by Sandhya Pillai on May 3, 2023
47 members
73 posts
I am a single parent of a teenage daughter. I have been divorced since 2019 and single since 2017. I restarted my career at the age of 40 when I separated. I moved with my 10 year old kiddo to a new city with new lifestyle. Life was tough but with proper support and determination, I could turn around my life. I am still work in progress and healing from what I went through. So, I want to open this forum for all single women who need support, love and a space of non-judgmental sharing. Let us build a community of understanding and togetherness. YOU ARE NOT ALONE ANYMORE(YANAA) Cheers, Sandhyaa S Pillai
What steps can I take to protect myself and my children from abusive family members? @Singleparent Diaries 💕

・answered 370 days ago
I can understand having abusive family members could be challenging. Can you pls elaborate so that I understand abuse in detail. i can share my thoughts accordingly
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