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by #AskNaisargi on Feb 15, 2023

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Give me recommendations on your fav book. 🫶😊 #netflix #bookreviews

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Study/Exam issuesanswered 84 days ago

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ليه رغم استحالة الأسباب حاسة قوي إن قصتنا لسة مخلصتش؟!!
أهلاً وسهلاً بحضرتك لو فعلاً قصتكم ما إنتهتش خليكي متأكده إن كل الأسباب هتتوفر لرجوعكم ،أحياناً الأمور بتاخد إتجاه عكس اللي احنا عاوزينه وبيكون مطلوب مننا نسلم ونتقبل عشان سلامتنا النفسية قبل أي شئ،وقبولك لفراقكم رغم شعور الفقد اللي حسيته في كلامك هيتطلب منك مهارات تساعدك في تجاوز الألم والوصول للتقبل اللي بيرجعك لنفسك تاني بسرعة ، تقدري تتواصلي معايا نتكلم أكتر واتابع معاكي الأفكار والمشاعر اللي مسيطرة عليكي ونتعامل معاها بوعي عشان نقدر نساعدك تستخدمي عقلك الحكيم بدل العاطفي وده هيغير نظرتك للأمور وتشوفي مشاعرك وهي بتتغير للأحسن.
صباح الخير ياعزيزتي ، وارد يكون احساسك صادق وتكون لسة ما انتهتش ووارد يكون ده ما يسمي بال wishful thinking يعني انت علشان بتتمني القصة تكمل فاحساسك بيخدعك وفي الحالتين سواء لها تكملة أو ملهاش ما ينفعش تربطي حياتك باحتمالات لازم تتحركي في الحياة وتسيبي الباقي للقدر وتأكدي إن التعلق بأي شئ هو أسرع طريقة لتضييعه مننا فانفتحي علي كل الاحتمالات وحطي دايما احتمال إن اللي انت بتتمنيه جايز ما يكونش مناسب ووارد جدا يجي عليكي يوم تستغربي ازاي كنت عايزة الحاجة دي
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Sometimes life forces you to make tough decisions, even if they don't feel 100% right. I recently had to do something that felt like a bit of a moral compromise. Now I'm dealing with the consequences, and it's not easy. How do you all cope with the aftermath of a situation where you had to bend your morals a bit?
Navigating tough decisions that challenge our beliefs and morals can feel like weathering a storm, testing our resilience and integrity. I am a clinicalal psychologist and would love to help you through this. Acknowledging the whirlwind of emotions—discomfort, guilt, and conflict—that follow is crucial, alongside practicing self-compassion and understanding that dilemmas arise where values clash. Context is key; understanding the circumstances behind our choices helps us adapt and learn. Seeking lessons, taking responsibility, and engaging in self-reflection aid in personal growth and accountability. Support from trusted individuals and communities, alongside forgiveness, fosters resilience and healing. Planning for the future with clear goals and ethical guidance empowers us to navigate similar challenges with integrity and wisdom, turning tough decisions into opportunities for growth and alignment with our values. I hope this helps and I'd love to talk to you more during a live sess.
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I want to live a life that aligns with what I truly believe in, but honestly, it's hard sometimes. There are so many pressures and temptations out there. How do you all make sure your actions and choices reflect your core values on a daily basis?
Let me start by saying, 'Being Hard on yourself is never the path to nurture who you are'. I'm a Consultant Psychologist and Sexual Health Expert. If you want to follow your values, you need to be aware of your temptations and be compassionate towards yourself when that happens. Instead of setting rigid rules, set rules that are more accepting and be willing to change or resist temptations incrementally. Come on a live session with me to know more and I can answer in detail. - Consultant Psychologist
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Şaman bilgilerinde “sessizliğin içinde gelen bilgelik” diye bir tanım var,çok sevdiğim.💜 Sessizliğin içinde durmak ilk zor gelebilir beklemenin,sessizliği dinlemenin içinde derin bir bilgelik ve sorduğunuz soruların cevaplar var. Buna “içsel rehberlik” denir.Hayatta kararsız kaldığımız her an içimize sorar ve dinlersek, bilgelik orda yatar. Sizin içsel rehberliğinizi duyduğunuz, deneyimlediğiniz anlar oluyor mu? #meditasyon
@toobe evet meditasyon adanmışlık gerektiriyor, yönlendirmeli meditasyon deneyebilirsin ilk hafta 3 dk, 2.hafta 5 dk, 3.hafta 11 dk yapabilirsiniz. Hiç yapamıyorsanız günlük 3 dk :)
bazen olmasını deneyimlemek bile çok değerli✨ her gün 5 dakika yapmaya devam et🌸
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Is it like normal to question the meaning of life and it's purpose sometimes ???
Yes , it’s is normal . Many of us do that at some point of time in our lives .
yes it's always normal... and a valid question!
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Tell me your favourite self help book? Mine is how to not believe everything you think✨
"Not Another Self-Help Book: Finding Gifts in the Midst of Life's Shit" by Lindsey Kane Leaverton. 😌💯💯
My favorite self-help book is "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck" by Mark Manson. ✨
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These days I am getting these urges which doesnt allign with my moral or ethical beliefs. How should I handle them?
Hi,The problem you are facing it's like conflict between your beliefs and your desires.We can't ignore our Need to introspect about your desires and where is the friction.You can take professional help to deal with the situation.
Hi! It’s actually quite normal to feel this way. This conflict is very common. I urge you to sit with these thoughts and emotions and think: “Are they going to impact my life negatively?”, “What are the pros and cons?” Let me know if you want to connect and discuss this further! -Sampada, Psychotherapist and Intimacy coach
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What does the Bible say about living together and not married?
I don't think Bible directly talk about living together. but it basically Focuses on commitment and staying faithful.
Addition to this. Start earning your own income for emense pleasure. Share your qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521 for work from home opportunity.
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Apa saja hal yang tidak boleh dikatakan kepada seorang introvert?
"Kamu perlu bersikap lebih ekstrovert. Introvert itu tidak menarik." "Kamu harus lebih aktif dalam percakapan. Jangan selalu menarik diri." "Kamu sepertinya terlalu tertutup. Harusnya kamu lebih terbuka kepada orang lain." "Apa kamu tidak punya hobi sosial? Kamu terlalu fokus pada hal-hal sendiri."
"Kenapa kamu selalu diam? Apa kamu tidak suka bergaul?" "Kamu terlalu sensitif. Harusnya kamu lebih terbuka." "Kamu harus lebih sosial. Mengapa kamu selalu menyendiri?" "Tidak usah malu-malu terus. Harusnya kamu lebih percaya diri." "Apa kamu tidak punya teman? Kamu harus keluar dan bersosialisasi lebih banyak." "Kenapa kamu selalu menghindari kerumunan?"

