncomfortable, but I also need this job. How can I maintain my integrity in a work environment that challenges it? Maybe talking to a supervisor about ethical concerns or seeking guidance from a professional organization can help navigate the situation. There might also be anonymous reporting channels available.
Hi... I understand your situation... it's difficult to for you to deal this... however, we all need to understand that we have to strike a balance... continue with the work as feeding yourself is necessary and the liabilities have to be met... however when it goes to an extent where the acceptance is going to a level of tolerance then you need to reconsider. I will be better able to guide you if I get more details about your situation.

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