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by suspicious_123 on Nov 20, 2023

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Marriage.. Love/Arrange You should know your worth Never underestimate yourself You are always special...🌞

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Family Issues

I had been dealing with narcissistic spouse since 20 years. This was decoded by a psychiatrist a few years back. Because of children and been unable to explain my situation to anyone or was not possible to move away from him. Now the effect of the abuse is seen on my children. They are partially aware and partially in denial mode to understand the same. Hope should I deal with the situation?

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answered 184 days ago

Dealing with a narcissistic spouse for two decades is undoubtedly challenging. It's commendable that you've sought professional help and are concerned about your children's well-being. It might be helpful to seek support from a therapist who specializes in family dynamics and can help your children navigate their feelings. Additionally, focusing on self-care and setting boundaries with your spouse can be crucial for your own mental health.

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answered 184 days ago

Your situation is totally understandable. It’s good that you had sought psychiatric help in the past. I can imagine how children must be a binding factor in the relationship. It’s very common. I feel seeking therapy will be helpful and setting some boundaries with your spouse is also crucial. Spend more time with your children and make sure you explore your own values as well!

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answered 179 days ago

You should be talking to your children more often about their feelings and slowly pull them out of this denial mode and make them see the reality

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answered 178 days ago

u should leave him probably

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hy sandy1290 though i dont have right to speak in your personal matter but i still want to say it that if their is no love ,no affection no respect an you knows it well just because of your daughter how much you will suffer .this is yoyr life if he can live his life by hurting you than why you cant live with your daughter alone. please think about your self take a hard step it will give little pain to u but in future you can breath happily stay happy an can live better with your daughter.
Hi.. hope you are well! I can understand the kind of pain and mental conflict you are going through. Before taking any decision you need to make yourself feel mentally and emotionally strong. If you are able to have a peace of mind then you can think carefully and support your daughter. Being financially independent is also a key. Please focus on these areas. Post this you will see that you are able to make better life choices.
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Hi, the reason is quite simple. Because no job means no stability and no women would want that.

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