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by Subhi_cotocreator on Jun 27, 2023

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Expect this ground to be your comfort zone helping you build a strong emotional and mental background. We pay the utmost priority to mental health here and intend to spread the word. Feel free to talk about just anything here no one would judge you rather appreciate you for being you!

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Grief Counselling

My husband and I want a bigger family, but the thought of the financial strain and the additional responsibility is making me nervous. How do you grapple with the decision to have more children? Are there ways to prepare financially and emotionally for another child?

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Personalized Diet for PCOSanswered 112 days ago

Earn passive income with this work from home opportunity. Share your qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521

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Personalized Diet for PCOSanswered 110 days ago

Before planning for large family be independent. Female share your qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521

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"My elderly mother has been struggling to take care of herself, and I’ve been considering live-in care as an option. I want her to have the support she needs, but I’m not entirely sure what the real purpose of live-in care is. Can anyone share their experience or explain how live-in care benefits someone in this situation?"
Hi beautiful soul, Live in care for elderly is 24/7 live support. There are many organisations now a days who give this support , you can search on internet. Benefits: 1. Customised tailored care. 2. Caregiver is hired from agency. 4. Trained caregiver live with client. Services: 1. all kinds of personal care. 2. medication management. 3. All the household chores are done. 4.Companionship and help in socializing. it can never be a substitute to the parent by their children. 5. They take care of mobilization too.
The purpose of live-in care is to provide 24/7 support for individuals who need assistance with daily activities while allowing them to remain in the comfort of their own home. Here are some key benefits: Live-in care offers one-on-one attention tailored to the specific needs of the individual, whether it’s help with mobility, medication management, or personal hygiene.Staying at home helps maintain a sense of independence and comfort. Familiar surroundings can be especially important for elderly people or those with dementia.
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Will my relationship last longer because my husband lost interest in me after delivery?
hi dear join my live session 4 to 8
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How common is cohabitation?
Cohabitation has become increasingly common, particularly in many Western countries. Recent studies indicate that a significant percentage of couples choose to live together before marriage, with estimates suggesting that around 50-70% of couples cohabit at some point. This trend reflects changing social norms and attitudes toward relationships, where living together is often seen as a practical step in a committed relationship rather than a precursor to marriage.
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أنا أم ولدي طفلين بعمر ثلاث سنوات وسنتين ولكني عصبية وكثيره الصراخ والانفعال بالأخص طفلي الكبير وهو عنيد جدا وكثير الصراخ والضرب لإخوة لدرجة من كثر ما اصارخ عليه ما...
اهلاً يا جميله 🌸 واصلي مشاعرك والضغط الي انت بتمري بيه، من المهم في البدايه انك تتعاملي مع العصبيه وتعرفي اي هي المشاعر الي ممكن تكون متخبيه وراها ونشوف حلول فعاله للتعامل معاها. اما بالنسبه لأطفالك ربنا يباركلك فيهم ومن النصايح المهمه للتعامل مع الطفل العنيد انك تتعاملي معاه من خلال الاستماع إلى رغبات الطفل ومنحه الوقت للتحدث والتعبير عما يدور داخله من دون مقاطعة أو مجادلة، بمعني كوني مستمعة جيدة لطفلك وتعرفي على مشكلاته ساعديه ان يفهم انك دائره الأمان بالنسبه ليه تابعيني كل يوم الساعه ٨ للساعه ١٢ وتابعيني علي mental health talk اتمنالك يوم لطيف ☺️
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So sad I went for a movie with my son and when I came home I had my husband not eating food and calling me names. Just because I went out for a movie with my son . Does it happen with u - how do u deal with it
It's okay to go and enjoy with your children especially when your partner doesn't have time. You don't have to restrict yourself just because your partner doesn't have time for you!
He might also wanted to go with you both and must be calling you names out of jealousy as he missed all the fun with his family 🥰
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I am in a cohabitation relationship, but I am also feeling scared about how my parents will react after knowing it. How accepted is cohabitation?
Hi, This is legally accepted in India.But there are some tabbo in our society.We have to face it positively.
Hello , When it comes to Indian society morals and ethics plays a big role in it , would suggest take your time and tell when time is correct.
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parenting isn't easy. It's an ongoing journey that's filled with ups and downs. As parents, we often need to learn from our mistakes, forgive ourselves, and move on. These parenting tips for hard times can help lift you up in those moments when you're feeling overwhelmed. Give yourself some slack and remember that those challenging moments won't last forever. Parenting means putting your child above everything else in the universe. It's not easy, but somehow parents do it.
Very well said! Parenting is a journey. Parenting is something that will teach you something new everyday. Patience and love makes the journey of parenting easier
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Hey. I have had a doubt for sometime now. I always saw my parents as not one. like fighting and all. it was very rare that they both are on the same page. I wanted to know if we live together before marriage can we avoid these kinds of misunderstandings or conflicts after marriage. So like Is living together before marriage a bad idea or an okay one?
Living together absolutely doesnt guarantee marriage's success
Living together doesn't guarantee the success of your marriage. Infact even when u live in you will face conflicts, misunderstandings, however it will help you both in understanding each other and make your bond stronger.
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Ladies, if yiu needed guidance for making important decisions in your life, what are the chances you will go to a professional life/ career/ leadership coaching? a. Never! not worth it b. Maybe if agter speaking to friends I'm still stuck c. maybe, if it's affordable d. Definitely, I see value in this. pls respond a,b,c or d. Would love to know your reasons as well. :)
Maybe if after speaking to friends i am still stuck.
I would too talk to an expert as it has helped transform my life! They can become your mirrors and help get the potential out of you! From a person who was low on self-confidence, today I have transformed myself only with the help of experts.. Tc, Preetha Your coach
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My daughter said Mother's Day is for her. Should I say it's for me, or both?
yes you should tell her and also by adding more detail about the importance of mothers
Mother's Day is for both of us!💞

