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by Sandhya Pillai on May 3, 2023

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I am a single parent of a teenage daughter. I have been divorced since 2019 and single since 2017. I restarted my career at the age of 40 when I separated. I moved with my 10 year old kiddo to a new city with new lifestyle. Life was tough but with proper support and determination, I could turn around my life. I am still work in progress and healing from what I went through. So, I want to open this forum for all single women who need support, love and a space of non-judgmental sharing. Let us build a community of understanding and togetherness. YOU ARE NOT ALONE ANYMORE(YANAA) Cheers, Sandhyaa S Pillai

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What steps can I take to protect myself and my children from abusive family members? @Singleparent Diaries 💕

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answered 185 days ago

I can understand having abusive family members could be challenging. Can you pls elaborate so that I understand abuse in detail. i can share my thoughts accordingly

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I'm really sorry you're going through this. It’s completely normal to feel anxious when faced with reminders of a painful past, but it's important to prioritize your mental health. It might help to set boundaries and focus on self-care. I'd encourage you to join my live sessions from 10-12 in morning and 9-12 at night. You don’t have to face this alone—feel free to reach out to me, and we can work through this together.
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Hi beautiful soul, harsh words can make you overthink. The reactions that you got from your husband were inevitable. But you need composure in life. Let us come together in my live session at night from 10 to 11 and from 12 to 01 to get more clarity.
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Hi beautiful soul, It is indeed a difficult situation and you must heal out of it. There are certain steps you can try. 1. Have self compassion, break was not your fault. 2. Rebuild your self management routine. 3. Take support. 5. Set boundaries and priritize self protection. for further insight let us come together at night on my live session from 10 to 11 pm and 12 to 01 am.
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Hey don’t shy away from fights. Having arguments is okay and completely fine. Always remember that it’s the argument or topic which you fought upon was difficult and not the relationship. Calmly address your feelings and thoughts to your partner and your partner as well to do the same. Remember that it’s not ‘You vs Me’ but ‘You both as a Couple vs the Problem’.
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Why is your boyfriend pestering you for it? You should first consider everything and then go for it. And try to persuade your parents more(ik its hard with strict parents,can totally relate)
Hey there, Getting pressured by both sides can certainly be uncomfortable and challenging to deal with, but it's also your decision about your life so try to analyse the pros and cons of either step you wish you take and understand what might be good for you. It can certainly be uncomfortable to get out of your comfort zone, but if it benefits you in the future, then it might even be worth it :)
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hy sandy1290 though i dont have right to speak in your personal matter but i still want to say it that if their is no love ,no affection no respect an you knows it well just because of your daughter how much you will suffer .this is yoyr life if he can live his life by hurting you than why you cant live with your daughter alone. please think about your self take a hard step it will give little pain to u but in future you can breath happily stay happy an can live better with your daughter.
Hi.. hope you are well! I can understand the kind of pain and mental conflict you are going through. Before taking any decision you need to make yourself feel mentally and emotionally strong. If you are able to have a peace of mind then you can think carefully and support your daughter. Being financially independent is also a key. Please focus on these areas. Post this you will see that you are able to make better life choices.

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