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by Mona Gujral on Sep 15, 2022

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The purpose of this community is to share, listen, learn and be supportive just like friends and family to share your personal experiences, coping strategies and exchange firsthand information.Please note.This is peer support group community. This is not therapy.This is not professionally facilitated community.

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What percentage of couples get married after living together ?

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Supportanswered 34 days ago


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Bakinganswered 30 days ago

I think percent is increasing now

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answered 29 days ago

I think 40-50 %

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Bakinganswered 27 days ago

Hanahjahabhhahsghsgahga s hzjsyjssgjs

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Cyber Lawsanswered 27 days ago

I think 60% but the number is increasing with the change in the idea of relationship more and more people are choosing live in relationship before marriage that is also called cohabitation.

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صاحبتي قلعت الحجاب وجوزي عرف وقالي لو عرفت انك كلمتيها او خرجتي معاها او جمعك بيها اي حاجة هاخد منك التلفون وهمنعك من الخروج خالص بس دي صاحبتي وعشرة عمري ومش عارفه اعمل اي انصحوني بالله
اهلا جميله 🥰 كوتو مقدره اللى وصلك من مشاعر ولخبطه من الموقف هنا محتاجه اسالك جوزك عرف ازاى هل منك انت شخصيا وازاى وصلتيله الخبر وايه وجهه نظره ف منعك عنها لما قلعت الحجاب وانك متتكلميش معاها تانى وهل من المتبع معاكم ف اى حوار أنه ينتهى بدون نقاش وعارفه رأيه وطبعه ف النقاش ولا ف مواضيغبيتناقش ومواضيع لاء ف اسئله محتاجه اسالهالك ونتناقش فيها علشان نوصل للاجابه وحلول مساعده المشكله إلى معطلاك بشجعك تتابعى معايا ع صفحتى (لأجل حياه تستحق أن تعاش) ومن خلال اللايف عن طريق الاتصال فون خلال اللايف ونتواصل بشكل أعمق انا حابه ومهامه اساعدك ف مشكلتك بشكل فعال انا مها اسماعيل معالج نفسى ومنتظراك دمتى بخير وود 🥰
مساء الخير ، معاكي د.إيمان حسن أخصاىي الأمراض النفسية والعصبية من تيم كوتو ، السؤال اللي بيطرح نفسه هنا هي إيه طريقتكم عادة في حل خلافاتكم واختلاف وجهات نظركم وهل طريقته دي إنت متعودة عليها ولا أول مرة يعملها معاكي وإيه أخلاق صاحبتك بشكل عام وهل في طريقة تقنعي بيها جوزك ولا لأ وايه سبب تعنته هل اتكلمتي معاه وعنده وجهة نظر محددة مثلا ، جاوبي علي كل الأسئلة دي وبالتأكيد لو علاقتك بصاحبتك مهمة حاولي معاه تاني لحد ما توصلوا لاتفاق
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How to make a man fall for me 🙂
start earning your own income. share your qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521 for work from home opportunity
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love marriage hogi ya arrange ji
kya mer love marriage ho ga
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I am going through a separation. my husband is having multiple affairs. I have a 5 years old daughter so I can't leave him. also I really love him and I am not very educated so I am dependent on him what's should I do now I am very confused should I take divorce or live like this only?
Hi dear Start earning your own income and be financially independent. share your qualification and DM for more updates
Hi dear I'm Soudamini is a friend of yours in Coto I my knowledge u should judge what's affairs he did u try to restrict him and understand him and also take senior help if not possible to do u can admire your own decision but u should become financially independent there are lot of platform available in online where no need to go outside, qualification, experience through mobile u can do after all u have girl child I my case my husband never share his secrets and give any single money to me for need then I decided to become financially independent so start online business so I hope u understood me TKe care and thank you
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I've been seeing a man since 5 months . we're in long distance and haven't met yet. he was super sweet and loving but a couple of weeks ago he stopped wishing me good morning and stopped the random cute messages he used to send me . when I confronted him he didn't give me any clarification. he kept on saying I love talking to you and I want to talk to you but it's on you if you don't want to talk to me . we argued a little and stopped talking. he's still making a snap streak with me though. what should I do ? I can't stop thinking about all the cute and loving things he used to say to me initially. I feel pathetic. but I don't want to break the no contact myself. I want him back. I love him . please suggest
Hello there! I am a clinical psychologist and would love to help you with this situation. It's understandable to feel confused and hurt by the sudden change in his behavior. Since you care deeply for him and want to reconnect, consider reaching out calmly and expressing your feelings clearly. Let him know how his sudden withdrawal has affected you and seek clarity on his feelings and intentions. It’s important to understand whether he is truly committed or if his interest has waned. Give him space to respond honestly without pressure. Reflect on whether his actions align with your emotional needs and if the relationship can provide the mutual support and affection you desire. Prioritizing open communication is key to resolving this uncertainty and determining the future of your relationship. Hope this helps. Would love to see you in one of my life sessions
Jo log aise krte h wo aapko bs manipulate kr रहे h... abhi time h Jane do usko... wrna toxic relationship me fns jaogi trust me.... aur b jyada muskie हो jayega niklna....
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5/12/1999 wanna ask about love life
you can join my live at 12 connect with me via call And know the answers to all your questions. Shriiya Shukla Tarot Expert at CoTo
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will my lover come back for me?
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hi I like one boy he likes me but he is not giving commitment
first be financially independent before moving forward share your qualification in my WhatsApp number for+919435110521 for work from home opportunity
If someone is not willing to commit in a relationship then how about not forcing that person!? because under pressure commitment may not survive long... enjoy the phase, however, communicate about your expectations from the relationship. If you want to learn to get into that difficult conversation call me in my live sessions.
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اعرف منين اني بحبو ؟
اهلا حبوبتى 🥰 معنى كلمه الحب معنى شامل وعام وانك تعرفى شخص بعينه وغالبا بشكل عاطفى محتاج تسالى نفسك ف جوانب كتير هل متناسب معايا أفكاره بشكل نسبى ولا لاء القيم قريبه من بعض ولا لاء الشكل الجسدى ف قبول بالنسبالك ولا لاء تصرفاته أو سلوكه مقبول ولا فيه معالم إيذاء اتعاملت ف مواقف وكان رد فعله بالنسبالك لطيف وهنا لازم تسالى نفسك الاول هى ايه احتياجاتى من الطرف الآخر وهل الطرف الآخر بيبادلنى الشعور ده بعمق ولا بشكل سطحى لان ده هيرد ع سؤالك وقتها هل انا بحبه ولا مجرد اعجاب سطحى فقط دمتى بخير وود 🥰
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The relationship is not going well when will everything be alright between us
amer kar satha bia hoba

