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by Priti on Nov 4, 2022

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🌊🌈 Mumbai - I call it the "Sea City" which is worth "see"ing 🌊🌈 Priti Vilekar, coto City Ambassador @Mumbai Vibes, which will familiarize you with the beauty of Mumbai, its resilient nature, and most importantly what is it all about❣️❣️ 😇 Lets know Mumbai better 😇 👀 A city where people come with dreams in their eyes and hope in their hearts ♥️ 💲A city that is the financial capital of India, but tops the list for Asia’s largest slum 🤷‍♀️ ❤️A city with so large a heart that it encompasses people from all walks of life, embraces different cultures, and celebrates them🥳 😐 A city where affordability definitely acts like a speed breaker, but sees lakhs and lakhs of people navigating their way to try their luck 🚶‍♀️🚶🧍‍♀️👭🧎 🏥A city that offers advanced medical care, excellent job opportunities, education, and much more💪 🚊A city that has the lifeline of public transport be it railways, BEST, Metro, Cabs, Rickshaws, and very soon the coastal road🛺 😋A city that satiates the taste buds of its residents through famous five-star hotels as well as tapris (small roadside thelas or joints)😎 🤪A city that has a language of its own, “Kasa kai bara aahe, I am Mumbai”🤫 🎲A city that rolls the dice in different ways, but people are ready to gamble🎯

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hi This is my first post or communication on Coto. I am Anuja A Nutrition Professor cum Researcher @ Symbiosis Skills and Professional University, Pune Me and my student are collecting information about Mothers knowledge regarding food labels and correlating it with their 8-12 year daughters' weight,body height and waist circumference changes. For this we need to some information from the mother and a very small piece of information from your daughters too. kindly check the links for you N your daughter. Requesting you to fill both the links individually by which I mean , trust your daughter and let her fill the form on her own. Below is my students message and consent for conducting the study. Hello, I am Vrutti Jain, studying in Symbiosis Skills and Professional University currently pursuing MSc in Nutritional Science and Dietetics. I'm currently working on my thesis, and it focuses on the "Mother's Knowledge for Packaged and Labelled Snacks and its association with Weight for Height and Waist measurements of 8-12 year old girls". I would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill out my questionnaire. Your input would be incredibly valuable to my research. Thank you so much for your support. Google form link for mothers Google form link for daughters:

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Counsellingcommented 72 days ago

wonderful initiative, will sure take the survey

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commented 72 days ago

Thank you

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i have a bf but he is 4years younger then me and he is from other cast and others State i don't know how to convence my parents for him
First of all convince yourself age doesn't metter if you Love eachother you need to be make a mind for married and after that talk woth your parents because you loves eachother
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This was a lot of fun and best part is I could hold so well for 60 seconds , I ddnt know I could when my 6 year old was planking on me …. New discoveries 💪😊!!! It’s my fun way to bond with my kids !!! what’s your way ??? #fitnessmotivation
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Hi...This is my first post here...I am very much occupied between my two kids and left my job when my lil one turned 1..Now I feel to get back to seems everyday I miss those working in office days
Hello work from home opportunities available if you are interested share your basic details
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When its a babies day out
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You will get there!! When you take one step at a time, no matter how small, you eventually make progress. Success works the same way. You don't have to do everything all at once. Instead, focus on taking small, manageable steps toward your goals. This deliberate approach not only prevents burnout but also ensures that each step we take is purposeful and meaningful. Taking life one step at a time is about making deliberate and informed choices that contribute to long-term success. #Onestepatatime #ProgressNotPerfection #KeepMovingForward #SlowAndSteady #JourneyToSuccess #SmallWins #PersonalGrowth #MotivationMonday #StayFocused #BelieveInYourself #PatienceIsKey #DailyProgress #LifeGoals #AchievementUnlocked
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I am a mother and an educator in charter schools and ABC Youth Foundation. I host several podcast it's a huge passion of mine and I also produce I strongly feel that empathy is the glue of humanity and without it what do we have for understanding one another and being kind toward one another is what keeps Us human it's what makes it work and without it what can possibly get better you must hold on to that and remember and show it where it's needed so that people can know what it is and be able to show that same to others connecting and growing with others is within the foundations of empathy that's how the world gets better so we can understand we don't have to directly know one another we must be that change and it starts with us, we must be the change we want to see!more

Niharika's profile picture
New Mothers

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." – Maya Angelou. Welcome! My name is Niharika Bisht and I have been a clinical psychologist for over a year with a strong foundational practice of over 2000 hours in evidence based therapy, in English and Hindi, which are always client centered, putting YOU as the priority. My compassion comes with the caliber of providing the tools for you to navigate their struggles and challenges. I would love to be a catalyst for an impact whether you're dealing with event-based or long-term depression, social or personal anxiety, neurological disorders such as autism or epilepsy, or relationship issues involving friends or in-laws. Building a therapeutic relationship on trust, empathy, and respect is my priority. Together, we'll explore your strengths, address challenges, and build resilience. I'm here to help you find clarity, develop healthy coping strategies, and create meaningful change. I fiercely look forward for you to join me in a live session so that we can understand how we can go forward together, gain new perspectives and be the best version of ourselves we always knew we could, please remember you're not alone and you alone are capable.Hope to see you soon.more

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