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by prachibhardwaj on Jul 11, 2023

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यह कम्युनिटी महिलाओं के लिए एक सामुदायिक मंच है, जहां हम महिलाओं के सामाजिक परिवर्तन पर चर्चा, जानकारी और बातचीत करते हैं। हम सभी महिलाओं को संगठित करके उनकी शक्ति और प्रभाव को बढ़ाने का लक्ष्य रखते हैं। यहाँ हम एक-दूसरे को प्रेरणा और समर्थन देते हैं ताकि हम सब मिलकर एक बेहतर और समाजसेवी समाज बना सकें। आइए, साथ चलें और एक आवाज़ बनाएं जो महिलाओं के सामाजिक परिवर्तन में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान को प्रमोट करती है। 💪💖✨"

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hiii abhi bhi male dominated hai india

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answered 91 days ago

yes true

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answered 90 days ago

yes dear true

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hiii hello sir 5 sal se rilesan h or ab pta nhi kya ho rha h kafi ldaiya bhi ho rhi h or kuch shi nhi chal rha h to aap btao kya wo ladka ab shi h ya hme alg ho jana chiy kya ab
Hi dear I'm Soudamini In my opinion is that jobhi kadam utharhho soch ke uthao aur kuch proves rakho bo kanhi na apko sataye
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I’ve always known that brothers and sisters can’t marry each other, but I’ve never really understood why. Is this just an Indian thing, or is it like this everywhere? It’s such a big taboo here, but I’m curious if there’s any place or culture where it’s seen differently. Anyone got any insights or interesting facts about this?
ushra parveen Muslim hu 6/9/2001 kahi or fix ho gai shadi jisse piyar krti hu 23/6/1993 but ghr wale nhi man rhe agr unse shadi kr lu to Kush reh paungi abhi garib he woh
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is raksha bandhan only for brothers??
Just be independent before moving forward start earning your own income. share your qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521 for work from home opportunity
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this happened to me recently, and it stung a lot. I made a decision about my career that goes against some traditional expectations in my community, and let's just say some aunties were not happy! It's tough to feel judged by your own people. How do you all deal with criticism from your cultural background, especially when it dotyczy [dotyczy - Polish means 'concerns' or 'relates to'] your lifestyle choices?
Hi there, firstly, I'm proud of you to make those tough decisions and as a clinical psychologist. I would love to help you out with your question. I understand how judgment from people we love and surround us can impact our mental health the Sting indeed hurts because of the emotional weight they carry. Practicing self-compassion is key- you made a choice that aligns with your values and your aspirations, even if there are different from the society's. Another thing that can help is finding individuals with a similar mindset. Having an open dialogue with family members can help but it is essential to also maintain boundaries. Hence, mutual understanding and respect is primal. Please remember the person growth requires stepping out of our comfort zone. Best of luck for all your endeavors and I hope to see you soon in a live session.
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Can an Indian divorcee girl age 32 get married again? @Relationshipcoachchitkala
Why not? But be aware to avoid doing the same mistakes which you had done in first marriage. Try to first find what you want in your partner? clear your expectations with your partner first. Even listen to his. Then decide to marry to him or not.
Ofcourse! Why not?
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بنات متقدملى عريس كويس و محترم ومن عيلة كويسة و حالته المادية كويسة وبيحبنى بس المشكلة إنه شكله أكبر من سنه وباين فرق السن اللى ما بينا بالرغم أنه مش كتير و انا مش حابة الموضوع دا و مش مرتاحة بس برضو هو صعبان عليا عشان كل شوية يتقدم و أرفضه أوافق و أحاول أخليه يغير من نفسه و شكل لبسه أرفض طلاما مش مرتاحة
