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Urban Chudails

by ShrutiHaasan on Oct 7, 2022

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"Happy 2024 Fam😍" Shruti is dropping truth bombs: Self-care comes in all shapes, sizes, and vibrations!🌪️💋 Buy it as a neck massager or a spaceship to pleasure town – it's your journey, baby! 💥 ✨ So spill it, Chudail's: Who proudly owns a key to their pleasure palace? Comment with an emoji that screams 'guilty as charged'! 🔥🍆💦 #PleasurePositive #OwnYourDesire

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answered 152 days ago


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answered 152 days ago


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New Mothersanswered 151 days ago


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answered 151 days ago


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answered 151 days ago

I love how candid and upfront you are @ShrutiHaasan . More power to being bold and honest this new year 💪🏼

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So yesterday i had an argument with my bf. we have been together for about 3 years now. we both really love and support each other. My bf wants us to engage in sexual activity. However i tend to ignore this question and avoid doing it. Its not because i dont trust him, but due to my past relationship wherein i didnt have a good experience. Is it normal to regret past consensual sexual experiences? How do I tell my bf about it ?
Hi,You need to take care about your feelings and also need to counter those conflicts which bothers you.You can have a open discussion with your boyfriend.
ok thanks so much
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Ugh, this is embarrassing, but lately I just haven't been that interested in sex. Is something wrong with me? Am I broken? I feel so weird talking about this, but I don't know who else to ask.
There is nothing wrong about it.This can happen due to certain changes like hormones and other chemicals.If you want yo can have a consultation with clinical psychologist.
Hello! Hope you are doing well. It’s totally normal to feel this way! At times, there might be a phase in which we just don’t want to get intimate and that’s okay. It can happen due to hormonal changes and the changing pattern of the menstrual cycle. Not being interested in sex doesn’t mean you are broken. Let me know if you want to connect to discuss this further! -Sampada Fotedar psychotherapist and intimacy coach
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i have just entered into a relationship with my bf. i am really happy and excited about it. You know that feeling you get of first love going on dates, giving surprise gifts etc. However apart from this i also want to add some spice to my sex life. i tend to get really scary ideas about it. im afraid that my bf will think bad of me. What should I do if my sexual fantasies scare me?
Having clarity about your feelings and urges and having mutual understanding will be helpful.You can have a discussion with your partner.You can take professional help for discussing about your fantasies in detail.
Hey! Hope you are doing well. I feel that communication is an essential part of any relationship and you can definitely communicate your ideas to your boyfriend in an assertive manner. I also encourage you to explore your likes and dislikes and engage in self pleasure to understand your preferences better. If your sexual fantasies are scaring you, it’s always a good idea to talk about them to your partner and see what he thinks about it. Let me know If you want to connect with me to discuss this in further detail!
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I am bisexual but I usually keep myself within the boundaries and so I have only dated men bcoz of that and I keep my other urges in control. But these days Idk why I am strangely attracted to not my typical gender preference. Why do you think it is?
Our feelings are not in our hand.Your feelings can bother you about your desires.
Hi! Hope you are doing well. I can understand what you must be going through. I feel that it’s okay to let yourself get attracted and experiment with your typical gender preference. Yes, you may be holding yourself back for understandable reasons but slowly, try to push yourself out of that zone and try to explore in a safe and comfortable environment. Let me know if you want to connect to discuss this further! -Sampada, Psychotherapist and intimacy coach
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Everyone keeps talking about the dangers of cohabitating. Is it really that bad to move in with your partner? What are the downsides we should be aware of before taking the plunge and sharing an apartment? Should we hold off on moving in together or is this all just hype?
I suggest if you have a shared future, cohabitation will help, even if downfall you will be knowninh the person you want to marry inside out
Everyone has their own experience and like other things there are also some pons and cons.You have to care about your feelings and it's your choice how you want to move on.
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Hi, from my childhood I never liked sex. Now as an adult, I still have no interest in it. Is it okay to never want to have sex?
Hi, There is nothing wrong about it.
Hi! Hope you are doing well! Yes it’s absolutely okay to not want sex throughout your life. Wanting/not wanting sex is a personal choice and preference. Let me know if you want to connect to discuss this further! -Sampada, Psychotherapist and Intimacy Coach.
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Why do I struggle with intimacy due to my past trauma? And howcan I recover from it? I literally get chills down my spine whenever any male approaches me
Hi! 🩵 I completely get what you are going through and it’s normal. Trauma can negatively impact a lot of our life aspects, intimacy being one of them. When we go through a disturbing experience, getting intimate might not necessarily be the first thing that comes to our mind. So whatever you are experiencing is valid. To recover from trauma, you can engage in a couple of mindfulness meditation and journaling techniques. These techniques help our bodies come back from that past trauma and into the present moment. Seeking therapy also helps to a great extent as it helps us feel safe and validated. I encourage you to take things at your pace and not do anything that you feel uncomfortable doing. It’s okay for you to not want certain things at the moment. Let me know if you want to discuss this further and we can connect 🩵
Hello , Possible reason for this could be as your past trauma’s are not fully healed yet , as it’s not completely healed the thoughts which you might carry about it , will become deep and rigid over time . Getting chills down on your spine is a physiological response which your body is giving. To help you completely I might need more information, you can connect with me for a tailored response to your concern.
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Everyone talks about the "7-year itch" in relationships, but is it real? Do couples struggle more after seven years together? Wondering if it's something to worry about, or just a pop culture thing. Any advice from you ladies on keeping things exciting in the long run?
There's no definitive proof that the seven-year itch is real - or that it isn't, either.Its basically the honeymood period is over, you then also come long way from all conflicts and it can lead to lot of monotonous and mundane fights, so thats where in its important to try a little harder in when you are in such long term relationship
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I am 21 and I want suggestions about when is it good for my mind and body to engage in sex for me not to regret later?
hi don't warri i suggest you whatsup kro muje
but it is a painful
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What is the role of sexual orientation in shaping individual identity and fostering societal acceptance? @appun_boldlion hxhjdhdcb

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