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by RashnaDaruwalla on Oct 29, 2022

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**Career Counseling for students is a community by Rashna Daruwalla and aims at enabling students to identify their best fit careers .****With a vision to partner with parents in helping them navigate the route for their child in reaching their career objectives. Encourage a one on one conversation with a student / parent to help them understand their strengths and weaknesses and get right guidance.****Community aims at creating a comfort zone for a parent or a child by sharing all that they feel, which helps in clearing all confusion.****Helping in understanding different perspectives from the parent and child view points and bridging the gap between parent and child. Understanding the students and parents background , aspirations , beliefs and then providing career guidance is what my community aims at.****Through discussions and right guidance we help move from CONFUSION to get CLARITY.**

📈 Career

I am 23 and while I do want to make my own decisions, I can't decide for myself sometimes. If I choose one option, I feel like I am going to regret not taking up the other one. What should I do? #careercounselling #careerfocus

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answered 244 days ago

So it depends what can of decisions you are not able to take. pls elaborate if it's something related to career or academics then try taking help from your parents, seniors, professors or academic counselors.

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answered 244 days ago

I am also struggling with this dilemma, and I believe that choosing an option that feels right for oneself is crucial. Particularly in career decisions, pursuing a single, perfect career may not be ideal. Exploring various career paths and considering alternative options can be a good strategy to make informed choices and secure your future. This same principle may apply to other areas of life as well

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answered 244 days ago

It's normal to feel indecisive at times. Consider weighing the pros and cons of each option and listen to your gut feeling. Remember, it's okay to make mistakes; they're part of learning. Trust yourself and make the choice that feels right for you in the present moment.

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