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by DrMahakhalifa on Feb 29, 2024

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The change process is essential to reach your dream. Change is difficult, but not impossible if you only start now, start small and keep trying. عملية التغيير ضرورية للوصول إلى حلمك. التغيير أمر صعب، ولكنه ليس مستحيلاً إذا بدأت الآن فقط، وبدأت صغيراً وإستمريت في المحاولة.

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Lets talk about some unhealthy eating habits of ramdan on Sunday? What do you think?

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answered 18 days ago

unhealthy habits can include fried food and consuming too much empty stomach. It often leads to cramps and pain

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Infants/Toddlersanswered 17 days ago

Yes there are so many unhealthy eating habits we have in Ramadan. So instead of loosing weight tend to gain much weight

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Trendinganswered 16 days ago

Some of the unhealthy habits in ramadan: Breaking the fast with juices Eating refined carbs and fried foods on iftar and no consideration to proteins, healthy fats or complex carbs. Which ends in more of sweet cravings after iftar Second unhealthy habit is disregarding the meal of sohour Third is over drinking water beyond the capacity of our bodies at night and disregarding the power of hydrating foods

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Trendinganswered 16 days ago

Ramadan is a lifestyle, if you do it right you will loose fats, feel emotionally better and physically lighter Its the month that we need the most to eat right and stay light and healthy to be able to perform our prayers

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answered 14 days ago

Unhealthy eating habits include eating too much of junk food such as bakery stuff, chips, biscuit, foods high in sugar and fats.

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You must stop fast foods as soon as possible. You must try healthy foods that get cooked within no time such as oats
Hi there, I hope you are well. Here are ways in which you can eat healthy even when you are busy. - Chop all the vegetables on a Saturday/Sunday or whenever you get a holiday and place it in a ziplock bag. You can use these veggies to prepare fried rice, poha/upma, sabji, sauteed veggies, stir-fry, etc. - Puree the curry or gravy base in advance and place it in your freezer. You can defrost it and use it as and when needed. - Prepare wrap, sandwich batter in advance and place it in your fridge. You can use this for 3-4 days based on the veggies used. Don't keep it for too long. - You can have sandwiches, roti wraps ( use the leftover sabzi in it), curd rice (easy to prepare), a basic vegetable rice or pulav, protein salads ( you can boil chana, moong) and place in in the fridge. - If you eat non-veg, then marinate Chicken, fish in advance, refrigerate it and grill it as an when needed. Let me know if this helps, Take care ✨ and eat healthy!
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Hi there, I hope you are well. If you've been suffering from Hypothyroidism, then it is important for you to do the following things. 1) You can consume Cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale etc. but in the cooked form only. Avoid having it as a salad. These vegetables can be eaten once in 3-4 days. - Reduce the consumption of soy and soy based products. - Avoid packaged, ultra processed, and refined foods. - Keep a tab on your sugar and salt intake. - Go slow on the consumption of peanuts as well. - Please feel free to get in touch with me for a one-one consultation as I can guide you better on the same :) Take care ✨

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