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by AshMegha on Apr 27, 2023

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I (16F) have recently realized that I am too reliant on my best friend. I used to be very independent, but after we became close, I started being too attached—choosing what I do based on her schedule and deciding what jobs to apply for, etc. I'd like to make more friends and get back into how I used to be. Not sure where to start. I'm not going to lie, being a trans woman makes it challenging to make non-LGBTQ+ friends because I'm afraid of what they will think about me, especially at my school. Kind of daunting. I just wanted to get this off my chest. Anything would help.

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 71 days ago

I understand. As a therapist, I feel right now you might be doing something called as people pleasing: bending over backwards for someone and compromising on your own priorities. Read about assertiveness. It’s a technique which can help you say no in a firm yet gentle manner. Basically, to give you a gist: maintain eye contact, and with a neutral expression and tone, say whatever is there in your mind. Don’t be too passive, aggressive or even passive- aggressive. Be assertive.

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 70 days ago

Sometimes we meet with wrong people but seems to to be connected or attracted because of our numbers, ex; same date of birth, destiny number, name number, same birth month and so on.. In case you are one of them, I would suggest you to share yours and your friend's name, date of birth etc so that o can guide you with the best solution.. Stay blessed Shagun K Singh Spiritual Life Coach Manifesting Miracles

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Divorceanswered 70 days ago

It can happen and is quite natural. You don't need to overthink. Let things go with flow. Don't put extra efforts to create new friends. Let it be, you are not doing anything wrong

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answered 69 days ago

Ofcourse, why wouldn't you get friends ? So what if u r a LGBTQ, you have not done a crime. There is place for everyone in this world. Don't stress girl you will surely find ur tribe.

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 66 days ago

Maybe just because you think it is difficult for you to make good friends being a transwoman, you are sticking on to her. You are a human being and a women first, do not let other labels define your identity atleast in your mind. When you are able to break free of it in your mind, you will be able to interact with others with more ease. So please be comfortable about it, and gain your confidence back, the more you are with this friend, the more you will delay this process. As to work on this will push you out of your comfort. so please take the charge of your life in your hands.

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