Member since July 05, 2023 with 4 connections, 407 posts, and 16 communities. See all posts and communities by @prachibhardwaj.
Member since July 05, 2023 with 4 connections, 407 posts, and 16 communities. See all posts and communities by @prachibhardwaj.
prachibhardwaj asked 408 days ago
I don't feel that I am able to satisfy my partner in bed. though when i ask him he says everything is ok but i constantly feel anxious that our sex life is not interesting. i am not sure where the insecurity is creeping in from.
3)Don't restrict yourselves to intercourse. Prolong foreplay and explore new pleasure zones. If you both are open to oral sex, I would highly recommend you to explore that! You can include edibles like chocolates, whipped cream externally. please ensure that you don't insert any edible inside your vaginal hole as it can lead to yeast infections. Wash and pee after the session to maintain hygiene and flush out any remnants. 4) Incase you feel it's still lacking or you need help consider couple sex counseling. You can check out for nonjudgemental and sex positive doctors and experts. Lastly have fun! Hope this helps💜
prachibhardwaj asked 406 days ago
i think my therapist is very strict with me. i want someone more friendly. but at the same time her approach is working for me to help me with my problems. i just want her to open up more and be more friendly. can i suggest her this and how?
message me back to talk to a Dr. who will help u .. she talks awesome to clients... feels like our problems are getting solved soon ...
prachibhardwaj asked 406 days ago
my partner wants me to spend more time on my own or with groups of people and not only rely on him for all my needs or basically for spending time with him only. I often feel that I do not enjoy as much with anybody else as much I do with him but he thinks this is not entirely healthy. he is an extrovert and has big groups of friends and wants to spend balance amount of time with his friends and not feel guilty about it. is he fair in what he is asking and should I try to explore more on my own and with other people or should I just put this relation ship?
The world is an ocean my darling and you'll definitely find other people as well whose company you'll enjoy ❤️❤️
prachibhardwaj asked 406 days ago
I am the first one to get married in a group of 4 girlfriends that I have. they always tell me about the trips that they take solo and how they are getting new projects or how they are getting started with the new entrepreneurial projects. I am not doing any of those and I am simply a house wife now I am very I am sure how to deal with the insecurity of missing out on an entirely different life. have I made a wrong decision by getting married and taking up job of a housewife?
you can do things while you are a house wife, start finding time, do what gives you happiness.
prachibhardwaj asked 406 days ago
I have gained a lot of weight because of my unhealthy eating habits but now I am finding it very difficult to quit eating the junk food that I am pretty much addicted to. my body weight has started to make me feel extremely judgemental about myself. I am never able to enjoy the food that I eat rather I feel more guilty about it. I feel this problem is growing into a chronic issue do you all think that I need to consult a specialist to get help for this?
contact me for weight reduce 9140283109
prachibhardwaj asked 406 days ago
are there any ways to not make things i do for my mental health to become a task?
Taking care of your mental health should feel natural and enjoyable… find activities that you resonate with! There are many activities that can be good for you, whether it’s journaling, meditating or taking long walks in nature. Observe yourself and see which activities feel right for you. It shouldn’t feel like a chore.
prachibhardwaj asked 406 days ago
when i go street shopping, i rarely find anything suitable for my body type. all my girlfriends are always going shopping together but i feel so judged that i don't go out with them any more. how do I deal with this insecurity?
stop going with them, life is short, do what you feel like doing. look for people who lift your spirits up. if not you know you are enough
prachibhardwaj asked 406 days ago
when I go out with my friends they order whatever they want to and happily eat as much junk food they would like because they are not fat like me. I feel very conscious in front of anybody to order food because I think they are going to judge me for my body I do not think I deserve to good food anymore. how do I overcome this problem?
It's your life and they are no-one to judge you. Just enjoy your life and eat good food. Just because they will make fun of you, will you stop eating. no right. be confident in what you are
prachibhardwaj asked 406 days ago
I am now 32 years old and every social party I attend wether it is with friends or with family the only question I am asked is when am I getting married. even though I don't not believe that my worth relies on getting married but still I have started to feel extremely conscious that I am missing out on a very big thing in my life. how do I deal with these people and this pressurizing question?
I understand that it can be difficult to deal with nosy relatives asking you about your marriage. But just don't let them affect you. Focus on yourself and whether you want to get married or not. Let them speak. Just ignore them.
prachibhardwaj asked 406 days ago
I have been feeling very low about my body after delivering a baby, it feels like I am not as beautiful as I used to be and I am not able to cherish my baby as well sometimes because it feels like this change is too overwhelming for me. I would recommend seeking counseling and joining women empowerment groups to help you navigate through postpartum body changes and find ways to embrace your beauty and fully enjoy motherhood. how do I deal with this?
