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by ShrutiHaasan on Oct 7, 2022

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being logical is not liked by everyone..survival is difficult in manipulated world...

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commented 339 days ago

Yes, somewhere you are right.. but may be this is because we need to learn to communicate effectively, where we are able to present our thoughts in such a way that it is not only understood correctly by others and our heart is also be able to breathe happily.. This is known as the art of communication.. Cheers!

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commented 336 days ago

Vvvvv true! But it iz what it iz!!

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commented 336 days ago

You're definitely spitting some facts there gurl 💅🌼

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Mental Healthcommented 337 days ago

Agreed, but we should not give up on our cure values and nature just because others behave differently!!

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commented 338 days ago

true..we should speak carefully and politely.

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