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by Jyothi on Oct 5, 2022

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Hey there, I'm Preetha Balakrishnan, PCC-ICF, and I'm all about helping women step into the spotlight effortlessly. As a Women's Metamorphosis Coach, I've dedicated myself to ensuring women's visibility and empowering them to reach their full potential. I've had the honor of sharing my insights as a TEDx Speaker and being recognized as a SuperSpeaker Top 250 awardee. My journey has also led me to become an Amazon #1 Best Selling Author for my book, "21 Days - Self-Reliance Challenge," where I delve into strategies for fostering self-reliance and empowerment. Through my coaching practice, I combine motivational speaking with personalized coaching techniques to guide women through a transformative journey. My goal is to help them break through barriers, embrace their inner confidence, and thrive in both their personal and professional lives. Whether I'm on stage inspiring audiences or working one-on-one with clients, my mission remains the same: to empower women to embrace their authenticity, amplify their voices, and shine brightly in every aspect of their lives. So, are you ready to step into your spotlight? Let's embark on this journey together!

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*10 Constructive Ways To Increase Visibiliry At Work* Number 3- *SPEAK UP DURING TEAM MEETINGS* 👍🏿Voicing opinions and asking questions during an office meeting or conference call is an excellent opportunity to express your unique ideas with the team and increase visibility. 👍🏿For people who don’t have the confidence to speak up during in-person (on-site teams) or virtual team meetings (remote teams), these tips may help you: ✌🏼 Prepare questions in advance by going through the meeting agenda. ✌🏼Dress-up professionally. Opt for video meetings with the camera on to increase visibility. ✌🏼Maintain eye contact with the main speaker in the meeting to exude confidence. Hope this helps and do wait for the 4th tip! So, what do you think? Do comment .. Tc, Preetha Your Visibility Coach✌🏼🙂

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New Mothersanswered 83 days ago


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Feeling uncomfortable and unwelcome at work ever since my colleagues found out I'm dating another woman. Subtle comments and awkward silences are starting to get to me. What are my rights as a queer woman in the Indian workplace?
Don't feel sad; there is no fault in you. Just accept your feelings and let society understand them. You have every right, so don't worry
So first of all you are a human. you must be respected irrespective of your sexual identity. A workplace should ensure that everyone is treated equally without any kind of discrimination. Your workplace might have some policies or laws for Queer community.
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I recently came out as LGBTQ+ to my family, and I'm facing rejection and discrimination. How can I find acceptance and support within my community? @Amanvir
‼️Correction # It must be read like as under. DO NOT try to seek 100% acceptance.
Lgbtq is acceted in the modern age with grace n respect. Keep your identity as your pride. There are always many who accept And many who object on anything you do,you are,you decide. Do try to seek 100% acceptance. No one has it whatever they be. Look around..walk with your head high. Ignore n forgive those who do not understand your worth and embrace the onez who are happy to see you smiling n succeeding. Break the barriers of seeking validity from others. Command your hsppinesz your way.
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I have a coworker who is extremely two-faced towards me. Whenever we interact directly, she's overly nice and friendly to my face. But multiple trusted colleagues have mentioned to me that the moment I'm not around, she routinely talks badly about me and bitches about things I've done or said. This duplicitous behavior is really off-putting. I'm worried about creating unnecessary workplace drama if I call her out directly. What's the best way to approach this situation - should I have an upfront discussion or kill her with kindness in hopes she stops the petty gossiping?
I think try talking to her for sometime. if she is rude or something then ignore her
See here you have heard different things so there are no direct encounters even if you confront she can deny and you will have cold war, what you can do is have acceptance that person doesn’t belong in any of your close knit and keep it as professional as possible
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so I m the only female mining engineer in my company. few days back I went for a competition and the coach and superintendent were very creepy on that trip. now the company wants me to take part in a similar competition in respect of women empowerment but I don't want to work with those two. what should I do?
Others creepy behaviour should not stop you from being yourself. If you want to join the competition let the upper management know when happened in past and participate. more power to you girl 💕
I think you have to go with strong personality and face them wisely don't worry you can do this pray to God for strength, my best wishes with you ❤
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Anyone working to help women become more employable? I would love to get connected.
You can join NGOS and organizations to get employed. Find them on LinkedIn or Naukri or Indeed
Yes, many organizations focus on empowering women to enhance their employability.
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Hey @Preetha_Balakrishnan I'm a young professional struggling to navigate office politics and advance in my career. How can I stand out and achieve my professional goals?
Balancing work and personal life always is a quest! I always say roles to goals Metamorphosis, that is the alter ego journey I teach too! Switch and be in the role. rather than playing only one role of a mother. everywhere, right? PLS let me know
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how to speak up without hesitation
only see what u r saying don't see the eyes of the watchers....
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I'm tired of feeling undervalued and overlooked at work. How can I stand out and show my true potential?
keep records in that case.. of everything you do
Take a stand for yourself. Do whatever project or assignment that you have. Crack a deal that is going on. This way you will be able to prove your capability
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@Preetha_Balakrishnan There's a need for a work advice. I'm working as an HR in an MNC . Its my first year only and I'm too young for the work politics. My seniors and colleagues who are working before me often try to put me down in various ways whether directly or indirectly in a jokish manner or seriously. Its really affecting my work and moreover my mental peace. What do I do for this ???
that's workplace manipulation or gaslighting. u cn read about these behaviours and make urseld mentally strong against it
If you have believe in numerology, check your name number, it might not be in harmonious with other numbers of yours. Love & Light Shagun K Singh
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Sneha here. My peers at work seem to enjoy dimming my shine, taking credit for my ideas. How do you handle such situations gracefully? @Aartichawla
dear Sneha self belief will take u up the ladder. I was also going through office politics a couple of years back. so I understand your situation if you believe that you r right, you are doing justice to your work n salary, nothing can stop you. also i suggest take therapy and talk to your loved ones who understands you.
keep records

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