It's completely normal to feel this way after delivering a baby. But you shouldn't. You are still as beautiful as you were warlier. It's just a phase that will pass. If you are facing problem then you can consult a counselor who might help you.
prachibhardwaj posted 408 days ago
this question on Quora broke my heart - "How can I get a partner if I'm so ugly? I'm depressed because of my looks. Don't tell me that looks doesn't matter because it clearly matters. Don't tell me about character and personality because I've tried to be a good person but I'm still alone."
he dear I look younger than my age and married still I m not happy just because.... my partner don't value my love which actually upset me. it was better you had a breakup at least you write a beautiful life ahead..... god bless you
prachibhardwaj posted 408 days ago
I don't like that my mother in law makes me feel small about my looks and weight as compared to her own daughters and others around me. she's always asking me to change things and appear a certain way which makes me very conscious.
don't give thus right to anyone
prachibhardwaj posted 407 days ago
i have seen my mother struggle so much in her marriage for a long long time. because of in laws and lack of emotional capacity of my father. i don't want to be in the same setup and this has made me very bitter towards the institution of marriage. I am determined to prioritize my emotional well-being and personal growth. Therefore, I am actively seeking therapy and counseling to address my anxiety and work on my personal development.
I understand that you don't want to do the mistake that your mother did. But you should also remember that not all relationships are the same.
prachibhardwaj posted 408 days ago
phrase "I am enough" is a powerful affirmation that suggests that a person is complete and whole just as they are, without needing to change or improve themselves in order to be worthy or deserving of love and acceptance. The words "I am" can be a powerful reminder of one's own agency and sense of self, while "enough" suggests that one has all that one needs in order to succeed, be happy, and lead a fulfilling life. Together, the phrase "I am enough" can be a reminder to oneself that they are worthy of love and respect, regardless of their flaws, mistakes, or past experiences. "I am enough" can be used as a tool for promoting self-acceptance, self-esteem, and self-love, and can be helpful for people who struggle with feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt. It can also serve as a reminder to prioritize one's own needs and well-being and to resist societal pressures to conform to certain standards or expectations. It can also empower women in their dating lives by reminding them that they are already whole and deserving of love, without needing to change themselves to be more attractive or desirable.
thank you fir the beautiful note. csn resonate with a lot. it also keans you ate content with who you are and are happy bring yourself. you don't feel incomplete and push yourself to become best version of yourself
prachibhardwaj posted 408 days ago
In high school people used to make a list of beautiful girls in class, or beautiful to ugliest and would find myself at the buttom always. So I accepted that I wasn't pretty, I didn't feel comfortable around people (esp at gatherings). When I went to college I started wearing makeup, I felt a little confident when wearing makeup. And it became my strength to the extent that I wasnt able to go the grocery store without wearing it. I didn't want friends to visit me and see me without makeup, it was just crazy. And I thought I was only beatiful when wearing makeup, it stressed me out when travelling cause I didn't want to be seen without makeup. Then few months ago I told myself “all the craziness has to stop”, I suddenly stopped wearing makeup and I started thinking positive about myself. Nomatter what people say, I see a beautiful woman when I look in the mirror. I told myself, makeup or no makeup I was beautiful. I accepted that I was pretty not ugly. So why can't you just accept that you are pretty. Because it all comes from the mind.
you have answer in your question. it is in your mind
prachibhardwaj posted 408 days ago
What is the meaning of the words I AM ENOUGH? I am not perfect. I am not drop dead beautiful, I am emotional, clumsy sometimes awkward. Maybe I dont always get the answer right the first time, or the second or third. But I have a smile that can light up a whole room, my sensitivity makes me better able to understand others and my awkwardness is I endearing. When I dont get the answer right, I keep trying until I do. I am not perfect, but I am enough and I deserve the love I give others and so are you! I have the power to define my own worth. I embrace my imperfections, celebrate my uniqueness, and prioritize self-love. I am authentically me, and that is more than enough.
