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by PujaS on Mar 9, 2023

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3rd Generation Astrologer, provides Astrology consultancy and remedies with accuracy upto 98%. Trio reading methods used. Remedies suggested are all tried and tested. Logics provided for all the predictions. Proven track record, with complete satisfaction and high success rate. Empanelled with Astrotalk (Astrology App) For more visit:-

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Can I have a pooja unit in the northeast corner beside the sink as I don't have a place in other NE corners? What are other options available? @PurvanjaliTalkaboutNumbers

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answered 106 days ago

The direction is NOT important, the place is. The place of Pooja must be separate and full of auspiciousness, not near sink or something like that. Please give first priority to the Pooja location and then to your personal rooms.

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Spend some time in northeast direction and also join my live session so we can discuss more about this
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