~ Motivational Quotes ~ community's profile image

by Anamika - WorldofWords on Jan 18, 2023

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Never Keep the Mind free. Keep the mind busy and engaged in creative work by keeping it active in postive thoughts. If you don't do this the mind will just become a dustbin ...

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Absolutely, live life on your own terms😎 #motivationalthoughts #womenover40

Absolutely, live life on your own terms😎

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commented 274 days ago

Absolutely correct.Ignore the noise outside.Listen to your inner noise.you know what is best for you.

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5 points of good parenting: 1. To be encouraging, be responsive, set the example, set boundaries, and be interactive. 2. Positive parenting helps children do better in school, have fewer behavioral problems, and stronger mental health. 3. Positive parenting has long-term benefits, including better relationships, mental health, and well-being as a parent.
hlo mere pati mere ko block kar diya hai aur vo mere baat nhi kar rhe
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di your live ended? yaar aap ekdm suspense mei chorke chali gayi 🥺
sorry komal vo electricity chli gye to wifi bnd ho gya tha abhi light h late but will try assist you best in upcoming lives ❤️❤️✨✨✨
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ابني عمره ٤ سنوات من فترة وهو كل يوم بيجي من الروضة ولما اساله كيف الروضة بحكيلي انه كاين يبكي لانه اولاد صفه معتدين عليه ضرب، صراخ، اغراضه بتلفوهن ما بدافع عن نفسه ، شو الحل
اهلاً يا جميله🌸 متفهمه مشاعرك وواصلي قلقك علي ابنك لكن خلينا في البدايه نهتم بكذا نقطه مهمه وهي نعلم الطفل هيتعامل مع التنمر بدون قلق من خلال ان يتوجه للمدرس ويطلب المساعده تعلموا ازاي يكون صداقات ويحافظ عليها واكيد الثقه بالنفس ننميها من خلال انك بتعوديه علي بعض المهام المناسبه للسن لو محتاجه اي مساعده في الجزء دا تقدري تتابعيني يوميا من الساعه ٨ للساعه ١٢ ماعدا الجمعه وتابعيني علي mental health talk اتمنالك يوم لطيف ☺️
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أنتم عارفين انى أم زيكم ؟ عندى طفلين 😍 ولدت الاثنين قيصرى وًرضعت الاثنين و بعد بنتى كرهت شكلى فى المرايه و قررت أغير شكلى بايدى و ده كان نتيجه ٦ سنين تمرين فى الچيم من ٤-٦ مرات فى الأسبوع
عاااش بجد ما شاء الله عليكي👏🏻❤️❤️
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تعالى اقولك تدمرى أولادك ازاى ؟ #relationships #relationshipadvice #psychotherapyworks #coaching #wellness #womenwellness
صح جدا يا دكتور 👏🏻💯
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my husband is a drug addict, he drinks aLot, use to take brown sugar also. due` to this there are a lot of problems. i have a 3 year old child. nowadays we are fighting, he is always drunk. what should I do
hlw everyone, i have talked to my husband and in laws also. my father in law knows everything but he never interfere between us. last week was very disturbing for me. as i asked divorce from my husband. he was heartbroken and asked for a chance. this time he has consulted a psychiatrist and tdke medicine also. now i am just praying everything be good.
Hi Neha... First of all, he's an absolute loser and you are a brave lady to even think about your options. Most would have left someone like that to get his sh*t together. There are 2 ways in most situations.... 1. He'll forever be an addict if he isn't showing any motive to give up.... 2. He's trying his best to sober down and be the dad he's supposed to be. The choice is yours. You can stick around and wait or find a way and leave. If you want to give him time, please prepare yourself for a plan B. And keep your child informed. Sounds strange? yes!! But most experts in this area emphasize on having clear communication when children are involved. This way they won't grow up confused and will have at least one parent to trust completely. The way you talk to your child is important though. Something like, Dad's made a terrible choice of food and now he's feeling sick. Let's wait till he gets better. In the meantime let's play. So it's not too overwhelming.
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عندك روتين في بيتك و لا لسة؟؟
عندك حق
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When its a babies day out
Hi I am interested please share the details
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how true
absolutely.As a matter of fact anything that brushes your dignity , self respect and soul respect negatively, needs to be brushed aside with impunity. Being the perfect beti can wait if your self respect is being tampered with !
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Yeni öğrendiğim bir şeyi paylaşmak istedim. Ben hep paramız yok diyorum. Kızım da ‘anne paramız şimdi var mı ya da yok alamayız çünkü bizim paramız yok dimi anne diyor🙄’ yine anneliğimi sorgulayarak bir günü daha huzurlarınızda noktalıyorum👉🏻👈🏻
yaa post çok iyiymiş😍 ihtiyacımız yok demeyi dene bakalım nasıl tepki vericek meraktayiim :)

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