by Gaurikumari on Sep 1, 2023
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20 posts
In this we talk about relationships and their brakups.
As a woman going through a divorce, I'm confused by the conflicting perspectives on which gender gets more negatively impacted. Men claim they get brutalized and screwed over, losing homes/assets/kids. But feminists argue women statistically suffer more financial/emotional hardship post-divorce. How can both views be valid? @RC_Mayanka
・answered 214 days ago
Both perspectives can be valid because the impact of divorce varies greatly depending on individual circumstances. Men and women may experience different challenges and losses during and after divorce, and these experiences are influenced by factors such as financial resources, support networks, custody arrangements, and emotional well-being. Men may feel financially burdened due to factors like alimony payments and asset division, while women may face challenges related to economic independence and caregiving responsibilities. Additionally, emotional hardships can manifest differently for each gender, with men often struggling to express their feelings and seek support, while women may grapple with issues like single parenthood and rebuilding their lives.
Eating Disorders・answered 214 days ago
It is best to find an answer to this based on factual data, based on some research and studies. The general opinion can be misleading many times based on which party you are asking, or on general societal.norms.
・answered 210 days ago
people have their own struggles and cannot be compared or not considered...
・answered 208 days ago
I feel both men and women get impacted by divorce in some or other way. Both suffer equally
・answered 205 days ago
Hi! Hope you are well! Divorce in itself is a huge change irrespective of men or women. It's tough and painful for both. Both men and women lose out on specific things post a divorce. So, both the sides tend to suffer in different ways. The focus should be brought more on self and building up your confidence to take on any challenges head on. Try not to think about the negatives post a divorce shift your thoughts to the positives post your divorce. What are the things you can do, wanted to do for yourself. If you want in-depth support on this join my live sessions @Psychologist_SriradhaPodder . Stay well!
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