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by Sonamm (Zaffarah) Sharma on May 31, 2023

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So tragic to hear about #PoonamPandey death due to cervical cancer, when life claims someone so young it is always devastating. Cervical cancer is a prevalent form of cancer affecting the cells of the cervix, the lower portion of the uterus connecting to the vagina. It ranks as the fourth most common cancer among women globally, with approximately 604,000 diagnoses and 342,000 deaths reported in 2020. Women at higher risk include young mothers, hormonal contraceptive users, smokers, and those with other sexually transmitted infections. Early detection significantly improves the treatability of cervical cancer.

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answered 351 days ago

Yeah, need awareness 🙁 to save others' lives

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answered 350 days ago

Thanks for this. I didn't know what Cervical Cancer is. Informative 👍

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answered 349 days ago

I'm sorry to hear about the mention of Poonam Pandey's death, but it's important to clarify that as of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there were no reports of her passing. Regarding cervical cancer, your information is accurate. It's a widespread cancer, and early detection plays a crucial role in improving treatment outcomes. Women at higher risk should prioritize regular screenings and maintain open communication with healthcare professionals.

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