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Wellness journey 's avatar image


Wellness journey

اكتبولي في الكومنتات ١ ولا ٢ ولا ٣ ؟ 🤔😒

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The Phoenix Tribe's avatar image


The Phoenix Tribe

What is the 1 thought that stops you from taking a bold step in your relationship or career?

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cooking by anju's avatar image


cooking by anju

monthly period stay for 1 only day and have and very little I have 42 years old ,have 1 child

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Healthywomen's avatar image



What would you like us to discuss in the coming live?

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Dare2Change's avatar image



Lets talk about some unhealthy eating habits of ramdan on Sunday? What do you think?

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زيادة رهيبة ف الوزن ١٠ كيلو ف شهر هل تكيسات المبايض ممكن تسبب كدا

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اسرار الكيرلي's avatar image


اسرار الكيرلي

لو انا مريضه تكيسات مبيض و حجم البويضه عندي صغير جدا في ايام التبويض و بالتالي مش بيحدث حمل... ايه افضل حل ؟

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رحلة تطوير المهارات's avatar image


رحلة تطوير المهارات

إيه رأيكم أعمل كومينيتي جديد أسميه (إنتي قدها) نتكلم عليه في التحديات اللي بتقابلنا في حياتنا كل يوم وإزاي ممكن نتغلب عليها💪🏻💪🏻

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Therapy Secret club with Doaa 's avatar image


Therapy Secret club with Doaa

امتي ألجأ لمعالج نفسي ؟

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رحلة النساء نحو التعافي's avatar image


رحلة النساء نحو التعافي

القرارات يجب ألّا تتخذ في وجود الإنفعالات…..

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Holistic health & Wellness 's avatar image


Holistic health & Wellness

‏قولولي بتخرجوا مع أصحابكم كل قد إيه ؟ ‏أسبوع ولا شهر ولا أكثر؟🫣

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Women's Health Conversation's avatar image


Women's Health Conversation

Hi everyone, I am Dr Uzma Faheem. A Women's health specialist Physiotherapist, Fitness trainer, Pilates instructor , Pelvic floor dysfunction expert like Urinary incontinence and Pelvic pain. I have vast experience in handling major issues related to weight loss/ Fat loss, menstrual problems/ counselling, prenatal and Postnatal exercise/ Rehab and pain management. Ask me any questions about these and I will try to answer as much as possible. # # # # # #

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صحتك وقت الحيض's avatar image


صحتك وقت الحيض

افتخري بنفسك #

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Feed Your Genes Right 's avatar image


Feed Your Genes Right

لوسمحتى انا عايزه اخس ومش بكمل وبرجع اصعب من الاول

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Beauty talks by Dr.Mai's avatar image


Beauty talks by Dr.Mai

Makeup and acne relation

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standuphealthy's avatar image



٤ غلطات زودو وزني ٤ كيلو في ٢٠ يوم وانا اخصائية تغذيه😎😎 استروا عليا🤓🤓 ٤ غلطات كتير منتا بيقع فيهم كل يوم مش فالسفر بس اوقات كتير بنتخيل اننا ناكل زي ما نحب ونلعب رياضه هنخس⛔️ ناكل وجبه واحده وناخد فيها كل اللي ف نفسنا هنخس⛔️ كل ده ممكن تعمله لو انت عندك هدف انك تزيد فالوزن مش عاوز تخس💯 انا عملت زيك كده وتخنت مش خسيت وما يقع الا الشاطر ♨️♨️♨️ ١: محضرتش جدول الاكل الخاص بالايام كلها ومحضرتش اي حاجه معايا واعتمدت علي اني هاكل اكل مشوي من الموجود في المطاعم اللي هو مليان بردو هدرجه وهيزود بردو الوزن ٢:اكلت وجبه واحده بس فاليوم والوجبه دي كانت سعراتها عاليه جدا وفيها مزيج بسن الدهون والنشويات وبالتالي الانسولين علي جدا وزاد تخزين الدهون وخصوصا في منطقه البطن ٣:الصحبه 😅😅 اصدقاء السوء اللي بياخدوك دايما عالمطاعم والحلي ويقولولك دايت اي ياعم ده انت محتاج تتخن مش تخس عارفهم دول؟ عندك منهم ؟؟😇😇 ٤: النوم 😲😲 قله عدد ساعات النوم او لغبطه مواعيد النوم انك مثلا تنام الصبح وتصحي بالليل تشوف في كام نجمه فالسما وحركة الرياح والكواكب كل ده بيلغبط معدل هرمون الكورتيزول وبالتالي هتزيد فالوزن ويطلعلك كرش🤓🤓 قولولي بقي بتعملو كام حاجه من ال٤ حاجات اللي زودو وزني 😕😕 ولكن اخيرااا اقتنعوا اننا نبدأ نتخلص من الدهون دي كلها قبل ما تبقي صديقه لينا مدي الحياه🙃🙃🙃 تفتكروا هنجح معاهم ولا هيهربو في نص الطريق قررت نمشي علي نظام لايت بسيط بس هيساعدنا بسرعه نوصل لهدفنا قبل فته العيد 🤝🤝 لو عاوزين اشارككم النظام بتاعنا اكتبولي تعليق تحت بس متنسوش احنا كده كده بنحب نفسنا حتي لو زيدنا ١٠٠ كيلو 💯💯💯 مع @standup_healthy # هتعيشها بكل سعاده # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

