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by BaharKalyoncuYücel on Dec 9, 2023

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Burası aşk, evlilik, ilişkiler ve bağlanma modellerini konuşacağımız, dertleşeceğimiz, çözümler üreteceğimiz yer. Tek taraflı bakmanın bizi sonuca götürmediğini bilerek, empatinin, şefkatin, şehvetin, onurlandırmanın olduğu ilişkileri nasıl inşa edebiliriz,işte tam olarak bu soruya cevaplar üreteceğiz. İdeal ilişki yoktur, ideal ilişkinin yaratımı vardır. Yaratımımız kutlu olsun cânım kadın. Hadi gel, beraber yolda gönlümüzü açalım, büyütelim, serpilelim. İlişki tohumlarımız göğe ulaşsın ! 🌴

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Bireyleşmek İster Misiniz ? Bizim gibi ailenin birbirine fazlasıyla kenetlendiği toplumlarda bireyleşmek zaman zaman bencillik, uzaklaşma kopma gibi algılanabiliyor. Halbuki insanın kendini tanıması için kendi dünyasını keşfetmesi, kendine ait kararlar vermesi, kendi seçimlerini yapıp seçimlerinin sorumluluğunu alması gerekir. Hiç yalnız başınıza seyahat ettiniz mi? Kendi başınıza şehir dışına çıktınız mı? Evlenmeden önce kendi evinize çıktınız mı ? Bir evin sorumluluğunu tam anlamıyla aldınız mı? Sadece kendinize ait bir karar aldınız mı? Tüm bunlar, bireyleşmek için önemli adımlardır. Birey olmayan, çift olma konusunda da sıkıntılar yaşayabilir. Aile kültürü elbette önemlidir fakat sizin kültürünüzde neler var? Aileniz ile sizin sabah rutinleriniz, yeme alışkanlığınız, boş vakitlerinizi değerlendirme tarzınız benzer mi? Tüm bunları anlayabilmek için, yalnız kalmalıyız cânım kadınlar. Şu an gittikçe azalsa da, bizim toplumumuzda kadınlar anne baba evinden çıkıp, eşleriyle kurdukları eve giriyorlar . Kendilerini tanıma fırsatı verilmeden yaşıyorlar. Evlat rolünden çıkıp, eş rolüne geçiş yapıyorlar, kendileri olma rolünden azad edilerek… Siz bu konuda neler düşünüyorsunuz? #bireyleşme #kültür #toplum #toplumsalroller #toplumbaskısı #kadınolmak #evlilik #bireyolmak #psikoloji #psikolog

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answered 449 days ago

Ben de anne baba evinden çıkıp evlendim Bireyselleşme ve kendi kendime vakit geçirmeden yeni yeni keyif aliyorum desem 2024 planlarıma da tek başına seyahati ekledim bol bol

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answered 430 days ago

Oooh süüüper

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How does cultural diversity shape our perceptions, beliefs, and interactions with one another?😀😃
Hi! Very deep question! Yes, it very much does as our experiences and influences are in the way we are brought up. How are parents bring us up and what we learn when we are a child (till we become sn adult) sets our values and beliefs. Infact it is such an irony in life, we come with nothing and go with nothing! In between we gather all the beliefs, values and towards the end we realise we need to shed them away! So, while the values and beliefs get set, let us not get too attached to it! That will help to be free and do what is needed whichever culture you belong to. Tc, Preetha Your coach
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Do cultural norms influence the dating choices of Indian women? @Amanvir
I'll add cultural norms with their present lifestyle affects the dating choices. It all goes down to values and lifestyle choices ingrained during childhood. Match and compatibility in lifestyle n habits can be a safe soothing start to a relationship. Be open to your folks and your partner about your moves. You are the best judge to decide how much , when and how.
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I feel like I don't fit into any of the stereotypes about women. Society tells us how to act, dress, and even think, but what if I don't check any of those boxes? Is it okay to be different, or am I doomed to be an outcast forever? How do we find our place in the world when we don't fit the mold?
Hello , There’s no definitive to true and real beauty these norms are just set by society. No bible or any mythological book tells if you don’t match the societal boxes you’re deviant or outgroup . Embrace yourself with confidence All the best 🌸
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How do i embrace my cultural identity in a society that might not understand?
Hello there. I am Deepti Acharya, a counseling psychologist and relationship coach. Thanks a lot for reaching out. I understand your concern. I know how important cultural belongingness is for you. First and foremost, try to find ways to connect with your culture individually and finding a strong bond with it which is not highly influenced by societal expectations. This could include reading about and exploring your culture better. Secondly, it is vital to start setting boundaries and finding distinctions between your beliefs and social norms. Thirdly, try to find ways of interacting with and participating in communities that share your cultural beliefs. Having said that, I would like to understand where you are coming from better. To do that please tune into my upcoming live sessions on similar topics, where you can call me for more solutions. Hope this was helpful. Looking forward to connecting with you. All the best!
Hello Dear. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. It's important for you to feel comfortable in your identity. Then find like minded community and friends like joining a club to share a hobby or meeting new people. There would be people who would understand, even if they don't, do not burden to fit in or trying to make people like you. Ignorance can't be helped. You find a space for you to express yourself. Hope that helps.
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اهلا Funky🥰 أننا نكسر حاجز الوحده والصمت والتقوقع ونسعى للتغير ونكون أكثر اجتماعيه اشجعك ع ده ويمكن المتاح والافضليه اكتر أن ده يحصل ع ارض الواقع مع اشخاص ف دواير القريبه منى أن متاح ثم الدائر الأكبر من خلال المجتمع بنضم مثلا لنادى ل جيم لتعلم هوايه أو مهاره جديده كورس تعليمى اين كان ومن خلال ده هتتعرفى ع أشخاص جديده وتعملى صدقات ربما هتاخد وقت لان القبول وان هتشاف ف مجموعه جديده ونقبل اكباع وشخصيات بعض المختلفه ده بياخد وقت شويه دينامك المجموعه أو التغير والقبول وعمل ذكريات مشتركه اشجعك تعملى ده بالتوفيق ومستنيه الفيد باك منك💪💪💪
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How do I manage differences in values, beliefs, or cultural backgrounds in my marriage? @Aartichawla
dear anonymous I totally understand your situation as when the basic values n beliefs don't match, especially in a marriage it becomes very difficult. but it's not impossible. communication is the key. I suggest u sir with your partner n communicate what u want. u both may have to come to a middle ground. anything in your personal space, about your own private life, u can take decision basis your values, when it comes to family n common decisions u may have to communicate n make him understand n come to a common decisions. happy to help love Aarti 💕

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