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by Jyothi Srinivas on Nov 16, 2022

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being out the real you, the guilt the fantasy, the obessession, the desire, the passion, the not rosy or romantic but stress free, nothing to hide nothing to shy. No string No filters.

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I'm Nandini. Our family traditions are like anchors in the stormy sea of life, but sometimes they feel outdated. How can we modernize them while still preserving their essence? @Singleparent Diaries 💕

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Skincarecommented 118 days ago

Understand the purpose of why they are there and then address how either the purpose can be fulfilled in another way at or why the changing world may not be the best for this anymore

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Join me in a daily Gratitude practice. Go deeper with each session to transform layers of information your soul carries - bring all that you have and all that you dont have gratitude for in this session. And watch your inner transformation! Look forward to seeing you all 💝
will you be coming live today? I am interested
looking forward to it.
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Rin Mukti Ritual: 1. Offer red flowers to the Shivling for 41 days: Symbolizing devotion and release. 2. Make roti with sugar and feed it to ants: An offering of sweetness to break negative karmic cycles. 3. Chant "Om Rinmukteshwar Mahadevay Namah" 108 times: A powerful mantra for liberation from past debts. This is just a starting point! Remember, forgiveness and self-compassion are key to releasing the past and moving forward with a lighter heart. #DebtFreeJourney #debtclearance #vibrationalhealing #healingwithshagun
Thanx for the insights!!
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Join me for Daily Gratitude practise in 2 mins. Love you all 🌸🙌🌸
Waiting for it !!!
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I'm Nandini. Our family traditions are like anchors in the stormy sea of life, but sometimes they feel outdated. How can we modernize them while still preserving their essence? @Happy Hearts & Souls
We should follow our heart. What is the essence that we resonate with should be done. With so judgement around old age vs modern
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Started Mohiniyattam practicing #practice #mohiniyattom #Dancemood
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in my child hood I had seen my grandmother being silent for whole day she never used to talk, it's believed that by doing so god will bless you, I tried this many times but it needs lot of will power and feel the divine inside
Ya that's true. it's about saving your own energy, connecting with the Divine power too
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In the growth mindset practices series, let's focus today on the next 4 practices: Observe your energies - In today's world, words like vibes, energy, and aura are not unknown. Observe your energies during a day. In what situations, while being with which people, after eating what type of food, after visiting which places, do you feel drained, irritated, or uneasy? One of the most important practices when you wish to improve various aspects of your life is that you cannot afford to ignore this practice. Observe patterns of life - Some issues in life have specific patterns; these are repetitive in nature. These issue patterns are related to your relationships, finances, health, or spiritual life. They reoccur at specific time intervals, often in family lineages. Being aware, observant, and addressing them has immense potential for your and your family's growth. Once something comes into your awareness, the mind is sharp to guide you to the solution. The challenge lies in handling ego, fear, and beliefs. Be real - The more authentic you are to yourself, the greater the chances of growth. People-pleasing is a short-term growth virtue. You can never fool your subconscious mind; it has its own way of showing you the effects of not being real. Faith over fear - Cross your fears. One of my teachers always used to say, 'Once you cross fear, you will find a gold mine.' You took your first breath with faith, knowing beyond doubt that nature has made all arrangements for your first meal. Walk with the same faith; the universe has made all arrangements for your last meal as well. The moment you start walking with faith, your growth is guaranteed. #OwnYourself#faith#GrowthMindset #PositiveThinking #SelfReflection #Mindfulness #SetBoundaries #patternsoflife #faithoverfear # #beyou #yourauthenticself #NonJudgmental #vibes #energy #PersonalGrowth #NewWorld #SelfAwareness #DailyReflection #PositiveMindset #SoulEvolution #karma
Very true @SwatiSule . Most patterns in our life are repetitive and once we become observer of our emotions thoughts feelings we can start seeing them objectively and addressing them eventually with awareness. I listen to Dr joe dispenzas guided meditations and that has helped be get better at becoming more observant of whats going on inside my head

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