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by ShrutiHaasan on Oct 7, 2022

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Shruti Haasan remembers the time when her Dad dared her to keep a plant alive and It ended up in the freezer with the frozen fries. 🍟🌱 You can call all her a plant assassin, but who else here murders plants like a pro? 🙈 Spill your bewitching plant stories, fellow Urban Chudails! 🖤

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answered 295 days ago

I can totally relate.. I can take care of my brother for once but plants are tedious to handle 😂

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answered 295 days ago

I feel that taking care of plants is like taking care of your children. It's Like looking after them, watering them, giving nutrients and stuff, checking for diseases. I have seen my grandmother do it and it is a very difficult task that requires lot of patience which I lack. I don't think I will be able to keep plants. I will just buy artificial ones 😂

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Health Issuesanswered 295 days ago

I am guilty of killing a plant 🌱 too.. i did keep it alive for 6months but eventually it died despite my best efforts 🙈. I

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answered 295 days ago

I am taking care of a fish, and my mother always told me that I am too careless and unable to do this. She is right. One day, when I was traveling with my fish, I forgot her food. After 2 days, my fish died. 🙁

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New Mothersanswered 295 days ago

I was in high school back then and we had a kitchen garden at the back of our kitchen. The open space was quite large and we as children used to play there in our free times. One day while we were playing cricket, I was batting. When the ball was thrown at me, i hit it soo hard that it broke one of ny mom’s favorite plant. I remember her calling me names and telling me that i am irresponsible, emotionless and what not. World just makes u feel bad for one mistake but when they do it themselves. Huh, its just a mistake u know.

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