
by Sonia27 on Aug 3, 2023

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Hi everyone my self is Sonia my community is basically for those who want to share something which they can't share with parents friends or with any relative ,we are here to listen you be free to talk to us about your emotions about how you feel and what you want to do who exactly you are and what you have in your mind , we are open to hear you from our heart and we also create special moments for those who want to do something special for their loved ones we create special moments for everyone who want to make some memorable moments with his or her special ones either friends family or love of your life you say and we create it ......

❤️ Relationship
Family Issues

70% of the divorce cases are being filed by women. Losing interest or she had enough. What are the common reasons women divorce their husbands? @Djdivya

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Networkinganswered 146 days ago

Hello, I think there could be various reasons for the increasing number of divorce cases, depending on each relationship. However, I do believe that one reason could be the increasing awareness among women about their rights and what they deserve. Initially, more women used to endure abuse, but the rate of this is decreasing with the rising number of divorce cases. Moreover I would also love to hear @Djdivya points on this

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answered 143 days ago

While every marriage is unique, and the reasons for divorce can vary greatly from one couple to another, there are some common themes that may contribute to women filing for divorce. Some of these reasons include: Communication issues: Lack of effective communication or constant arguments can lead to dissatisfaction and resentment in a marriage, prompting women to seek divorce. Infidelity: Betrayal of trust through infidelity is a common reason for divorce. Women may choose to end the marriage if they feel unable to reconcile or rebuild trust after an affair. Infidelity: Betrayal of trust through infidelity is a common reason for divorce. Women may choose to end the marriage if they feel unable to reconcile or rebuild trust after an affair. Emotional or physical abuse: Abuse, whether emotional, verbal, or physical, can be a significant factor in women's decisions to leave their marriages.

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answered 135 days ago

I think because these days women are getting financially independent and are getting aware of their rights. Son instead of staying quiet and just bearing their husbands abusive behavior they choose to give a divorce and live a free life.

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