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Eating Disorders

Hi, I am Poulami a Psychologist. I am so happy to be here with you all. I come from a family of Diabetes and high BP leading to many other physical and mental health issues. I got my motivation from there to help my near and dear ones and I want to help as many beautiful souls as possible. I ha e done my Masters in Applied Psychology and I work with adults and Geriatric cases mostly. I have done my Higher courses in Basic counselling, Geriatric Counselling and Neuro Linguistic programing. It has now become my passion. I want to recognise the troubles of everyone out there and solve it to turn struggles into opportunities. I am really exited to share my experience and knowledge with you here on Coto platform. So delighted to be here.more

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New Mothers

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I am Gudepu kavyanjali deeply shaped by my experiences in the National Cadet Corps (NCC), where I earned both the B and C certificates, which I consider significant milestones in my personal growth. Through my time in NCC, I developed discipline, leadership skills, and a strong sense of responsibility, qualities that continue to guide me in everything I do. My academic journey is rooted in Osmania University and RBVRR Women's College, institutions that I credit for providing me with a solid educational foundation. I take pride in being a cadet, as it not only shaped my character but also instilled in me a commitment to community service and teamwork.more

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As a queer-affirmative practitioner, my approach is client-centered and evidence-based, utilizing modalities such as rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). I am adept at building strong therapeutic alliances and fostering a safe environment for clients to explore their thoughts and emotions. With a solid educational and practical background in psychology, my skills and experience reflect a nuanced understanding of human cognition and behavior and cultivate a deeper understanding of psychological concepts and their relevance in our lives. To know more, please join the live sessions which happen everyday and be a part of of the community for more updates! Community: The Serenity Seekersmore

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Psychologist specializes in Mental Health Member of Union of Arab Psychotherapists•Bachelor of psychotherapy redirect from Denmark university accredited by IATA.•Master degree of sexual abuse redirect from Denmark university accredited by IATA.•DBT- CBT- SESpecialist in :*Mental health issues *Anger issues *Stress Managements *Anxiety*Depression*Emotional Regulation *Trauma*Growth after trauma *Sexual Abuse *Addiction*Relationshipsمهما كنتي شايفة وحاسة الصعوبات اللي بتعدي فيها🫤انضمي معانا ونمشي رحله الشفاء سوا 👭💪🏻more

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