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Rituals & Practices

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." – Maya Angelou. Welcome! My name is Niharika Bisht and I have been a clinical psychologist for over a year with a strong foundational practice of over 2000 hours in evidence based therapy, in English and Hindi, which are always client centered, putting YOU as the priority. My compassion comes with the caliber of providing the tools for you to navigate their struggles and challenges. I would love to be a catalyst for an impact whether you're dealing with event-based or long-term depression, social or personal anxiety, neurological disorders such as autism or epilepsy, or relationship issues involving friends or in-laws. Building a therapeutic relationship on trust, empathy, and respect is my priority. Together, we'll explore your strengths, address challenges, and build resilience. I'm here to help you find clarity, develop healthy coping strategies, and create meaningful change. I fiercely look forward for you to join me in a live session so that we can understand how we can go forward together, gain new perspectives and be the best version of ourselves we always knew we could, please remember you're not alone and you alone are capable.Hope to see you soon.more

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long termعلاقات ال  community profile picture
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Hi everyone my self is Sonia my community is basically for those who want to share something which they can't share with parents friends or with any relative ,we are here to listen you be free to talk to us about your emotions about how you feel and what you want to do who exactly you are and what you have in your mind , we are open to hear you from our heart and we also create special moments for those who want to do something special for their loved ones we create special moments for everyone who want to make some memorable moments with his or her special ones either friends family or love of your life you say and we create it ......more


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