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by Mummalove by Diajadwani on Dec 28, 2022

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A community where you get all information related to newborn/infant feeding be it Breastfeeding or breastmilk feeding or formula feeding or bottle feeding. A place where all myths related to infant sleep and behaviour get busted. A safe space for women to get empowered to make the right choices without the fear of being judged

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Would Enfamil or Similac be good for my newborn baby girl? I’m a new mom (no I won’t breastfeed, don’t bring that up because I won’t). In terms of formula, which is better? My husband told me Enfamil is better than Similac. @Mummalove by Diajadwani

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answered 131 days ago

Much will depend on what your baby will take. I breastfed both my children, but kept formula around as a supplement, or ‘just in case'. Both times the hospital sent me home with a small canister of Similac. My firstborn would have none of it. He refused to take the Similac under any circumstances. So I switched to Enfamil and he accepted that. My second wouldn't take formula at all, so it was a good thing that I was blessed with a good supply of milk for her. Being a SAH mom also helped because I didn't have to worry about pumping or having formula in the house. This was in the late 70s, and there are many more choices available now than there were then, including options for lactose or soy intolerance or other allergies if needed. Nutritionally, both Similac and Enfamil are comparable, but they do taste different. So take your cue from your daughter. She will let you know what she likes.

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answered 131 days ago

Both Enfamil and Similac are reputable brands of infant formula and are nutritionally balanced for newborns. It's best to consult with your pediatrician to determine which formula is most suitable for your baby based on her specific needs and any potential allergies or sensitivities. Your pediatrician can provide personalized recommendations to ensure your baby receives the appropriate nutrition.

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New Mothersanswered 131 days ago

There are alot of options but better is breastfeeding. There is no such nutrition other than this.

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