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by RC_Mayanka on Jun 22, 2023

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Welcome to our page! Here, we believe in fostering healthy and fulfilling relationships. Whether you're seeking guidance on finding love, navigating a long-term partnership, or dealing with a challenging situation, we're here to support you every step of the way.Feel free to post your queries in the community and I will help you out to the best of my knowledge!

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Family Issues

Hey ladies, has anyone heard about states where living with your partner might be illegal? Sounds crazy, but I want to be sure. Thinking about moving in with my girlfriend, and just want to make sure everything's on the up and up legally.

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Mental Healthanswered 95 days ago

Hello I am Madhurima Ghosh,a counseling psychologist.Living with your partner without getting married is legally accepted in India.It is called cohabitation.If you feel it will give more clarity about your relationship You can go ahead.It's your choice.

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Mental Healthanswered 95 days ago

Hello, I am Nirdeshika, a counselling psychologist at coto. I know it is difficult to stay with partner without getting married and also in india there is alot of societal judgement, however it is considered legal to live with partner in a living relationship in india.

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Hey don’t shy away from fights. Having arguments is okay and completely fine. Always remember that it’s the argument or topic which you fought upon was difficult and not the relationship. Calmly address your feelings and thoughts to your partner and your partner as well to do the same. Remember that it’s not ‘You vs Me’ but ‘You both as a Couple vs the Problem’.
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