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Mariam Elqadi community profile picture
⏲️ Fitness


Samah Hussein Life Coach community profile picture
❤️ Relationship

I believe that everyone has the ability to achieve their goals, and I'm here to help you make that happen. I'll work with you to identify your goals and create a plan to achieve them, and I'll provide the support and guidance you need along the way. I am a certified life coach from Ain Shams University, with experience working with a diverse range of clients of all ages and backgrounds. I am passionate about helping people achieve their goals and live happier, more successful lives.more


❤️ Relationship

Therapist ICF Relationship Coach Family Counseling Diploma AUC Family & Marriage Counseling ASU صاحبة كتاب طفلة اربعينية - حالة طوالق book your 1:1 sessionmore

well with dr.asmaa community profile picture
⏲️ Fitness

today we all need to care about health and wellness , in our community i will support all women physically , mentally , emotionally to be healthy, happy and more self-confident 🌷more

Nutrition by dr sara mekky  community profile picture
⏲️ Fitness

Lets talk about weight management And nutrition more

Self Development community profile picture
📚 Education & Training

Hi! I’m Maryam Ashraf Glad to be here with you! Let me introduce myself. I’m a medical student obssesed with art. I’m intersted in self development wich is a journy and for sure it will be an unique and enjoyable once we share it together! so, I’m here with you to learn together, explore , try and having a safe zone for express and become the best version of ourselves together. Join me now for more Exploration =)more

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Gul's profile picture
Gul Panag



Gul Panag is a well-known and versatile personality who has made significant contributions to various fields, including acting, activism, and entrepreneurship. Her dedication to promoting mental health and well-being is reflected in her coto community, Free Your Mind, where individuals can find support, guidance, and a safe space to discuss mental health-related topics. As an actress, Gul Panag has left her mark on the entertainment industry with her compelling performances. Beyond her acting career, she has emerged as a passionate advocate for mental health awareness and self-care, making her a respected figure in the field.Her dedication to uncompromising safety ensures that Free Your Mind remains a secure haven for women to seek support and share their experiences. Privacy and confidentiality are paramount, ensuring that members can discuss sensitive mental health issues with confidence. Gul Panag's commitment to championing inclusivity means that Free Your Mind welcomes individuals from all backgrounds and experiences. With adaptable sensitivity, she navigates discussions on various mental health topics while maintaining a respectful and empathetic approach.more

Achint's profile picture
Achint Kaur

@Achint Kaur


Achint Kaur is a multifaceted individual who has left an indelible mark in the world of entertainment while also championing a thriving coto community - I, Me, Myself. As an accomplished actress, Achint has graced both the silver screen and television with her talent, earning admiration and acclaim from audiences worldwide. With a career spanning several years, Achint Kaur's presence in the entertainment industry is nothing short of remarkable. Her versatility and dedication to her craft have solidified her status as a respected figure in the world of acting. She has brought a wide range of characters to life, captivating audiences with her authentic and relatable portrayals. As a creator and a user on her platform, Achint ensures that every member feels heard and valued. She embodies the principles of compassionate empathy, championing inclusivity, and uplifting and empowering others through her community. Achint Kaur's commitment to adapting sensitivity to various topics allows for respectful and non-judgmental discussions within I, Me, Myself. Her consistent identity as both a renowned actress and a compassionate community leader shines through, making her a source of inspiration for those seeking self-discovery and personal growth.more

Shabia's profile picture
Shabia Walia



Shabia Walia is a skincare aficionado on a mission to guide individuals towards achieving radiant and healthy skin. Her expertise in skincare and dedication to promoting self-confidence through self-care have led her to establish the enlightening coto community, Skincare Talks. Within this community, Shabia generously shares her wealth of knowledge and insights, offering valuable advice, product recommendations, and skincare routines. Skincare Talks serves as a nurturing hub where members can explore skincare tips, discuss common skin concerns, and celebrate the beauty of self-care. Shabia's dedication to maintaining a safe and non-judgmental space ensures that members can openly engage in skincare discussions, knowing they are in a supportive community. Shabia Walia welcomes individuals from all backgrounds and skin types to join the conversation, sharing her passion for skincare with adaptable sensitivity, and encouraging discussions on various aspects of skincare while maintaining a respectful and empathetic communication style. Her consistent identity as a skincare enthusiast and promoter of self-confidence resonates with her community members, making Skincare Talks a trusted and nurturing resource for those seeking to unveil their most beautiful selves through the power of skincare and self-care.more


