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by cotocrew on Oct 30, 2022

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Hi trailblazers I am new to this platform... I would request few to share more interesting information and one on one experiences about this platform 🌷✨🙏🏻? thank you for being kind 🤍

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answered 156 days ago

This is platform for women by women. Here you can get answer to your any problem be it career related, health or any other. The things you won't be able to discuss in open will be possible here.

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Embrace love in all its colors and empower acceptance - because nobody should be judged for their sexual orientation, rather celebrated for flourishing as their true authentic selves.jgjfjvjvj icici
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Embrace love in all its colors and empower acceptance - because nobody should be judged for their sexual orientation, rather celebrated for flourishing as their true authentic selves.ICICI’s
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ممكن شرح مبسط عن تاثير الوسوسة على الحياة الاجتماعية للشخص
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته يا جميلة❤️ قبل ما ارد على سؤالك لازم نفرق بين حاجتين بيلتبسوا على ناس كتير الوسوسة اللي احنا بنقولها بطريقة شعبية اللي بيكون مقصود بيها القلق الشديد والتوتر وتوقع الاسوأ والوساوس اللي الشخص بييجي في دماغه افكار مزعجة مش عارف يتخلص منها بتثير القلق والخوف وبيحاول يعمل حاجة عشان يتخلص منها وده بيكون وسواس قهري لكن في الحالتين القلق ده بيخليكي مش حاسة بالأمان في أي علاقة اجتماعية وبالتالي بيوتر علاقتك بالطرف التاني في العلاقة لأنك بتفترضي الأسوأ وتاخدي رد فعل على اساسه على الرغم من انه مش بالضرورة يكون صحيح تعالي نتكلم اكتر في اللايڤ كل يوم من الساعة ١-٥ دمتي جميلة❤️
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Shall I keep my ex added on my social medias or block him??
If you want nothing to do with any further and if it's definitely over between you two then you must absolutely block him and cut any route of communication between the two of you.
Block him babe!!
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I recently came out as LGBTQ+ to my family, and I'm facing rejection and discrimination. How can I find acceptance and support within my community? @Amanvir
‼️Correction # It must be read like as under. DO NOT try to seek 100% acceptance.
Lgbtq is acceted in the modern age with grace n respect. Keep your identity as your pride. There are always many who accept And many who object on anything you do,you are,you decide. Do try to seek 100% acceptance. No one has it whatever they be. Look around..walk with your head high. Ignore n forgive those who do not understand your worth and embrace the onez who are happy to see you smiling n succeeding. Break the barriers of seeking validity from others. Command your hsppinesz your way.
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Bagaimana seorang introvert bisa menemukan teman?
disapa duluan sama yang ramah :)
memaksakan diri untuk mengobrol dengan orang lain
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Apakah seorang introvert bisa punya banyak teman?
seorang introvert masih mampu membangun hubungan yang dekat dengan orang lain dan memiliki lingkaran pertemanan yang luas
Meskipun cenderung lebih suka waktu sendiri, seorang introvert bisa membangun hubungan yang dalam dan berarti dengan orang lain yang berbagi minat dan nilai yang sama. Jadi jawabannya: bisa.
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How do i embrace my cultural identity in a society that might not understand?
Hello there. I am Deepti Acharya, a counseling psychologist and relationship coach. Thanks a lot for reaching out. I understand your concern. I know how important cultural belongingness is for you. First and foremost, try to find ways to connect with your culture individually and finding a strong bond with it which is not highly influenced by societal expectations. This could include reading about and exploring your culture better. Secondly, it is vital to start setting boundaries and finding distinctions between your beliefs and social norms. Thirdly, try to find ways of interacting with and participating in communities that share your cultural beliefs. Having said that, I would like to understand where you are coming from better. To do that please tune into my upcoming live sessions on similar topics, where you can call me for more solutions. Hope this was helpful. Looking forward to connecting with you. All the best!
Hello Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. It's important for you to feel comfortable in your identity. Then find like minded community and friends like joining a club to share a hobby or meeting new people. There would be people who would understand, even if they don't, do not burden to fit in or trying to make people like you. Ignorance can't be helped. You find a space for you to express yourself. Hope that helps.
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What if revealing my true self could lead to isolation?
you will feel comfortable if you have your own income and work in a team. Share your qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521 for work from home opportunity
Revelation of true self only shows authenticity, and if someone doesn’t like your authentic self then they are not right for you
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Nowadays i feel like i am an outsider amongst my friends as they do not include me in their grp conversations or activities . How can i deal with these feelings??
Hi there, hope you're doing well. feeling like an outsider among your friends can be incredibly painful and isolating. I am a clinical psychologist and I would love to help you with the situation. First of, having a cup of tea or coffee with your friends and having an open dialogue of expressing your feelings without blaming them can help. Remember to be honest but gentle. you can also find more common activities to do together to help reignite the friendship that once was. Please remember you're not alone and I can help guide you by navigating these feelings together.

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