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by Sandhya Pillai on May 3, 2023

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I am a single parent of a teenage daughter. I have been divorced since 2019 and single since 2017. I restarted my career at the age of 40 when I separated. I moved with my 10 year old kiddo to a new city with new lifestyle. Life was tough but with proper support and determination, I could turn around my life. I am still work in progress and healing from what I went through. So, I want to open this forum for all single women who need support, love and a space of non-judgmental sharing. Let us build a community of understanding and togetherness. YOU ARE NOT ALONE ANYMORE(YANAA) Cheers, Sandhyaa S Pillai

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So, I had got divorced 3 years ago and now I have a 6 year old that I love more than anything. my parents don't speak to me and I feel extremely lonely. a 6 year old can't really understand what's happening so what should I do? @Saannjh

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answered 171 days ago

Do whatever you feel is better for you. You can't please everyone around you

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ابنتي تعاني من وسواس قهري نوع ديني بدأ قبل سنتين حالياً عمرها ٢٠ سنة تم مراجعه طبيب نفسي وأعطاها علاجات ونوعاً ما تحسنت الحالة ولكن الآن عادت مرة أخرى وبقوة
مساء الخير ، في معلومة مهم جدا إن تعرفها حالات الوسواس القهري قبل بدأ العلاج الدوائي ألا وهي إن الوسواس القهري من أعند الأمراض في الاستجابة للعلاج علي الاطلاق بمعني إنه بياخد وقت طويل لحد ما المريض يبدي تحسن واستجابة وثانيا بيحتاج جرعات عالية من الأدوية وده بيحتاج وقت علشان الطبيب يوصلها لأننا بنبتدي بجرعات قليلة ونرفع تجنبا للآثار الجانبية ، طيب هل كل ده حيأكد استجابة المريض ، الاجابة لالأننا ممكن نحتاج نجرب أكتر من خط علاجي قبل ما تتحقق الاستجابة ، وحشاركك بتجربة لحالة من حالاتي ، الحالة دي كانت وسواس قهري واستجابت للعلاج بعد ٨ شهور من بدايته ومع تاني خط دواء لكن حققت استجابة هايلة ، الخلاصة : لازم الصبر وعدم اليأس وتجربة أكترىمن خط للوصول للصيغة المناسبة مع الوصول لاقصي الجرعات ومرور وقت كافي . مع تمنياتي للشفاء لبنوتك .
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parenting isn't easy. It's an ongoing journey that's filled with ups and downs. As parents, we often need to learn from our mistakes, forgive ourselves, and move on. These parenting tips for hard times can help lift you up in those moments when you're feeling overwhelmed. Give yourself some slack and remember that those challenging moments won't last forever. Parenting means putting your child above everything else in the universe. It's not easy, but somehow parents do it.
Very well said! Parenting is a journey. Parenting is something that will teach you something new everyday. Patience and love makes the journey of parenting easier
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I am a mom of 4 year old boy and I didn't want a second baby what can I do?
u can talk to your gynecologist. ..before that it is better to talk to ur husband...
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can someone two ppl at once??
Hi, please join my live @1:00pm today for detailed reading.
Hey! Do join my live at 2pm tomorrow and we can definitely help you understand this more and help you out!
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How can one be brave in life to face any kind of situation or hurdle in life ... plz give your advice ??
Hello, being brave is important, but also remember you don't have to be too hard on yourself. It's okay to ask for help whenever required. It is also a sign of bravery.
You should always challenge yourself about the any situation that yes you can do this by any way. Way out the things in a detailed manner
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أنا فتاة عمرها ١٣ مع ذلك أحس باكتئاب أحس فاقدة الشغف من كل هواياتي، ومن الألعاب، ومن الأشخاص أشعر بالإرهاق دائما، واستنزف طاقتي وعندي شخص بالبيت دائما ينشر طاقة سلبية لي وساعات نومي دائما محدودة جدا في وقت الدراسة وفي الإجازة طويلة جدا أنام ١٤ ساعة ودائمًا أشعر بالفراغ كيف أحسن من نفسي
اهلاً بيكي يا جميله 🌸 علشان تتغلبي علي مشاعر الحزن العميقه والأفكار السلبيه والشعور بالإرهاق النفسي تقدري تعملي حبه نصايح مهمه من ضمنها 👇🏻 * حاولي ممارسة التمارين الرياضية في معظم أيام الأسبوع. ممارسة الأنشطة الرياضية لفترات قصيرة على مدار اليوم، تمتد من 10 دقائق إلى 15 دقيقة في المرة الواحدة، هتغير من مزاجك . *كمان تقدري تستبدلي السلوكيات والأفكار السلبية بأخرى إيجابية. *تطوير العلاقة التفاعلية مع الآخرين. *التعامل مع المشكلات وحلها بطرق وأساليب أفضل وأكثر فاعلية. *وضع أهداف تتلاءم مع الواقع. *تعزيز القدرة على التحمل وتقبل الصعوبات بأساليب وسلوكيات صحية من خلال دايره الدعم . لو عايزه تعرفي اكتر تابعيني علي mental health talk وموجوده معاكم يوميا ماعدا الجمعه من الساعه ٨ للساعه ١٢ اتمنالك يوم لطيف ☺️
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What is the most memorable lesson you've learned from your mother?
Patience.....Yes I am well experienced in that. 25 Years of her experience made me to message you now.
Finally got something where i can express my inner feelings... The lesson which i learnt from my mother is to be strong in any situation in life.. She is the most strongest person i have seen ever.
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So sad I went for a movie with my son and when I came home I had my husband not eating food and calling me names. Just because I went out for a movie with my son . Does it happen with u - how do u deal with it
It's okay to go and enjoy with your children especially when your partner doesn't have time. You don't have to restrict yourself just because your partner doesn't have time for you!
He might also wanted to go with you both and must be calling you names out of jealousy as he missed all the fun with his family 🥰
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Hi girls, I am Rachael from USA. As you all know Mother's Day is around the corner. I wanted to gift something special to my mom, something that is different and she likes it. What is the best mother's day gift one can get for under $50?
Hey Rachael! How about a personalized photo album or a spa gift set? Both are thoughtful and can be found within your budget.👍
hi dear if u do accept or not I don't know all these are small infront of her and u should come and wish her it's the best my knowledge rather those
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What age is the best to move in with your partner? Is 19 okay? I really wanna experience it-
If you are financially independent and can afford to live with him, then you can certainly move in!
I feel like after 20 is cool

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