I am me and I'm happy, I choose to be myself.
prachibhardwaj posted 412 days ago
For a very long period of time as a woman in the corporate sector I have offen felt that I don't know enough, the other members was superior than me or particularly the male members, they know more than me. even if I feel I am qualified even though I would know that I know the right thing to do I would know the right approach, I would still not speak up and for a very long period of time I have sabotaged myself. but very recently I realised for a long time that I have not believe in my own keep abilities and it is very important that I show up for myself and get myself did you that I deserved a long time back.
everyone are special in there own way , your existence matters 😍🫂
prachibhardwaj posted 438 days ago
I have often heard men being addicted to porn. have you ever felt addicted to porn as a woman? the initial years when i had learnt self pleasure, i use to masturbate multiple times in a day. then gradually, tiredness kicked in but i will go over board a few days. sometimes i feel guilty as well. but i do enjoy watching some kind of porn but also feel disgust of a certain kind at times looking at the same videos. it's a love hate relationship i guess.
well i like porn only till i reach orgasm and after hitting the big O it feels boring to watch not a porn addict but i do enjoy it and don't feel guilty at all
prachibhardwaj posted 439 days ago
We don’t all look like Ashley Graham. Yet, in order for plus sized women to be seen as human, we must be considered “so attractive” that thin people can’t help but respect us. It shouldn’t be like that. If you only see the humanity in very attractive, bigger people…then that’s the issue. This isn’t to say that bigger people can’t have pretty privilege. Because we absolutely can. But this pretty privilege is essential to receiving decent treatment. But with thinner people, pretty privilege it’s just something nice to have. Thin people don’t have to work as hard to receive common decency. They can just be. Even if they are average looking.
True. I agree with you 💯
prachibhardwaj posted 451 days ago
I can't sleep because my mind won't shut up about what happened earlier today. I was waiting at a bus stop, lost in my own thoughts, when this guy walks up and starts a conversation. At first, it seemed harmless enough, just casual small talk. But then, out of nowhere, he starts asking personal questions, invading my space, making me feel incredibly uncomfortable. I tried to keep my responses short, hoping he'd take the hint, but he just wouldn't stop. My anxiety spiked, and I could feel my heart racing. What if he follows me onto the bus? What if he knows where I'm headed? Every passing minute felt like an eternity until my bus finally arrived, and I rushed to get on, making sure he wasn't following. It's frustrating how these encounters can leave you feeling shaken and vulnerable. Being a woman in public feels like walking around with a target on your back sometimes. And the constant worry, the incessant questioning of whether I did something to encourage this attention—it's maddening. Why is it so hard for some people to respect personal boundaries? Why do I have to feel anxious just waiting for public transportation? It's a never-ending battle, this anxiety of being a woman in public spaces, and I'm tired of it.
रिश्ते हमारी जिंदगी का सबसे अहम हिस्सा होते हैं। अक्सर कई सवाल और बातें अनकही रह जाती है क्योंकि हमें सही जगह नहीं मिलती अपनी मन की बात करने के लिए। यह कम्युनिटी हम सबको उन बातों और सवालों से मिलाने के लिए है जो हम पल पल पर अपने अंदर ही दबाते रहते हैं ताकि हमारे रिश्ते खूबसूरती से निभाते रहे।more
यह कम्युनिटी महिलाओं के लिए एक सामुदायिक मंच है, जहां हम महिलाओं के सामाजिक परिवर्तन पर चर्चा, जानकारी और बातचीत करते हैं। हम सभी महिलाओं को संगठित करके उनकी शक्ति और प्रभाव को बढ़ाने का लक्ष्य रखते हैं। यहाँ हम एक-दूसरे को प्रेरणा और समर्थन देते हैं ताकि हम सब मिलकर एक बेहतर और समाजसेवी समाज बना सकें। आइए, साथ चलें और एक आवाज़ बनाएं जो महिलाओं के सामाजिक परिवर्तन में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान को प्रमोट करती है। 💪💖✨"more
चलो बंद करें तनाव का बाज़ार, और आइए, मानसिक स्वतंत्रता की ओर!क्या तनाव, चिंता और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के बारे में बात करने की ख्वाहिश है? तो यहां हमारे ऑनलाइन समुदाय में शामिल हों! यह विशेष स्थान है जहां हम महिलाओं के बीच एकजुट होकर अपने मानसिक स्वास्थ्य, तनाव प्रबंधन और चिंता के बारे में ज्ञान साझा करते हैं।यहां तुम्हें मिलेंगी सपोर्टिव और अनुभवी महिलाएं जो एक-दूसरे का साथ देती हैं, समस्याओं का समाधान ढूंढ़ती हैं और एक सकारात्मक माहौल बनाने में मदद करती हैं।चलो, आपकी मानसिक स्वतंत्रता की यात्रा का हिस्सा बनें! अभी शामिल हों और समुदाय के साथ ताल्लुक बनाएं, सीखें, और प्रगति करें।more
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A space where you will get awareness and support about mental health and self care. I will be sharing certain tips and self help strategies to support you through for your difficult days. This is about making you feel worthy and help you realize that You Matter!more
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