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by SwastiGenztherapist on Oct 12, 2022

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Hi everyone! In this community, we talk about our experiences and give ideas to deal with anxiety. This is a place to feel safe and supported. We talk about our feelings and thoughts, share advice, and offer encouragement to one another. We also discuss different ways for managing anxiety and maintaining mental well-being. Join the community and let's create a supportive and understanding environment where we can help each other find peace of mind<3

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I have been dating my boyfriend for 2 years. he has recently talked bout marriage and I think we should live together before it... how long is the correct time to stay together before considering anything serious?

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 26 days ago

no get married soon

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 25 days ago

Hi there! Hope you are doing well! There’s no set timing or duration of living together. It’s okay to do it whenever it feels right!

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answered 23 days ago

Hey, you both feel more confident and agree with the situation, and both of you are willing to meet each other's needs, it may take up to a year or even longer to improve your marriage. Consider your situation carefully before making a decision.

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Bakinganswered 23 days ago

Whenever you both feel you are ready, you can live in together. there is no right time for it.

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answered 22 days ago

When you feel like it

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Hi Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Reproductive Health Expert. I understand how much you are feeling low and dejected. But I believe this isn't healthy for you. It seems like a trauma response and I would want to know why you believe you can't live without him. Do join my live sessions and connect with me.
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محتاجة رأيكم ضروري. الشخص اللي أنا معجبة به مهندس ،، بس هو بيكلمني علي مزاجه وممكن يقعد بالأيام منتكلمش، تقريباً بيتسلى بيا 😂 وانا بحاول اعمل نفسي مش واخدة بالي وبتعامل عادي. ملحوظة : هو معترفليش بحاجة بس مرة يكلمني بس لو ومرة لا وبجججد ملخبطني. مش قادرة افهم هو عايز ايه . الفترة دي مبيكلمنيش بس أنا متعشمة بصراحة انه يكلمني تاني .
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It's good to spend your time with your boyfriend. And you have to be independent before moving forward. share your qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521
Hello Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. It is healthy as long as you both have a life outside of you and healthy quality time. You need boundaries and space so it's not like you will fall out of love because of spending time everyday but also have a life outside of you. Hope that answers!
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Hi Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. Backburner relationship is something where the person currently in a relationship but keeps another one as a backup. This isn't a healthy relationship. Hope that answers. Do join my live sessions to learn more.
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Hello Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. A lot of things are considered toxic like being possessive, not giving space, joking about your values or looks etc. Not talking for days is a problem when this happens often. If they purposely avoid you despite you wanting to talk or not prioritizing your emotions and needs is toxic. Hope that helps! Do join my live and we will talk more.

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