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by Reema Katriyar on Sep 15, 2022

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सुकून को ढूंढना नही,, महसूस करना होता है। #ऋषिकेश

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Bakinganswered 39 days ago

very good get away for this summers

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So recently my boyfriend went somewhere far away for some work purposes. He felt so sad that he has to live without me for a month now. But I feel so guilty that I am actually relieved that he is going away for some time. I do feel guilty feeling this. Is it normal to feel like this? Of is something wrong?
Feelings can't be write or wrong .Try to understand what makes you feel like this.May be you put too much effort to carry the relationship and didn't get that support you needed.You can take a professional help to understand better about yourself.
Hi you need to introspect regarding your feelings may be there are some conflicts you need to can consult with an mental health professional for understanding.
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Do you ever feel like life is just a bunch of disconnected experiences, with no real meaning? Is this a normal part of growing up, or should I be worried? How do you find purpose and connection in a world that sometimes feels chaotic and meaningless?
Hello , Life is full of ups and downs so this is normal Sometimes many of us get into this thinking of world being meaningless because of our negative experiences. By working on your thoughts can be helpful in this situation you can connect with me for more detailed solution I am a psychologist at coto 🌸
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Yesterday while having dinner with my family a sudden conflict in belief emerged between me and my dad. So I was saying that in order to be independent I should be allowed to travel and live away from home. However my dad was of the view that you don't have to necessarily travel or live alone away from family to be independent. I tried explaining my point of view to him but it ended up in a conflict. What if my personal beliefs conflict with those of my family ? Which view do you support - my or my dad's?
Although separate living for unmarried women is restricted by many families and they consider it a safety issue. It's important to fill their concern by good examples and 3rd person to talk out with them about what you need. If possible arrange job description and secure locations in city you're travelling. Not everything can be achieved Work from home, need to build connections so, have to be outside.
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دكتور احب نفسي ازاي والاقي هوايات ازاي انا تعبت
اهلاً يا جميله🌸 الآول لازم تتقبلي نفسك وتدوري علي الحاجات الي بتحبيها أو ممكن تكون بتجذب انتباهك بشكل إيجابي حب الذات بيسهل عليكي الاعتناء بنفسك سواء جسديًا وعاطفيًا ، ويساعدك كمان ازاي تحمي نفسك من التأثيرات الخارجية الي ممكن تقلل من تقديرنا لذاتنا اتكلمي عن نفسك بشكل إيجابي حتي لو افكارك الداخليه خليها ايجابيه ومتكونش مليانه سلبيات وركزي علي نقاط قوتك ونميها تقدري تتابعيني يوميا من الساعه ٨ للساعه١٣ بتوقيت مصر ماعدا الجمعه وتقدري تتابعي مساحتنا الامنه mental health talk أكيد هستناكي يا جميله ☺️ واتمنالك يوم لطيف
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Hey @Quotes4U 😀😀😀Discover breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cultures, and unforgettable adventures - your dream destinations await, just a ticket away!
wow. that's so cool
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Apa 'unpopular opinion' yang kamu ketahui tentang Bandung?
tiap 3 meter sekali ada cafe! pokoknya gak pernah kehabisan ide buat nongki
Macet 😭😭😭 tapi cantik sih arsitekturalnya 😍
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Apa tantangan terberat berkuliah di luar negeri?
Menguasai bahasa setempat
Salah satu tantangan terberat berkuliah di luar negeri adalah beradaptasi dengan budaya, bahasa, dan sistem pendidikan yang baru. Proses adaptasi ini bisa memakan waktu dan energi.
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Hi. I'm Manvi. Dreaming of going abroad for my career but fear holds me back. Who else took the plunge ? Any advice ? @Aartichawla
woww that's a good news u are dreaming about studying abroad. go little deeper and ask yourself what's the fear. take a pen n write all of them n then see what can be done u will realise most of the fears are just imaginary and a few would be actual practical challenges. so be prepared for the worst and enjoy the best. hope it helps
Manvi you shouldn't fear about it. Studying abroad will definitely change your life. Initially you will find it difficult to settle but that's normal. also with time you will overcome it. All the best 👍
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My boyfriend's a travel photographer, and while I love his adventurous spirit and the stunning pictures he brings home, it can get lonely when he's jetting off to some exotic locale every other month. Don't get me wrong, I completely support his passion, but those weeks alone can stretch on. Do video calls every night cut it, or should I be diving headfirst into hobbies I never even knew existed? Help a lonely soul out! @vijaylaxmi
You must have space in relationship. Just like he travels and does things he like, you can also do same. Go out with friends, enjoy your me time, don't get entirely dependent on anyone.

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