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by Vijivic on Aug 4, 2023

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Hello my beautiful Empowered Barbies, Heartiest welcome to this community "Gyan ka Pitara".❤️ In this community I will share knowledge on multiple domain from science to culinary 🎨🎭. I am sure you all will love the ocean of diverse knowledge .❤️🎊🎉🎯 "Gyan Ka Pitara is a grand symposium of knowledge, where the quest for learning is woven into the fabric of our community." "Illuminate your mind with the torch of knowledge – join me at "Gyan ka Pitara" , where enlightenment is a shared journey." "Ready to embrace the power of interdisciplinary wisdom? Gyan ka Pitara invites you to dive into a world of endless possibilities."

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My boyfriend's a travel photographer, and while I love his adventurous spirit and the stunning pictures he brings home, it can get lonely when he's jetting off to some exotic locale every other month. Don't get me wrong, I completely support his passion, but those weeks alone can stretch on. Do video calls every night cut it, or should I be diving headfirst into hobbies I never even knew existed? Help a lonely soul out! @vijaylaxmi

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Divorceanswered 89 days ago

You must have space in relationship. Just like he travels and does things he like, you can also do same. Go out with friends, enjoy your me time, don't get entirely dependent on anyone.

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I suggest dont break your husband trust, sure you can make new friends, go out, try knowing your passion(dance,music,art), join sports club, gym, side hustle and a part time job, meeting new people is great but a romantic relationship will definitely be cheating
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Hey @Quotes4U 😀😀😀Discover breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cultures, and unforgettable adventures - your dream destinations await, just a ticket away!
wow. that's so cool
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So first of all believe in yourself. don't losse hope. keep working hard. believe in God
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Rent, groceries, utilities - you gotta shoulder the whole dang burden. Imagine all the boba tea you could buy if you had a roommate to split costs with!
yeah living alone can be expensive especially when your partner has contributed to the household... it can be hard to adjust
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Luck menurutku juga berpengaruh, dan luck itu datang dari keberanian dalam mengambil peluang2
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Although separate living for unmarried women is restricted by many families and they consider it a safety issue. It's important to fill their concern by good examples and 3rd person to talk out with them about what you need. If possible arrange job description and secure locations in city you're travelling. Not everything can be achieved Work from home, need to build connections so, have to be outside.
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What are some ways to deal with the guilt of not being able to keep in touch with friends as much as I'd like ? @Intelligent_2200_Rocket
I don't think u should feel guilty about it as even ur friends ar3 not putting effort to stay in touch. if u try then also one sided friendship can't work. try to move on. find new friends
Hi! This is created by you! Just let that guilt go! If they are your good friends and you explain why you did not keep in touch, they should understand. Infact it's a good way of assessing your friends! If you give too much attention to your guilt, it will create more of that, if not you look at communicating clearly yo them, keeping a positive frame of mind, it should get sorted. Go for it! Tc, Preetha Your coach
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can you help me please
yes sure please tell me what happened

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