Anchal Sharma



Anchal Sharma is an inspirational figure who has triumphed over adversity and emerged as a beacon of hope for many. As a cancer survivor herself, Anchal's journey was not just about survival, but also about resilience and compassion. She is the dedicated founder of CanHeal, a coto community that extends its unwavering support and guidance to cancer patients and their families. Anchal's personal experience with cancer has fueled her passion for making a meaningful difference in the lives of those facing similar challenges. Through CanHeal, she has created a safe haven where individuals touched by cancer can find solace, share their stories, and access invaluable resources. Anchal understands the emotional rollercoaster that cancer can bring, and she is committed to providing compassionate empathy to all who seek it within her community. Her dedication to uncompromising safety ensures that CanHeal remains a secure space for open discussions, where privacy is upheld, and harassment is strictly prohibited. Anchal's commitment to championing inclusivity means that CanHeal welcomes individuals from all backgrounds, cultures and beliefs.more

Bhavya's profile picture
Bhavya Gandhi



Bhavya Gandhi is a dynamic advocate for body positivity and a passionate voice within her coto community, Plussize & Body Positivity. Bhavya brings authenticity and relatability to her community, making it a haven for individuals seeking empowerment, self-confidence and fashion inspiration. With a strong online presence, Bhavya shares her personal journey and experiences as a plus-size individual, breaking down stereotypes and challenging societal norms. Her community embodies the brand's tone of voice, which revolves around compassionate empathy, authenticity, and championing inclusivity. Bhavya's fashion tips and style recommendations are not just about looking good; they're about feeling great in one's own skin. Her unwavering dedication to uncompromising safety ensures that members of her community can express themselves without fear of judgment or body-shaming. Privacy and confidentiality are cornerstones, creating a secure space for open discussions on body positivity. Bhavya’s consistent identity as a plus-size fashion enthusiast and a fierce advocate for body positivity resonates with her community members, making Plussize & Body Positivity a source of inspiration and empowerment for those seeking to embrace their bodies and express themselves confidently.more


Tanushree Chakrabarti


Tanushree Chakrabarti is a passionate advocate for body positivity and self-expression, empowering individuals to embrace their bodies and find their voices through her community, My Body My Voice. Her commitment to promoting self-acceptance and self-love creates a warm and inclusive space for those seeking to celebrate their unique selves. Within My Body My Voice, Tanushree encourages members to shed societal expectations and embrace their authentic selves, celebrating their bodies and identities without judgment or shame. Her community serves as a platform for open and candid discussions about body image, self-esteem, and the power of self-expression. Tanushree Chakrabarti welcomes individuals from all backgrounds, body types, and identities to join the conversation. With adaptable sensitivity, she encourages discussions on various aspects of self-love, body positivity, and self-expression while maintaining a respectful and empathetic communication style. A champion of body positivity and self-expression, she resonates deeply with her community members, making My Body My Voice a trusted and affirming space for those on a journey to embrace their bodies and find their authentic voices.more

Shruti's profile picture
Shruti Seth


Global Feminism

Shruti Seth, a distinguished actress renowned for her versatile roles in notable films and television series, has ventured into the realm of wisdom and self-discovery. She created I Wish I Knew This Sooner as a platform to share her experiences, insights and valuable life lessons with those seeking personal growth and enlightenment. I Wish I Knew This Sooner is more than just a community; it's a reservoir of wisdom where members can find inspiration, guidance, and a sense of camaraderie. Shruti's commitment to providing a safe and nurturing environment ensures that individuals can openly explore life's challenges and lessons, knowing they are supported in their journey of self-discovery. Shruti Seth welcomes individuals from all backgrounds and life stages to join the conversation, sharing her personal insights with adaptable sensitivity. Her consistent identity as an actress and a mentor for personal growth resonates with her community members, making I Wish I Knew This Sooner a trusted source of inspiration for those seeking to navigate the complexities of life with greater wisdom and understanding.more

Guinvere's profile picture
Guinvere Ellis

@Guinevere Ellis


My life’s purpose is to show others how they can design, create, and achieve the life they really want - their most audaciously aspirational vision by becoming skilled at tapping into the power of their own mind. It’s not just personal growth - the results of this work is deep and highly impactful, resulting in serious business transformation, greater wealth, and a new life - the life that otherwise would have gone unlived. The desire and drive we have within is merely life seeking expansion and greater expression - we wouldn't desire something unless we were capable of it. It is our duty to positively impact the lives of others by making the most of ourselves. Never underestimate the investment you make in yourself - your life and your happiness is priceless and if it is to be it’s up to you. Nobody is coming to rescue any of us. The simple question is therefore - what value do you place on your life? And even more importantly - what is it that YOU really want?more

