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by Rola_Hajarat on Apr 14, 2024

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If you are looking for lifestyle modifications,having medical issues that need nutritional intervention, you are seeking to get in shape, or you are looking for professional tips for a healthy diet, this community is what you are looking for. It is not a hidden fact that what we consume and eat has a huge impact on our health. Also, nutrition therapy is recommended for many illnesses either to control the condition or allow proper response for medical treatment. Our services include: weight management cancer autoimmune disease renal disease liver disease gastrointestinal disease diabetes insulin resistance infertility pregnancy pediatric Post bariatric surgery's

⏲️ Fitness
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SUPERFOODS شو المقصود فيها؟ و شو هي اهميتها

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commented 10 days ago

دور الكرز في وظائف الكلي لو سمحتي

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I have encountered many disadvantages of sushi. That's why I never considered making it.😐
looking delicious 😋 😍
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Life's too short to waste your time and energy on stressing yourself up. Just eat a good meal, your fav food and be happy ❤️💖😌
Oh yeah just chill and enjoy every moment ☺️🥳
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The foods you eat affect the amount of acid your stomach produces. Eating the right kinds of food is key to controlling acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a severe, chronic form of acid reflux. Important - Many people with GERD find that certain foods trigger their symptoms. To identify your individual triggers, keep a food diary and track the following: -what foods you eat -what time of day you eat -what symptoms you experience.
Wow, your video is really helpful for us🥰
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hahaa, I can relate to this
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Healthy dinner ideas 😊
It certainly was HUDA and healthy is nourishing and can be tasty too
I love your dinner plate! looks so yumm ✅✅

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