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"Hey There! I am Pragya Arora, a Senior Psychologist, specialising in clinical psychology. Having worked in Australia and beyond, I've had the privilege of working with diverse populations, guiding countless individuals through tough times towards brighter days. If you're feeling lost in the storm of life, struggling to find your way out. I see you, I hear you, and I'm here for you. Know this: you're not alone. For over 5 years, I've made it my life's mission to help folks just like you reclaim their power, find their voice, and live lives filled with happiness and purpose. I'm all about keeping it real - whether it's stress, relationship challenges, or just needing someone to talk to, I've got your back. Together. we're a tribe of warriors, and I'll be right there with you as you navigate the battlefield of your mind and heart. No judgment, no shame, just unwavering support as you rewrite your story. Ready to take the first step towards a happier, healthier you? Reach out today, and let's start this journey together. 🌿✨"more

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قناة "صحتك النفسية" هي وجهتك الأمثل لفهم أعمق لذاتك وعلاقاتك بالعالم من حولك! انضم إلينا في رحلة مشوقة لاستكشاف كيف تؤثر البيئة والمجتمع على سلوكك وصحتك النفسية. نقدم لك قصصًا حقيقية، ونصائح عملية، وحوارات مثمرة مع المشاهدين ، لتتعلم كيف تتعامل مع الضغوط اليومية وتحسن صحتك النفسية. سواء كنت تواجه تحديات في العمل أو العلاقات، أو ترغب فقط في فهم أفضل لنفسك ومن حولك، فإن "صحتك النفسية" توفر لك المعرفة والأدوات التي تحتاجها لتحقيق التوازن والسعادة في حياتك. اشترك الآن واكتشف أسرار العقل البشري بأسلوب سهل وممتع!more

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Hello Everyone. My name is Mary Ann. I'm a Reproductive Health Psychologist and an expert in dealing with issues related to trauma, anxiety and sexual dysfunctions. I have 7 years of experience working with many major hospitals like Christian Medical College Hospital, Vellore and seen 1000+ cases. I was also a panelist with 'Indian Fertility Society'. I undertake sex therapy, couple's therapy and individual psychotherapy. I was working with the IVF center in addressing sexual health related issues, relationships issues, anxiety and fertility-related concerns such as pain related to endometriosis, PCOS etc. My therapeutic approach involve psychodynamic framework, trauma based conceptualization and other evidence-based treatment. Feel free to follow my live sessions and consult with me for any of the concerned issue. You can also talk to me in Hindi, Tamil and English.more

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"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." – Maya Angelou. Welcome! My name is Niharika Bisht and I have been a clinical psychologist for over a year with a strong foundational practice of over 2000 hours in evidence based therapy, in English and Hindi, which are always client centered, putting YOU as the priority. My compassion comes with the caliber of providing the tools for you to navigate their struggles and challenges. I would love to be a catalyst for an impact whether you're dealing with event-based or long-term depression, social or personal anxiety, neurological disorders such as autism or epilepsy, or relationship issues involving friends or in-laws. Building a therapeutic relationship on trust, empathy, and respect is my priority. Together, we'll explore your strengths, address challenges, and build resilience. I'm here to help you find clarity, develop healthy coping strategies, and create meaningful change. I fiercely look forward for you to join me in a live session so that we can understand how we can go forward together, gain new perspectives and be the best version of ourselves we always knew we could, please remember you're not alone and you alone are capable.Hope to see you soon.more

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Hi friends My name is Meenal Majethia, Am a trained and certified professional in NLP, CBT, and REBT, Mindset and Wellness being my niche. have delivered adoption programs to more than 100 coachees in the past 30 months. As a Life Coach with over 20 years of corporate experience in diverse industries I help individuals cultivate emotional independence and resilience in the fast-paced and complex business environment. My passion lies in guiding individuals towards a holistic and thriving life. With a deep understanding of the powerful connection between our mindset and overall well-being, I am committed to helping each of you embark on a transformative journey. Through personalized coaching, insightful discussions, and evidence-based techniques, I am here to empower you to cultivate a positive mindset, enhance your emotional resilience, and embrace sustainable wellness practices. Together, we will explore the intricate balance between mental, emotional, and physical health, unlocking your potential to lead a life filled with vitality and purpose. My mission is to guide you on a journey towards personal and professional well-being, providing the tools and strategies necessary to navigate the challenges of leadership with grace and confidence. I craft personalized coaching experiences that cater to your specific needs and goals, combining mindset shifts, wellness practices, and emotional intelligence strategies to create a well-rounded foundation for success. Whether you're seeking to overcome leadership challenges, enhance team dynamics, or simply foster a culture of well-being within your organization, I am here to support you. Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and unparalleled success. Imore

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