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by Shruti Maggo on Sep 13, 2023

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Let's share healthy food options and recipes with each other. Let's live a healthy life together :)

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This is Kiran, 52, worried about bone health as I age. What foods are best for keeping my bones strong? @Dr sanjana

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answered 295 days ago

Foods rich in calcium, such as dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt), leafy greens (kale, spinach), are great for strong bones. Additionally, foods high in vitamin D, like fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), egg yolks, and fortified foods, help your body absorb calcium effectively, contributing to bone health. Other nutrients important for bone health include magnesium (found in nuts, seeds, whole grains) and vitamin K (found in leafy greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts).

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I have a family history of osteoporosis, and I'm concerned about maintaining strong bones as I age. What dietary measures can I take to support bone health? @9206_IntelligentTree
Hi there, I hope you are well. Yes, the chances of osteoporosis in women increase as well age due to a decline in the Estrogen levels. The peak bone density is reached at the age of 30. Hence, it is important incorporate enough Vitamin D, Calcium, magnesium, Zinc, protein, and phosphorus in the diet. - Ensure to get enough sunlight daily. You can soak in the sunlight for about 10-15 mins daily between 8-10am and don't forget to wear sunscreen :) - Eat foods like dairy and dairy products, sesame seeds, beans, lentils, lean meat, sprouts, nuts, banana, avocado, pumpkin seeds, millets, to the diet. - Add at least 20-30 mins of activity, especially strength training and weight bearing exercises to your routine as it can boost bone mineral density and strengthen bones. - Get your Calcium, Vitamin D levels checked and in case, it is low you may need supplementation. - Avoid foods like carbonated beverages, soda, processed foods, red meat for healthier bones. - Stay hydrated. Take care ✨
hello dear sufficient amount vit D And good fats ,essential amigo acids will indirectly help to save you from osteoporosis call 9860109206

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