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by RC_Mayanka on Jun 22, 2023

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Welcome to our page! Here, we believe in fostering healthy and fulfilling relationships. Whether you're seeking guidance on finding love, navigating a long-term partnership, or dealing with a challenging situation, we're here to support you every step of the way.Feel free to post your queries in the community and I will help you out to the best of my knowledge!

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Family Issues

Hey @Relationshipcoachchitkala Lately, I've been thinking Should men divorce women who are unsuitable for them? It touches upon various aspects of relationships, personal happiness, and family dynamics. Now, adding kids to the equation brings a whole new layer of complexity. It's not just about the couple anymore, it's about the well-being of the children involved.

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answered 163 days ago

Deciding whether to divorce a partner who is unsuitable for you is a deeply personal and complex decision that involves weighing various factors, including individual happiness, relationship dynamics, and the well-being of any children involved. Ultimately, the decision to divorce is a deeply personal one that depends on individual circumstances, values, and priorities. It's important to carefully consider the implications of divorce on yourself, your partner, and any children involved, and to approach the decision with empathy, compassion, and thoughtful consideration of everyone's well-being.

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Mental Healthanswered 163 days ago

It depends on so many parameters, there is no one rule that fits all. So it would not be right to generalise it that way

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answered 155 days ago

Yeah why not. Both men and women have the right to divorce their partner if they are not happy or in an abusive relationship.

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answered 154 days ago

actually people should be walking off whenever they don't find themselves fitting in anymore. whether it's men or women

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Yes darling! Clearly communicate this problem of yours with him and make him understand that this place is important for you.
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hii I think there are both pros as well as cons as your ask for disadvantage then 1. lack of freedom 2. lots of work loads 3. intrupt self care time

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