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صحتك وقت الحيض community profile picture
🩺 Health

Here to talk about your health in general, whether it is physical or mental health.more

دليلك في رحلة الحمل community profile picture
🤱 Pregnancy

الحمل مش بس التسع شهور👀 رحلة الحمل بتبدأ من ساعة ما بتقرري، كل خطوة بتاخديها قبل وبعد وأثناء الحمل مهمة جداً.. تعالو نشارك بعض ونتعلم كل حاجة متعلقة بالحمل زي الأمراض الجسدية والنفسية المصاحبة للحمل والتغيرات الي بتحصل للجسم وكمان هنتكلم عن الرضاعة الطبيعية 👣more

تغذية علاجية community profile picture
⏲️ Fitness

عشان كلنا أجسامنا مش زي بعض واستجابتنا مختلفة في كل جوانب الحياة، كمان تغذية كل جسم بتكون مختلفة من شخص لتاني احنا هنا عشان نساعد البنات تهتم بصحتها وتغذيتها ونناقش الأمراض والأعراض الي بتحتاج أننا نوفرلها نظام غذائي محدد ومميز زي أمراض اضطرابات الحيض وأمراض السمنة والسكري وكمان التغذية المطلوبة أثناء الحمل والرضاعة.🍍more

Holistic health & Wellness  community profile picture
⏲️ Fitness

i’m Menna. I’m a holistic health Coach, and my passion is to help women to maintain a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable. I received my training and education as a health coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York. During my nutrition training, I was introduced to over 100 dietary theories from Eastern to Western, ancient to modern and everything in between to come to identify that the offered food on our plate is secondary to our relationships, career, financial challenges, spirituality, home cooking, physical movement, stress management and our self-care, all of which are aspects of life that we call primary foods. Balancing our primary foods is what fills our souls and satisfy our hunger for life. I am here not to provide a list of food restrictions nor to reside on calories count or proteins or fats or carbs but I’m here to start with you the journey of holistic wellness. I’m here to empower you to recognize the areas of imbalances on and off the plate in your lives. My mission is to guide you to a happier and healthier life that you can sustain as a lifestyle. Along the journey we will achieve goals that include;improving gut health by focusing on whole real foods, reducing comfort junk foods, treating sugar cravings, balancing blood sugar, maximizing sleep quality, energy and spirituality, applying stress management tools and maintaining relationships. more

توعية لأمراض الجهاز التناسلي community profile picture
🩺 Health

كل ما يخص أمراض الجهاز التناسلي الأنثوي هنا 💜👇 بنسمع كتير عن تكيس المبايض وبطانة الرحم المهاجرة وسرطان عنق الرحم وأمراض نسا تانية كتير يلا نتكلم عنهم بناحية علمية اكتر وننشر الوعي اللازم لكل بنت وست ونعرف امتا لازم نزور طبيب النسا. 👩‍⚕️more

اتحكمي في فلوسك community profile picture
💵 Finance


Parents talk with coach.Marwa community profile picture
👶 Parenting

*Help parents connect with their kids. *Mindful Parenting & motherhood tips. Parenting Coach (Intellect ICF)more

Therapy Secret club with Doaa  community profile picture
🧠 Mental Health

Therapy Secret Club ملاذٌ آمن للمشاركة والتعافي في عالمٍ مليء بالضغوطات والتحديات، ينشد الكثيرون مساحة آمنة للتعبير عن مشاعرهم ومخاوفهم دون خوف من الأحكام. أنا هنا معاكم دعاء حسين أخصائي ومعالج نفسي وباحثة دكتوراه في علم النفس الإكلينيكى متخصصة في علاج الاضرابات النفسية زي القلق والاكتئاب والوسواس القهري واضرابات الشخصية مع 10 سنوات من الخبرة الإكلينيكية ساعدت أكثر من 2000 شخص علي تجاوز معاناتهم والتعافي وتحقيق الأهداف والسواء النفسي. 🌺💜 more

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Psychologist specializes in Mental Health Member of Union of Arab Psychotherapists •Bachelor of psychotherapy redirect from Denmark university accredited by IATA. •Master degree of sexual abuse redirect from Denmark university accredited by IATA. •DBT- CBT- SE Specialist in : *Mental health issues *Anger issues *Stress Managements *Anxiety *Depression *Emotional Regulation *Trauma *Growth after trauma *Sexual Abuse *Addiction *Relationships مهما كنتي شايفة وحاسة الصعوبات اللي بتعدي فيها🫤 انضمي معانا ونمشي رحله الشفاء سوا 👭💪🏻more

DrEsraaZazouu's profile picture
Financial Independence
