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by Apurva Purohit on Dec 20, 2022

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Apurva Purohit is an Indian Businesswoman with over three decades of experience in the corporate world where she formed significant partnerships with private equity firms and promoters to build and scale up a diverse set of businesses - from early stage fledgling businesses, to setting up new ventures and to supervising turnarounds in mature and declining organisations.Apurva has been a leading voice in the Indian business landscape, advocating gender diversity, what ails it, and what organisations and leaders can do to improve this critical imperative. She is also the author of the two national bestselling books "Lady, You're not a Man" - the Adventures of a Woman at Work and Lady, You're the Boss! Through her books, Apurva aims to empower women and encourage them to achieve their full potential.Over the years, Apurva has won multiple business awards and has been named as one of the Most Powerful Women in Business as per the India Today Group and Fortune India across several years.Apurva has always been a cheerleader and mentor for many women who have worked with her across multiple organizations. Through both her books she has managed to inspire many women across the world by empowering them with pragmatic ways and perspectives to have both a successful career AND a family life. We hope through this community she continue to inspire women who aim to maximise their potential in their careers.

πŸ“ˆ Career

My friend consistently delivers exceptional results, yet she noticed that her ideas are sometimes dismissed in meetings and her male counterparts seemed to get more recognition. Frustrated but not defeated, she really wants to overcome this but don't know how. @Careertherapiet

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・answered 385Β days ago

My dear, if your friend is delivering exceptional results she needs not worry. Other people s behaviour or if other make colleagues get recognised should not bother her. She needs to focus on her efforts . And if some if her ideas get dismissed dosent mean she is not good in her work. She should not let these instances bring her morale down .. Not everyone will agree to all your ideas and opinions .

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come back online plz madam
I was there now I ll come live at 9pm tonight.
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pooja ma'am aap kabh aaoge?
aap thik hoooo?????
I will come today live around 6 pm.
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I often find myself getting frustrated with people who have different opinions, lifestyles, or ways of doing things than I do. I’ve heard the saying β€˜live and let live,’ and I’m curious about why this philosophy is considered beneficial. Can you explain how adopting a β€˜live and let live’ mindset can positively impact my life and relationships? What are the broader benefits for society when individuals embrace this approach?
Hii Anonymous, Adopting a 'live and let live' mindset can have some amazing benefits! First, it helps you accept and respect people for who they are, even if they're different from you. It promotes understanding and empathy, which can lead to healthier relationships and less conflict. Plus, it allows you to focus on your own happiness instead of getting caught up in others' choices. On a broader scale, when society embraces this approach, it fosters diversity, inclusivity, and harmony. It's all about spreading love and positivity! πŸŒˆπŸ’–
Hey there Its common to wonder this especially when you feel that people have different opinions The way that this philosophy makes wonders if applied is that it frees up so much if your mental space from keeping all of others' opinions and experiences. We're all figuring out our way through life and learning our lessons while doing it. It just takes some people a little more time than us. Also it's alright to not take responsibility for other people's decisions, it can actually make you feel liberated and free up so much more of your mental capacity
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ma'am kaha ho aap??????
don't comment here!!!!!!
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My cuzn got divorced 3 months back. His wife was emotionally abusive and manipulative. Somehow she isolated him from everybody including family. The internet talks so much about narcissistic men but let me tell you, women too can have narcissistic personality disorder. Now I want to know, How is the life of a divorced man in India?@RC_Mayanka
It can come as a surprise but not all men are living happily and not all women are in misery. They both have their problems and struggles. It's just about the pov
It is true that both men and women can be narcissist, but yes it is talked about most in men. as for life of a divorced man, things might be little tough when he wishes to get married again, as people will find it hard to believe that he was abused. other than that most things should be ok for him.
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Why does divorce/separation affect some women’s self-esteem and confidence? @RC_Mayanka
Ofcourse maximum women has some expectations from the relationship, women might build up their future with that person. By separation or divorce, women couldn't see the future and their dreams suddenly.. it must be empty when the person goes off from the life. Coz of that emptiness women effects psychological disturbance. In that situation they feel lack of confidence or self esteem. How long it's continue will be depends on the person.
Marriage is not just a bond between two bodies....they get attached emotionally and mentally. Its is really difficult for a person to detach from someone you loved so much. When you are trying to give your 100 percent and your partner does not care about it. Then a women's self esteem and confidence shakes.
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Feeling uncomfortable and unwelcome at work ever since my colleagues found out I'm dating another woman. Subtle comments and awkward silences are starting to get to me. What are my rights as a queer woman in the Indian workplace?
Don't feel sad; there is no fault in you. Just accept your feelings and let society understand them. You have every right, so don't worry
So first of all you are a human. you must be respected irrespective of your sexual identity. A workplace should ensure that everyone is treated equally without any kind of discrimination. Your workplace might have some policies or laws for Queer community.
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I want to know abt work from home for housewives...
Hi dear want to know about wfh opportunity for hw pls dm me on my what's app number 9861973491
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pooja ma'am aaj aaoge na????
Yes I will come live today at 7 pm.
aj aaegi maam
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Always known I was different, but never had the courage to explore it. Now that I'm retired, I'd love to connect with other LGBTQ+ women, especially older folks like myself. Any suggestions for LGBTQ+ senior groups in India?
Humsafar Trust is one of India's oldest organisations that has been advocating for the rights and the health of LGBTQ+ individuals in India since 1993. Twice every month, they host meet-ups and workshops to bring the community together and socialise. Apart from this, the good folks at Humsafar also provide legal and psychological aid to those in distress. In cases of extortion, blackmail, or to help you through the 'coming out' phase, these are the people you can trust without any qualms. They conduct a bunch of workshops as well so do keep a check on their social media handles and website for the same. You can also search online for local LGBTQA communities and join their workshop or discussion groups. More power to you and Best of luck for the future! πŸ‘
more power to you, I am not aware of any, but for younger folks have some

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