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by Michelle Frank on Sep 15, 2022

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Your body is magic and it is so important to learn about it and know what it needs. Join WoderWomen to learn more about your body and the miracles that happen

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What is your health budget for this month tell me ???

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Contraceptioncommented 113 days ago

I usually make a yearly budget, for check ups, and renewing my health insurance.

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Ramazan başından beri çok rahat 2 kg aldım🥺🥺🥺 Ramazan pidesi♥️ben😅 yakında zaten karbonhidrat komasına girip ramazan pidesi olacağım sjskdkx
Yummy 🤤
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Thanks for sharing
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Recently got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I feel like I don't have time to work,do things I like and life in general other than diabetes. Anxiety has taken over me.
Hello, type 2 diabetes these days is very normal, and easily managed. and if you take control over yourself, it can be reversed too. so let go of the anxiety, talk to a doctor, who would explain you what it is, and get in touch with a nitritionist who can help you with diet. it is just a change in lifestyle and you will be fit as ever
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İçinde kalbimizin her an attığı bir beden. Bedeni çevreleyen bir cilt dokusu. Görmeyi sağlayan bir çift göz. Duymayı sağlayan bir çift kulak. Tutmayı sağlayan eller. Homo sapiensten kalma tırnaklar ve keskin dişler. Başı çevreleyen uzun kıllar, saçlarımız. Yağ dokusu, memelerimiz. Biyolojik olarak hepsinin bir açıklaması bir fonksiyonu var. Beden, bedendir. Bedenin nasıl olduğuna dair algı, bize özeldir . Birimiz büyük yağ dokularından hoşlanırız, birimiz küçüğün makbul olduğunu düşünürüz. Yani büyük meme küçük meme mevzusu… Birimiz uzun boyu ideal buluruz, birimiz kısayı . Birimiz ince dudağı hoş buluruz, birimiz büyük dudağı. Neyin nasıl güzel ve ideal olduğuna karar veren biziz. Bu bizim gücümüz. Kendimize ve başkalarına dair düşüncelerimizi biz seçeriz. Bedenimizi sevip sevmemeye biz karar veririz. Başkalarının düşüncelerini önemseyip önemsememeye karar verecek olan da biziz . Güç biz de cânım kadınlar. Güç biz de kalsın. Gücünüzü başkalarına vermeyin. #bedenalgısı #kendinisevmek #özsevgi #özssaygı
O kadar güzel yazmışsin ki ❤️
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- الماء، ولكن من الأفضل أن يكون ماء مفلتر وليس من الحنفية، نظراً لاحتوائه على البلاستيك والمواد الكيميائية والهرمونات. - الماء مع خل التفاح، فهو يساعد على ضبط سكر الدم. - الماء مع الليمون، حيث أنه يقلل من خطر تشكل حصوات في الكلى. - القهوة الطبيعية السادة، أو السادة والشاي - الشاي الأخضر، نظراً لتسريعه عملية الأيض ومساعدته لسكر الدم. - الماء الفوار حيث انه بدون سعرات حرارية
و كمان المشروبات الساخنة دون تحلية
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Can ayurveda help in managing diabetes?
Ayurveda is literally the new solution to everything!! 💖💖
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are you sweet addict. only sweet are not the causes of diabetic
yes, sweets are not the cause of diabetes but also depression, tension and genetic issues also cause of genetic
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How many of you wear Anklets Ankles play a crucial role in providing stability and balance for women. Strong and flexible ankles contribute to proper posture, reducing the risk of falls and injuries. Additionally, well-supported ankles are essential for various physical activities, including exercise and sports, promoting overall health and well-being.
Yes, I am. And I love it❤️
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#DidYouKnow Stress alone can result in sugar spikes equivalent to a state of diabetes? Share some ways you feel stressed and how you go about managing it.
I think I feel most stressed when there is less time and more to do and your work will be judged like there will be a social display of it …. And I wasn’t aware of it untill recently however I organise , prioritise and just do it and once done , it relief however within the process I am a lil cranky and do feel like there can be more support from family….. however I guess in a normal circumstance I end up doing everything for them & me to save time hence I have not made that a consistent Habit…. Hence I suffer during crisis….
Taking care of my body. Take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals. That's enough I feel

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