by Shruting on Feb 23, 2023

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The purpose of this community is to ventilate yourself out. bring all the stuff, pain, gloom, excitement, extacy...... so CM on lets talk...... and listen..... your heart❤💕💖

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Yesterday while having dinner with my family a sudden conflict in belief emerged between me and my dad. So I was saying that in order to be independent I should be allowed to travel and live away from home. However my dad was of the view that you don't have to necessarily travel or live alone away from family to be independent. I tried explaining my point of view to him but it ended up in a conflict. What if my personal beliefs conflict with those of my family ? Which view do you support - my or my dad's?

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Bakinganswered 26 days ago

Although separate living for unmarried women is restricted by many families and they consider it a safety issue. It's important to fill their concern by good examples and 3rd person to talk out with them about what you need. If possible arrange job description and secure locations in city you're travelling. Not everything can be achieved Work from home, need to build connections so, have to be outside.

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👍. Help your friends and ask them to share her qualification in my WhatsApp number for work from home opportunity. share this number only with female +919435110521
Hello , It is completely normal to feel this way but if it’s causing a lot of distress within you please seek support from psychologist, you can reach out to me as well I am a clinical psychologist 🌸
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I am 21 and I am unemployed unlike my friends they keep going on trips etc and I can't because I am jobless. they don't know that have think I just don't like them anymore. why do I feel so guilty. @AskAarti
i understand it's a tough situation for you. How about creating a clear boundary. set yourself in a safe zone where instead of going along with them, you decide a frequency like once in 2-3 months you will accompany them, rest of the days u will not. ( chose as per your situation and comfort) . and then it's equally important for you to communicate to them also . no one will feel bad and u will also know your plan basis your financial situation. another aspect is, since they r working n u r staying at home( not clear a mom or unmarried) u can look for women of your frequency and make new groups. it's important to evolve in friendships if things n not in your favour or make u feel bad. hope this helps happy to help Aarti 💕
This is quite difficult place to be in, You must be feeling quite helpless and hopeless but thanks for sharing and its absolutely okay to feel this way, Id suggest you writing your feelings and also action plan for job
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You must have space in relationship. Just like he travels and does things he like, you can also do same. Go out with friends, enjoy your me time, don't get entirely dependent on anyone.
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