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by elisaindo on Feb 5, 2024

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Ingin cari tahu caranya untuk mengurangi body fat dan biar punya abs? Gabung ke komunitas ini dan temukan info-info menarik di sini! 🏋🏻‍♀️

⏲️ Fitness

Mau cepet kurus gimana caranya ya?

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answered 94 days ago

Atur defisit kalori dengan mengurangi asupan kalori dan meningkatkan aktivitas fisik.

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answered 94 days ago

Fokus pada makanan berserat tinggi, protein, dan lemak sehat.

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answered 94 days ago

Hindari makanan olahan dan gula tambahan.

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answered 94 days ago

Lakukan latihan kardio dan latihan kekuatan secara teratur.

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answered 94 days ago

Tidur yang cukup dan kelola stres dengan baik.

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اهلاً بيكي يا جميله🌸 معاكي علياء احمد اخصائي نفسي متفهمه مشاعر الخوف والقلق الي وصلتلي من كلامك، مهم جدا انك تتناقشي مع خطيبك بشكل صريح وواضح علشان متكونيش قلقانه في حياتك الجديده حاولي تنظمي نقط من افكارك قبل ماتكلمي وخليكي واثقه ان دا حقك انك تتناقشي فيه لأنك بترسمي حدود هتريحك بعد كدا في حياتك اختاري الوقت والمكان المناسب وانت بتتكلمي علشان ميكونش في مشتتات حوليه وتكونوا قادرين تركزوا في النقاش خليكي محدده في النقط الي عايزه تتكلمي فيها علشان متتشتتيش هستناكي تطمنيني وتقدري تدخلي معايا لايف وتعملي call or video call نتكلم اكتر عن تفاصيل تساعدك وهكون متواجده الساعه ٨، ١٠، ١١ يوميا ماعدا الجمعه وتقدري تتابعيني علي mental health talk اتمنالك يوم لطيف ☺️
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what is silent treatment after a fight?? my friend who is married for long now keeps talking abt it but since i am new into the marriage game, i am kinda shy to ask her as I don't want to seen like a newbie.
hi dear as a counselor I can understand your situation in this situation if the fault is yours than go and talk to your husband and pamper him loke a baby he will be fine soon if it is possible make some fevourite food of him and givr him some personal time what he wants😇
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I am a recently married women and yesterday I had my first heated argument withy husband. What should I do or how should I react now?? How can I make him feel that everything is okay from my side and I am over it??
hi there, i am a clinical psychologist and would love to help you out with this situation. It's totally normal to feel a bit shaken after your first argument with your husband. What you can do now is take a breather, gather your thoughts, and then have a heart-to-heart chat with him. Let him know how the argument made you feel without pointing fingers, and really listen to what he has to say too. If there's anything you said or did that you regret, a genuine apology can go a long way. Reassure him that you're committed to working through things and finding better ways to communicate in the future. It's all about showing him that you value your relationship and are ready to move forward positively together.
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mere love parblam
i will check
meri Sadi kb hogi. love marriage hogi ya arrange marriage

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