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by Mona Gujral on Sep 15, 2022

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The purpose of this community is to share, listen, learn and be supportive just like friends and family to share your personal experiences, coping strategies and exchange firsthand information.Please note.This is peer support group community. This is not therapy.This is not professionally facilitated community.

🧠 Mental Health
Stress Management

Is it awful to admit that sometimes I regret having a child? Motherhood is beautiful, but it's also incredibly challenging. How do you deal with these unexpected emotions, and is it okay to feel this way?

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Holistic Menstrual Careanswered 14 days ago

Bilkul, yeh emotions normal hain. Kabhi kabhi regret feel karna completely human emotions hai, especially jab motherhood challenging lagti hai. Apne emotions ko accept karna aur kisi se baat karna zaroori hai. Motherhood is like a roller coaster journey. Just accept your negative emotions the way you accept your positive ones. So It's okay to feel this way.

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I have gone through my child's death because of premature delivery. My husband is blaming me for that and taking a divorce from me. My all inlaws are against me. After marriage my husband and in laws started mentally torturing me .Nowadays I am dealing with lots of depression and stress. I am suffering sleepless nights. Please help me. How can I overcome the depression and stress caused by my husband blaming me for our child's premature death and my in-laws' mental torture, while dealing with sleepless nights and the threat of divorce?
I'm deeply sorry to hear about the immense pain and suffering you're experiencing. t’s crucial to prioritize your mental health and well-being during this incredibly time.Establish a strong support system by reaching out to friends or family members who can offer emotional support, and consult with a lawyer to understand your rights regarding the divorce and potential legal support against the mental torture.Set clear boundaries by limiting contact with people contributing to this stress and create a comforting space for yourself, focus on future,small achievable goals.Prioritize self-care by creating a calming bedtime routine to improve your sleep quality,Incorporate mindfulness meditation and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises to manage stress.Journaling your thoughts and feelings can be therapeutic, and practicing daily gratitude can help shift your focus towards positive aspects of your life. Pl remember healing takes time and you deserve compassion. Stay strong
Maybe the death of your baby is a sign that this marriage is not for you. I hope you are healed and find peace. Start with positive thinking. This may sound cliche but what you think is where life takes you. Remember that this is only today, tomorrow will be entirely a different chapter, and you don't know what blessings await you. So just sail through it having faith that God is preparing you to receive some great blessings soon.
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Hello Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. I would say, not talking would not benefit the relationship in anyway. I would suggest that you respect his feeling towards his mother but also let him know that you would feel the same way too. If he wouldn't take your side and support you, you would feel extremely hurt is something you need to clearly communicate. Also, let him know your intention is not to hurt his mother or him but for you to feel like he would protect you. Hope this was helpful. Do join my live sessions if you have any more questions.
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Wow congratulations. I suggest you to earn extra income for your dreams. Share your qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521 for work from home opportunity
hi this is very challenging situation for every pregnant lady. first of all you should say thank to God and say thanks to upcoming baby to come in your life. Actually at this point of time our emotions always be high, we expected more from others and when we don't get positive response from them then we feel so bad. so decently it will be effect to our baby. so in that situation just close your eyes for 20 secs and just recall all those movements or dream whatever you have seen for your dream life, then open your eyes and touch you belly with you both hand. trust me you will be feel better or much better.
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Earn passive income with this work from home opportunity. Share your qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521
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Don't get me wrong, I love my kids. But sometimes I just need some time for myself! How do you balance your own needs with the constant needs of your children? Are there ways to create a healthy balance and avoid feeling resentful?
Hello there! Prioritising and balancing your needs with those of your children is essential to be an amazing mother, which you are already as you wouldn't have asked this question otherwise . So don't fret, you're doing amazingly. I can suggest a few things as a psychologist, and the first thing is to have regular self care practices. It can be anything you like? for example, if you like reading, exercising, cooking, skin care, watching tv to let loose, etc. They can be small moments in intervals or a break for a while, depending on what fits best. Remember to always set realistic expectations so that they can be manageable and flexible. Creating a routine can be beneficial for you and your child. I hope to see you in a live session someday to discuss this further if need be. Till then, stay strong and take care.
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