اهلا جميله كوتو 🥰 من كلامك وصلى ان فى مشاعر وافكار ملخبطه ومشتته زى تأنيب ضمير أو صعبان عليا انك رافضه وفى عدم قبول للشكل والاستايل اللبس وده حقك ف القبول الظاهرى انما القبول الداخلى محتاجه تعرفيه بمعنى هل شخصيه سويه هيقدملى الأمان والونس والدفئ واللين الخ من احتياجات وهل انت كمان هتقظرى تقدمى ده ليه ولا لاء كمان ف مقارنه بينه وبين حد تانى ولا لاء كمان الجزء المادى اهم بالنسبالك وبنسبه لقيمك ولا لاء اسئله كتير محتاجه ردك منك علشان ااقدر اجاوبك واساعدك ع انك توصلى لقرار فعال ونزيل التشتت الموجود هكون مبسوطه انك تحضرى اللايف علشان نتكلم اكتر دمتى بخير وود 🥰
اهلا بيكي يا جميلة❤️ ابموضوع ده مركب شوية لأن المجتمع صور لنا ان صورة معينة للراجل الجذاب وبتأكدلنا فكرة ان لازم يكونلي type معين في الناس اللس بنجذب ليها لكن الحقيقة ان ده مفهوم مراهق شويتين لأن الشكل مالوش علاقة بالشخصية بل كتير بيكون الرجالة اللي مهتمين بشكلهم اوي عندهم عقدة نقص بيعوضوها بالاهتمام ده او عقدة تفوق انهم شايفين انهم احسن من كل الناس الباقية على الناحية التانية.. من حق الشخص ده يرتبط بواحدة هو مالي عينها وشايفاه كفاية وقابلاه زي ما هو فا انت محتاجة تقعدي مع نفسك قعدة صريحة تشوفي ليه شكله ممكن مسببلك مشكلة وهل شكله سبب كافي للتضحية بباقي الصفات الكويسة اللي فيه؟ تقدري تكلمسني خلال اللايڤ من الساعة ٤-٩ نتناقش اكتر ونتكلم مع بعض في ايه سبب نفورك ده وازاي نتعامل معاه دمتي مميزة❤️
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At work, I sometimes feel subtle prejudice based on my caste or gender. It's uncomfortable, but I'm scared to speak up for fear of losing my job. How can I handle workplace discrimination without jeopardizing my career? Maybe talking to a trusted senior colleague or HR representative can help navigate the situation. There might also be legal resources available to protect my rights.
speak to a senior. I'm sure there will be some solution. also, discrimination of caste and religion is against work rights and every company has their work related policies which includes the same.
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Is it really tough as a single woman (separated, divorced, widowed, unmarried) in India? Can you share your experiences, both pleasant or unpleasant? @Zanzanil
we also have to sacrifice some time and understand each other then everything is going good , but in today's generation every one have a Ego
it's depends on men's mind I am also working but my husband is always support me
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Hey @Zanzanil My sister recently got divorced. Being an engineer she was treated like a slave, she tried to make it work for one whole year, you just can't believe what she went through… In spite of being intelligent, beautiful and well-educated, she was afraid to leave that hell just thinking of what people would think about her. Why is divorce still a taboo for women in India? Even though the husband physically abuses her, society expects women to adjust. Why?
This is something I ask my self everytime something like this happens. But I guess India is now progressing too and having convos about this taboo
We have been conditioned as a society that divorce is bad, that it is the women's responsibility to adapt to the new people and husband and make her marrige work. In case of a divorce, it is mostly said that the girl is at fault. So, we need to break free from this kind of regressive thinking and give a message to all the girls, that it is OK to separate if you basic human rights are violated in a marriage.
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Hey girls, have you ever wondered why it's always us asking to tie a rakhi? Why don't boys need our protection? Are we really seen as incapable of defending ourselves? What do you think?
Girls are usually more emotional and under the influence of moon, so, however, strong via, we still want someone to love us and protect us. That’s why usually girls hierarchy.
I agree with you, sometimes I also get this thought. I guess we can't change it as it is in our culture that has been going on for ages now.

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